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Posts posted by Annie280

  1. Just now, Mike E said:

    It is not odd at all.  Ask them if you will be be on the payroll and for how long.  

    Also ask if you will be able to search for another position within the company. 

    How many employees does your company have?

    I feel a little bitter honestly and don't even want to stay at this company. They had about 400 but it is looking like 100-something now. 

  2. 1 hour ago, JeanneAdil said:

    As a new hire i would definitely think you will be one of the one to be let go

    the Moroccan CO could have asked for a joint sponsor if they realized u were a new hire anyway


    i would get the joint sponsor,  his I 864 done (original,  copy of 1040,  W2's)  u don't have time to get the IRS transcrpts unless the joint sponsor can download them from IRS online


    u do need original I 864 not a copy for Casa


    get the sponsor

    don't  panic   /just do what needs to be done

    remember u can both look for jobs when you return and he has the visa in hand


    Thank you! My mom said she would sponsor so we will have all required docs on hand just in case they ask. Thank you so much.

  3. 8 minutes ago, Lil bear said:

    Sorry to hear. 😓. No way of knowing what will be asked at the interview. If he is asked to confirm your employment or if any of the info in the I864 has changed etc he must answer honestly. That will trigger the requirement for a joint sponsor. The decision on his visa will not be able to be made until all that is in the hands of the Consulate. Thats why we are saying get the joint sponsor paperwork done now. Carry it with you to him in a few days when you go. All done and good to go. 

    Good point, I guess it is safe to have on hand. My mom offered to sponsor, should she provide transcripts as well? Thank you so much.

  4. 44 minutes ago, etrangais said:

    Casablanca does not ask the applicant to bring in the AoS package. It is a done deal once approved by NVC, unless you are cutting it close to the poverty limits.

    No I am not cutting it close to poverty limits. I did fairly well for myself, but I did get laid off. My husband thinks it is safer not to say anything, he might be right. I just don't want to deal with any trouble you know?

  5. 1 hour ago, Mike E said:

    IME the severance is in addition to the  60 days of being on the payroll.  The severance is paid out after the 60 days. Typically the employer hopes the impacted employees  can find another job within the company before the 60 days is up so that the severance doesn’t have to be paid.

    Thus 10 days from now when your spouse has the interview, it is probable you will still be on the payroll and thus there is no need for a joint sponsor and no issue of misrepresentation.  There is zero reason to mention that you were impacted (assuming you are). 

    Finally, I’ve been through  a dozen or more layoffs, and IMO the newest hires are generally the least likely to be impacted. I recall one post layoff meeting where a new hire asked why she was still here.  The executive responded that she was hired because of a new strategic direction and the layoff if anything sharpened the focus on the business strategy.  Employers generally don’t hire replacement employees for lines of business they intend to cancel or scale back.  And most layoffs are planned months in advance.  

    There was this one layoff though. I had 14 years with my employer. And I was impacted. For first time ever.  I was angry 😡. But what made me angrier was that my next job paid me 60 percent more money. Like a chump I was leaving money on the  table for 14 years. 

    Decades before that, my  first layoff experience was personally gut wrenching as a 26 year old.  Every day for a month there was a deep pit my stomach as one who got through unscathed.  You will get overcome this.  

    Hang in there. 

    I appreciate that thank you. I did get laid off :( My departure meeting is in an hour. Just horrible timing. Is it odd to ask when they will take me off the books? This is probably a blessing in disguise, i HATED my job, but it was income. Damn. Appreciate this so much thank you

  6. 1 hour ago, Lil bear said:

    Then you are still receiving income from the same employer at the time of interview. Like being on vacation 

    I'm not sure if they are taking me off the books immediately and paying me the severance all at once. I did in-fact get laid off today :(

    41 minutes ago, etrangais said:

    Casablanca does not ask the applicant to bring in the AoS package. It is a done deal once approved by NVC, unless you are cutting it close to the poverty limits.

    So you think I am safe? I just don't want to mess with immigration or screw this up. I did get laid off 

  7. 1 minute ago, Lil bear said:

    Um. Yes. Misrepresentation to the UsCIS. Not good. Not an issue you want ypur spouse to face at later stages of the journey. Breath. Understandable it feels devastating. If it happens .. come back here as soon as you have given yourself time to yell scream punch the pillow and cry. We will help you through it one step at a time 

    Appreciate you so much, thank you ❤️ 

    15 minutes ago, Mike E said:

    Read up on the  WARN Act.


    Based on what you’ve written, if you are impacted by the layoff, it is probable you will be on the payroll for next 60 days. This is true even if you are walked out of the office today.

    Thank you this is super helpful. They did mention a severance package of 4-6 weeks pay.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Lil bear said:

    Nope.  Just the time and energy to get the paperwork together. If it is needed you will need to send the joint sponsor paperwork to the spouse .. scan email and they print

    .. and an updated I864 from you ..  scan email and print .. the interviewing officer will need to be told of the changes. It isn't a problem for the interview ., just really hard that its happening to you. Breath. One step at a time 

    What if I don't disclosure the changes? That is prob bad bad bad huh? Thank you, I am trying hard not to panic. I could cry right now. I am supposed to leave for Morocco in a few days :(

  9. Just now, Lil bear said:

    Not a problem. Just confirming .. what is the interview date .. Oct 14…. and until you are advised that you no longer have a job,  you remain employed.   Maybe think about who you would ask to be a joint sponsor, review the documentation  needed and be ready to get it together if it happens Hopefully not 

    I will find out in the next hour. Just scaryyy. I want to make sure I am prepared. Thank you! 

    Just now, Chancy said:


    Hopefully you won't lose your job.  In case you do, it would be best to look for a qualified joint sponsor and have their I-864 and supporting documents ready for the interview.


    Good idea! Thank you! Do you know if it costs more to add a joint sponsor?

  10. Just now, Chancy said:


    Depends on whether you are the petitioner or the beneficiary, and on whether you have a joint sponsor or not.  Also, are you pursuing K1 or CR1?  You posted this on the K1 forum.


    Oh I didn't realize that. I still don't know how to use this website lol sorry. I am the petitioner and I don't have a joint sponsor :**( We are CR1

  11. My job just announced they are letting a huge percentage of our company today. I am a newer hire and I am afraid I am on the list. This is horrible timing 😢. Will this affect the interview? It is in a week and half. Idk what to do and I am so scared because we have worked so hard to get this far.

  12. 6 hours ago, Mel.King said:

    Yes, it does feel like we did something wrong and are being questioned, even though we didn't!


    My interview is coming up in 3 weeks as well, I am sooo nervous too! 


    Good luck to you! And please come back and update how it was, I really do enjoy reading success stories. 

    Thank you so much, I definitely will! Best of luck to you! Let us both have success stories!

  13. 2 hours ago, JeanneAdil said:

    not a red flag to check the work possibilities

    and 10 years difference  , CO approved, so la mochkila (means no problem)

    Phew! Thank you so much!

    3 hours ago, Nuba said:

    I can confirm this for K1 as well.   I just came thru JFK International a few weeks ago and told the officer than I would be coming in the Spring with K1 fiancé. He said we can go together in US citizen line and she would be taken to secondary for a few quick questions and then we'd be on our way.  I didn't correct the gender assumption.

    This is good to know, I was nervous about that. I of course want to be there for him throughout the process if I can. This is a big deal! ❤️ Ty!!

  14. 21 minutes ago, JeanneAdil said:

    you will not be allowed into the embassy /  not even to a waiting room

    but more than  likely be asked when "when you visited last"  and he can say "she is right outside" 

    not sure if the little cafe across the street is still open for you to wait in


    important things are "do u have any red flags?"



    How much time have you been together?

    Do u have the approval of the Moroccan family especially the mother?

    Does he have a plan for work or study in the USA?


    they will probably not look at any of the additional evidence but the CO will note he has bought it 


    At JFK they allowed others with CR1 visa to enter with the USC in citizen line/ not a difficult airport for POE


    allah yessir


    Thank you!!! I am 10 years older than him :( but to be fair, I don't look my age at all (not to toot my own horn lol but I take good care of myself). That is the only red flag I see. He has already reached out to potential clients here in the states so he will be setup for work. I think we will be good with these questions! I love his mom and it's mutual ❤️ this scares me though. It's kind of like when a cop is behind me and I feel like I did something wrong (even though I didn't) lol. I just feel like we have been waiting for this for 4 years and they hold the key. Anyway - thank you for this info. Much appreciated!!

  15. 5 minutes ago, TBoneTX said:

    *** Thread is moved from General Immigration Discussion to the Embassy/Consulate forum. ***


    Casablanca is indeed a tough consulate.  Whether you're allowed in the interview or not, it's very prudent that you be on or around the premises.  You can loan your U.S. passport to your husband so that he can show it to the Foreign Service National who initially takes the documents, and then to the interviewing CO.


    When the USC is on the premises, it not only affords emotional support to the beneficiary; it also enables the CO to call the USC in to answer any questions.  This can resolve issues that would otherwise result in a 221g and the consequent delays.

    This is super helpful, thank you! I was just going to sit at a local cafe just in case, but this is great advice - thank you oh so much!!

  16. Hi everyone! My husbands interview is coming up in  a few weeks. Any tips? We have all original docs in one folder, and a binder of copies. I also printed photos and have airline tickets from previous flights I've taken to Morocco. I just want to make sure I cover all bases. Can I attend the interview with him? I am so nervous! We go through so much just for this one day, it is hard not to panic lol. We have gone over a handful of questions and we know eachother very well so I am not worried about the questions - but I did hear that they make it tricky and can be intimidating 


    If we get approved, I might have additional questions on what to expect at the airport in Casa and arrival at JFK because I have absolutely no idea what that looks like :( appreciate all of you!

  17. On 9/13/2022 at 10:34 AM, JeanneAdil said:

    Then u need to check the requirements of all the states he drives in

    Each state has its own rules for DL 


    Example :  we bought a new car in GA and legal to drive the 1st 30 days with no plate 

    but we drove it to NC to show our son and guess what "not legal there" and they don't follow Ga laws


    Anyway,  if your insurance allows you to add him on the policy,  then ok

    if you can't add him with a foreign DL ,  i wouldn't take the chance

    I called my insurance company and they said it was fine. Good call on this thank you so so much!!

  18. 4 minutes ago, Pinkrlion said:

    If he obtained an international driver's license before he leaves, majority of the states in the US accept it as a valid driver's license. 


    However, you need to ask you auto insurance, if he will be a covered driver.  When I arrived, I was told by insurance company, I would not be covered and anything that happened while I drove would not be covered by insurance.

    I will definitely check with them, thanks so much!

  19. 49 minutes ago, JeanneAdil said:

    Then u need to check the requirements of all the states he drives in

    Each state has its own rules for DL 


    Example :  we bought a new car in GA and legal to drive the 1st 30 days with no plate 

    but we drove it to NC to show our son and guess what "not legal there" and they don't follow Ga laws


    Anyway,  if your insurance allows you to add him on the policy,  then ok

    if you can't add him with a foreign DL ,  i wouldn't take the chance

    I just checked them all and the least amount of time he has is 30 days. 


    8 minutes ago, EmilyW said:

    On the bright side, if you're doing all the driving, he needs to do all the drinks and snacks.  🙂

    Haha very true! He has always been good at that :) 

  20. 12 minutes ago, JeanneAdil said:

    i would go thru the process when he comes to get the CT license 

    u don't need an accident with him driving down 95 


    and its a lot easier to transfer DL from state to state

    BTW his green card is going to come to the CT address

    best to be there to get it

    u don't want it returned to USCIS for non delivery


    and since u would probably wait more than 30 days for the green card,  u are past the 30 days CT says a CT DL is needed

    It is being delivered to my mothers address. Do I have to physically be here to sign for it? Or does he? I'm not sure how that works. We planned on renewing both of our licenses in the state we are moving to because we thought it was easier/less expensive. I actually had to renew mine last month in CT because it expired (honestly a waste of $ but I had no choice). 

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