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Posts posted by OsLoraTamm

  1. Mr Paul Novak


    Vermont Service Center


    Dear Mr Novak,

    As a customer of your service center I have become aware of some issues that relate to the processing of applications of K-1 Visa's at the Vermont Service Center so I direct my inquiry to you as it's director. As I understand your policies as stated in the USCIS website your service center is processing applications in the order they are recieved within a reasonable time frame. The understanding being that as much as days or 2 weeks may be out of order. With this assurrance by your service center that the system is fair to all you ask us as petitioners to wait our turn patiently. With the recent increase in applications and the apparent change in priorities that work visas are taking over family visas* the issuance of K1 visas have come at a slower and slower rate of adjudication. It appears that knowing this increase in applications for June, July, August and September should of produced a sense of urgency within the Vermont Service Center to work on the hiring of new personel, training and streamlining of procedures over these summer months but instead the work appeared to come to a slow crawl until recently. I am a member of an internet K1 visa website that tracks such issues and it is very clear to us that something is terribly wrong. Recently people who were not military or cuban expedites were processed in 30 to 45 days, clearly out of order, which is a breech of your policy and our trust that we are being treated fairly. The ombudsman has been contacted and we have recieved emails stating that these were processed out of order for training purposes.

    Interesting answer but for those of us now waiting almost 6 months for adjudication not good enough. As your customer and a U.S. citizen I am profoundly interested in understanding how the USCIS and your service center is working to clear your backlog and fix the inaccurracies and injustices of this process and bring your customers confidences that you state is your main goal for this agency to a fair acceptable level.

    Thank you for your time and consideration of this matter

    Lora Pauley Heflin

  2. O.K. guys....my morning has been on the phone so here is what I have found out.....First I did my obligitory call to USCIS customer service...I use that term lightly....and I told them that today I was at 170 days.....on December 1 I will be at 180 days and past there stated service dates of 6 months....she told me that on 181 days I can make a formal request for service.....I ask what recourse do I have as a customer who is getting bad service from this agency has....she said after they are 30 days past the 180 days making it 210 days I can put in a formal complaint which they have 60 days to respond....so I said o.k. and moved on......I called the lawyer we used and this is where I got the most information.....It took me a while but he finally came on the line to talk to me....He told me that his office had gotten at least 30 applications filed less then 45 days ago approved from Vermont....I am thinking that couple that we got from 2 weeks ago where from that group.....He said the immigration lawyers association is meeting with VSC head counsel today and hopeful will bring back some explanation of the violation of there own policies in processing these applications out of order...even if they are for training....He said that there were about 1000 pending application that are within 20 days will be outside of there service targets for K1's which then triggers some kind of internal review......He suggested that certified letters to the director of the service center from as many people as possible be sent diplomatically complaining about....1.length of time to process..2.priority of famly based application due to service to American citizens instead of work or study visas for non citizens...3. the apparent violations of there own policies of taking applications out of order to either decrease there wait time ratios or as they say training....He cautioned me to not be aggressive in the letters just ask for reason for these breaches of policy.......He also asked that we contact our Senators and Congressman and ask the same questions.......so I called both Senators offices and faxed inquiries to them and to my Congressman......I am telling you they all say the same thing about this agency......I am also composing a letter to Mr. Gonzalez and the ombudsman for USCIS.........Can you guys help.........I know some of you all are moved past my stage and some are behind us but this is not getting any better very quickly without pressure.......Lora


    I'm with you! I will start composing my letter tonight! I have already contacted my NY Senators...Senior Senator Schumer's office told me that they are also lodging a formal complaint with VSC regarding their policies of issuing Visas out of order.

    So hopefully, if all VSC filers can send Mr. Gonzalez a letter...plus contact their Senators and Congressperson...we may be able to put the screws in!

    Thanks for updating us.

    Can you give us the address for Mr. Gonzalez?



    O.K. guys.....I am home now......came home last night from 2 days in the hospital.....Irregular heartbeats...stress induced....imagine that......the doctor's yelled at me again but I kept on emailing from my hospital bed...and when I got stressed and mad my monitors would go off...they took my computer away yesterday afternoon....but my room mate had one.....I am a stubborn Irish girl.....anyway......My son's mailed my letters certified and now I am going to email and contact all of the Senate members on immigration issues.....Senator Webb office told me to do this to request an inquiry into USCIS policy and procedure irregularities and breeches.......So I am composing a letter now....I think I will put the letters on my home OsLoraTamm here in VJ for you guys to look at.....as the new Congressional season is coming up (January) they are looking for issues to write policy , laws and have hearings on......I just need the ear of someone and I can talk it to them......This is now an issue for me reguardless of if or when we get Oscar's visa....can you see now why I am prone to irregular heart beats........Thank you Japanlover for you PM......I needed that........If anyone has any questions on this you can PM me or I leave the computer on all day......I am ordered home rest until Saturday.....I start back to work....Kisses everyone....and Happy Thanksgiving....and Congrats to all the new approvals


  3. O.K. guys.....I am home now......came home last night from 2 days in the hospital.....Irregular heartbeats...stress induced....imagine that......the doctor's yelled at me again but I kept on emailing from my hospital bed...and when I got stressed and mad my monitors would go off...they took my computer away yesterday afternoon....but my room mate had one.....I am a stubborn Irish girl.....anyway......My son's mailed my letters certified and now I am going to email and contact all of the Senate members on immigration issues.....Senator Webb office told me to do this to request an inquiry into USCIS policy and procedure irregularities and breeches.......So I am composing a letter now....I think I will put the letters on my home OsLoraTamm here in VJ for you guys to look at.....as the new Congressional season is coming up (January) they are looking for issues to write policy , laws and have hearings on......I just need the ear of someone and I can talk it to them......This is now an issue for me reguardless of if or when we get Oscar's visa....can you see now why I am prone to irregular heart beats........Thank you Japanlover for you PM......I needed that........If anyone has any questions on this you can PM me or I leave the computer on all day......I am ordered home rest until Saturday.....I start back to work....Kisses everyone....and Happy Thanksgiving....and Congrats to all the new approvals


  4. O.K. guys....my morning has been on the phone so here is what I have found out.....First I did my obligitory call to USCIS customer service...I use that term lightly....and I told them that today I was at 170 days.....on December 1 I will be at 180 days and past there stated service dates of 6 months....she told me that on 181 days I can make a formal request for service.....I ask what recourse do I have as a customer who is getting bad service from this agency has....she said after they are 30 days past the 180 days making it 210 days I can put in a formal complaint which they have 60 days to respond....so I said o.k. and moved on......I called the lawyer we used and this is where I got the most information.....It took me a while but he finally came on the line to talk to me....He told me that his office had gotten at least 30 applications filed less then 45 days ago approved from Vermont....I am thinking that couple that we got from 2 weeks ago where from that group.....He said the immigration lawyers association is meeting with VSC head counsel today and hopeful will bring back some explanation of the violation of there own policies in processing these applications out of order...even if they are for training....He said that there were about 1000 pending application that are within 20 days will be outside of there service targets for K1's which then triggers some kind of internal review......He suggested that certified letters to the director of the service center from as many people as possible be sent diplomatically complaining about....1.length of time to process..2.priority of famly based application due to service to American citizens instead of work or study visas for non citizens...3. the apparent violations of there own policies of taking applications out of order to either decrease there wait time ratios or as they say training....He cautioned me to not be aggressive in the letters just ask for reason for these breaches of policy.......He also asked that we contact our Senators and Congressman and ask the same questions.......so I called both Senators offices and faxed inquiries to them and to my Congressman......I am telling you they all say the same thing about this agency......I am also composing a letter to Mr. Gonzalez and the ombudsman for USCIS.........Can you guys help.........I know some of you all are moved past my stage and some are behind us but this is not getting any better very quickly without pressure.......Lora


    I'm with you! I will start composing my letter tonight! I have already contacted my NY Senators...Senior Senator Schumer's office told me that they are also lodging a formal complaint with VSC regarding their policies of issuing Visas out of order.

    So hopefully, if all VSC filers can send Mr. Gonzalez a letter...plus contact their Senators and Congressperson...we may be able to put the screws in!

    Thanks for updating us.

    Can you give us the address for Mr. Gonzalez?



    I have been working on the address for Mr Gonzalez but the address for the Vermont Center is this

    the address for the VSC

    Vermont Service Center

    75 Lower Welden St.

    St Albains, VT 05479

    make the letters certified and to the Director Paul Novak

    You can include your service number or not....your choice but be diplomatic

    If someone has the California Centers address and irectors name please post.....Thanks for the encouragement....Lora

    Please let me know what your Senator says.......Senator Webb of Va is interested also and so is Senator martinez of Florida

  5. Kind of a quiet day. Someone tell those turkeys Thanksgiving isnt until Thursday. Wake up VSC!!

    according to the lawyer it is another training/meet day in snowy Vermont........Lora

    Are you kidding me? They better be learning how to process petitions a whole lot faster because they have a BIG backlog of filers staring them in the face. :protest:

    The lawyer said they will do as they please until they are forced to change.......they have no accountability to anyone even there customers......so that is why the lawyer said to make some noise.....politely....I sent out a letter certified mail this afternoon to VSC director.....Mr Novak.....but if I am alone then there will be no change......and we will all keep waiting....Lora

    Laura - We have been writing to the ombudsman, our senators, congressmen and Gonzales for months. Recently, many VJers sent Hershey kisses to VSC to try to sweeten them up a bit. You aren't alone, just a few weeks after our big campaign here! Fighting a government agency that most perceive as granting privileges to us is a losing battle. There is little sympathy from the public not involved in our struggle. Others have tried and failed before us. We can keep trying, but I doubt it will ever make a difference.

    I agree but as I discussed with the lawyer this morning the fact that most people have issue with not rocking the boat,, fearing that they will have bad consequences to there petition prevents many from speaking up....I for one have always taken the polite route and frankly do not want to destroy my lifes future either.....but at some point in time change has to be pushed on them... but and I agree that no one cares unless they are the one involved....I sent hershey kisses...I have written, complained and waited and you are right it has done nothing but I have come to believe now that only the squeaky wheel here is going to get the grease......so now I agree with the lawyer, protest and complaint is the only way.....I do not want to spend my time doing this either but what else is there to do..They are concerned with there benchmarks an if the lawyer is correct in saying within 29 days that 1000 petitions will be beyond that benchmark that is something to use..I am not saying that efforts have not been done but isn't it better to let what little pressure we can generate continue.......the thing is here that USCIS has the ability to halt all complaint by moving us along to the next step..... there by things never change and in fact continue to get worse...Lora

  6. Kind of a quiet day. Someone tell those turkeys Thanksgiving isnt until Thursday. Wake up VSC!!

    according to the lawyer it is another training/meet day in snowy Vermont........Lora

    Are you kidding me? They better be learning how to process petitions a whole lot faster because they have a BIG backlog of filers staring them in the face. :protest:

    The lawyer said they will do as they please until they are forced to change.......they have no accountability to anyone even there customers......so that is why the lawyer said to make some noise.....politely....I sent out a letter certified mail this afternoon to VSC director.....Mr Novak.....but if I am alone then there will be no change......and we will all keep waiting....Lora

  7. O.K. guys....my morning has been on the phone so here is what I have found out.....First I did my obligitory call to USCIS customer service...I use that term lightly....and I told them that today I was at 170 days.....on December 1 I will be at 180 days and past there stated service dates of 6 months....she told me that on 181 days I can make a formal request for service.....I ask what recourse do I have as a customer who is getting bad service from this agency has....she said after they are 30 days past the 180 days making it 210 days I can put in a formal complaint which they have 60 days to respond....so I said o.k. and moved on......I called the lawyer we used and this is where I got the most information.....It took me a while but he finally came on the line to talk to me....He told me that his office had gotten at least 30 applications filed less then 45 days ago approved from Vermont....I am thinking that couple that we got from 2 weeks ago where from that group.....He said the immigration lawyers association is meeting with VSC head counsel today and hopeful will bring back some explanation of the violation of there own policies in processing these applications out of order...even if they are for training....He said that there were about 1000 pending application that are within 20 days will be outside of there service targets for K1's which then triggers some kind of internal review......He suggested that certified letters to the director of the service center from as many people as possible be sent diplomatically complaining about....1.length of time to process..2.priority of famly based application due to service to American citizens instead of work or study visas for non citizens...3. the apparent violations of there own policies of taking applications out of order to either decrease there wait time ratios or as they say training....He cautioned me to not be aggressive in the letters just ask for reason for these breaches of policy.......He also asked that we contact our Senators and Congressman and ask the same questions.......so I called both Senators offices and faxed inquiries to them and to my Congressman......I am telling you they all say the same thing about this agency......I am also composing a letter to Mr. Gonzalez and the ombudsman for USCIS.........Can you guys help.........I know some of you all are moved past my stage and some are behind us but this is not getting any better very quickly without pressure.......Lora

  8. O.K. guys....my morning has been on the phone so here is what I have found out.....First I did my obligitory call to USCIS customer service...I use that term lightly....and I told them that today I was at 170 days.....on December 1 I will be at 180 days and past there stated service dates of 6 months....she told me that on 181 days I can make a formal request for service.....I ask what recourse do I have as a customer who is getting bad service from this agency has....she said after they are 30 days past the 180 days making it 210 days I can put in a formal complaint which they have 60 days to respond....so I said o.k. and moved on......I called the lawyer we used and this is where I got the most information.....It took me a while but he finally came on the line to talk to me....He told me that his office had gotten at least 30 applications filed less then 45 days ago approved from Vermont....I am thinking that couple that we got from 2 weeks ago where from that group.....He said the immigration lawyers association is meeting with VSC head counsel today and hopeful will bring back some explanation of the violation of there own policies in processing these applications out of order...even if they are for training....He said that there were about 1000 pending application that are within 20 days will be outside of there service targets for K1's which then triggers some kind of internal review......He suggested that certified letters to the director of the service center from as many people as possible be sent diplomatically complaining about....1.length of time to process..2.priority of famly based application due to service to American citizens instead of work or study visas for non citizens...3. the apparent violations of there own policies of taking applications out of order to either decrease there wait time ratios or as they say training....He cautioned me to not be aggressive in the letters just ask for reason for these breaches of policy.......He also asked that we contact our Senators and Congressman and ask the same questions.......so I called both Senators offices and faxed inquiries to them and to my Congressman......I am telling you they all say the same thing about this agency......I am also composing a letter to Mr. Gonzalez and the ombudsman for USCIS.........Can you guys help.........I know some of you all are moved past my stage but this is not getting any better very quickly without pressure.......Lora

  9. O.K. guys....my morning has been on the phone so here is what I have found out.....First I did my obligitory call to USCIS customer service...I use that term lightly....and I told them that today I was at 170 days.....on December 1 I will be at 180 days and past there stated service dates of 6 months....she told me that on 181 days I can make a formal request for service.....I ask what recourse do I have as a customer who is getting bad service from this agency has....she said after they are 30 days past the 180 days making it 210 days I can put in a formal complaint which they have 60 days to respond....so I said o.k. and moved on......I called the lawyer we used and this is where I got the most information.....It took me a while but he finally came on the line to talk to me....He told me that his office had gotten at least 30 applications filed less then 45 days ago approved from Vermont....I am thinking that couple that we got from 2 weeks ago where from that group.....He said the immigration lawyers association is meeting with VSC head counsel today and hopeful will bring back some explanation of the violation of there own policies in processing these applications out of order...even if they are for training....He said that there were about 1000 pending application that are within 20 days will be outside of there service targets for K1's which then triggers some kind of internal review......He suggested that certified letters to the director of the service center from as many people as possible be sent diplomatically complaining about....1.length of time to process..2.priority of famly based application due to service to American citizens instead of work or study visas for non citizens...3. the apparent violations of there own policies of taking applications out of order to either decrease there wait time ratios or as they say training....He cautioned me to not be aggressive in the letters just ask for reason for these breaches of policy.......He also asked that we contact our Senators and Congressman and ask the same questions.......so I called both Senators offices and faxed inquiries to them and to my Congressman......I am telling you they all say the same thing about this agency......I am also composing a letter to Mr. Gonzalez and the ombudsman for USCIS.........Can you guys help.........I know some of you all are moved past my stage but this is not getting any better very quickly without pressure.......Lora

  10. I noticed on the RFE thread that someone received an RFE for a translated copy of the beneficiary's birth certificate. Here is the post.

    Did anyone submit that with their I-129F? I didn't. :unsure:

    Maybe they ask for that if there is some confusion about the identity of the beneficiary or there is a bad guy/girl name match they are trying to clear up.

    I had Oscars birth certificate professionally translated for 80.00 and sent it in with I-129F but still have heard nothing.....169 days....Lora

    :wacko: If it makes you feel any better in a misery loves company kind of way I'm at day 167 or so I guess. Seems they skipped over us and moved on. Great, the wait wasn't long enough already :innocent:

    Actually it does help...thanks......I do not feel alone as they move into late June and early July that I am not the only one who is sitting in some box on someones desk....they told the Cogressman's office that mine had been assigned to someone on November 1....he/she must be on vacation or is just real slow......in the meantime We sit and wait....I just hope they are quicker after this point or the Valentines wedding is off...and we move into spring in Virginia before he gets here.....OMG....that will mean we have been working on this for a whole year....ridiculous, obscene and unbelieviable......You know I hardly ever cuss but I am getting close......Lora :huh:

  11. I see that there are approval now from the end of June into July now......Is there any way to see the list updated of the people still waiting????......I appreciate all of the approvals and congrats to them but I am feeling a little lost here.....and when I call I just keep getting no information and that I have to wait.....I am having a bad day waiting......sorry I am trying......Lora

    if someone doesnt get a chance to post before me tomorrow, i will post one while im at work (i dont have the info saved on my home computer)...to give you an idea, my NOA1 is from july 10th and im around number 50 or so...there are still many many people left from june who have not yet been approved...i think a newbie adjudicator picked up a box from july and started approving left and right ;)

    thanks I was number 14 2 weeks ago.....It is hard when we can not get an answer from them about what they are doing.......and you can only have patience for so long....Lora

  12. I see that there are approval now from the end of June into July now......Is there any way to see the list updated of the people still waiting????......I appreciate all of the approvals and congrats to them but I am feeling a little lost here.....and when I call I just keep getting no information and that I have to wait.....I am having a bad day waiting......sorry I am trying......Lora

  13. I noticed on the RFE thread that someone received an RFE for a translated copy of the beneficiary's birth certificate. Here is the post.

    Did anyone submit that with their I-129F? I didn't. :unsure:

    Maybe they ask for that if there is some confusion about the identity of the beneficiary or there is a bad guy/girl name match they are trying to clear up.

    I had Oscars birth certificate professionally translated for 80.00 and sent it in with I-129F but still have heard nothing.....169 days....Lora

  14. Oh Byron.........As a nurse I see many asthmatics....It seems to be a growing problem.......She is in the very best place she can be and it is true that stress can make it worst for some people.....Also weather changes and flu and allergies....who knows but the breathing tube is so good to allow the bronchils to relax and they can administer the medications more effectively......Be calm...they are coming up with new treatments everyday and people are able to control this disease........When she comes Byron you really need to get her with a pulmonologist that specializes in asthma....I am sure in the New York area with all of the big medical centers you should be able to find one.....the issue is for her to come to a new enviroment and be prepared for our new allergens.....some that her body has never seen....IMPORTANT IMPORTANT for all of us whose love ones have never been here......Just like us going to them....different enviroment....different germs......O.K....the medical lecture is over......I will pray for her Byron......Lora

  15. VSC better start to crank out more approvals to make my SO happy by the holidays... :wacko: This is starting to drive HIM nuts for the FIRST time since we started...there were three of us with an noa1 date of 6/19...two of those were approved...One (thats us) hasn't heard yet...So now he is worried something is wrong..that we will be denied or have to wait longer for RFE. Pray for him that God gives him strength.

    Same here....Oscar had prepared his life to be here with me for the holidays and now that will not happen.....We have people getting NOA2 now a couple of weeks after ours and we here nothing.....Oscar keeps asking me about ...WHY???? and I keep saying....I DO NOT KNOW........vsc is inept....vsc is lazy....vsc is managed badly....vsc just does not care....You choose.......this is very frustrating...Lora

    It is frustrating..I keep telling him its all in God's timing..but i know this knowledge doesn't always make one feel any better. We have a huge wait on the other end to. 4-5 months AFTER interview is the Cairo Embassy average to wait...some have waited a year AFTER the interview for AP to end. Its horrific what they put these people through. Amr is just worried we will end up with RFE..but I had past names used...past marriages to verify...and one with an immigrant here on J1 when we married...so I'm sure they will take a hard llook at our petition. Plus with our age gap..him from a "high risk" country. Im not worried...just suspect we will have a bit more of a wait...he just sees others getting from our time area...and wants to be here so much to. Actually, its the FIRST time he's been this way...up till now its been ME.

    I think Oscar and Amir(?) should talk....our stories have alot in common besides you and I being neighbors....Oscar has been telling me for months to have patiences but this Irish American girl from New Jersey has none......Now yesterday he was the one going on and on about the length of time this is taking......and I am the one saying we are so close have patiences......but to be honest I am just about at an end.....that is why I keep trying to come up with things to try......call people...email people.....talk to everyone but nothing is working......and we all are at USCIS's mercy and God's grace......Lora

  16. VSC better start to crank out more approvals to make my SO happy by the holidays... :wacko: This is starting to drive HIM nuts for the FIRST time since we started...there were three of us with an noa1 date of 6/19...two of those were approved...One (thats us) hasn't heard yet...So now he is worried something is wrong..that we will be denied or have to wait longer for RFE. Pray for him that God gives him strength.

    Same here....Oscar had prepared his life to be here with me for the holidays and now that will not happen.....We have people getting NOA2 now a couple of weeks after ours and we here nothing.....Oscar keeps asking me about ...WHY???? and I keep saying....I DO NOT KNOW........vsc is inept....vsc is lazy....vsc is managed badly....vsc just does not care....You choose.......this is very frustrating...Lora

  17. Ok, in addition to the contacts sent to by the press release for the Hershey Kisses I sent info to Lou Dobbs, Associated Press, the Drudge Report, and WTOP News radio in DC. Anybody have any other ideas?

    I guess a press release isn't all it takes and it seems to me that this is newsworthy?! Somebody should give us a little notice :help:

    I contacted the Washington Post about the article they had on the front page about 4 weeks ago about K1 Visas and aske about any follow up they would be doing....in fact that was how I found VJ.....and they said they had little response to the article even though they ran it front page......I was disappointed......so I thought about writing letters to the editors....but in this area people are crazy about illegal immigration and they are lumping us into that catagory...and then of course you have the woman from Lebenon who had a sham marriage and became a CIA operative....It could not be any worst timing.....I sent out email to all of the Congress and got a couple of auto response....Senator Martinez if Florida responded with a.....We know about USCIS...they are the worse agency in the government....If that is true then why is the Gonzalez guy still have his job??????.......I just want to rip something up.....augh........anyway I am calling my Congressman again....It has been 2 weeks since they told me that our file was assigned to a case worker......he or she must of gotten lost coming to work because I have nothing as of 20 minutes ago........Lora

    Hmmm, sounds like it is easier to get a job at the CIA than it is to get a k1 :wacko:

    I bet if I sent a press release that I kidnapped paris hilton's friggin dog the press would be camped in my yard within hours!!!

    Perhaps because you didn't go through someone like, say, the Associated Press, it didn't get noticed by a lot of people?

    I don't know, really.

    Maybe the only thing that would get noticed is a full-scale protest in front of DHS.

    Actually, I am confident the press release service sent it to ap. They sent it to every news outlet. I also checked the ap website and sent the release myself to the address they have for it.

    You are probably right though, only something like a protest with people getting arrested or something would get noticed.

    I also think if we were 'undocumented' or here on H1B we would get more sympathy as well.

    Oh well, I hope they think about us when eating the Hersheys :blush:

    :whistle: I just had another brilliant idea -

    Ok, so far the press release and other attempts to get others to circulate our Hershey's protest has not been much help.

    But the purpose was to 1) let VSC know we're tired of waiting 2) get sympathy from the public, and 3) let politicians know our plight.

    We might be foiled in number 2, but we accomplished the first and I have an idea on how to succeed with number 3 yet.

    We can send our congressmen/women and senators the press release DIRECTLY by email. They all actually read these emails from constituents and it would be a way to follow up on our past complaints to them about the process so they know it's ongoing. The press release is at this link :

    hersheys press release

    Let's make this work for us :thumbs:

    PS can someone post the links to email ur congress people and senator, thanks! :help:

    I was thinking about going to Washington and personally giving the offices the press release and a copy of the Washington Post Article .....but this being Thanksgiving week I am not sure there would be very many of them there......Holidays with there love ones....Not that I can do that........My loved one is in Peru....I have an uncle who is a lobbiest for a large law firm who I am going to quiz about the art of lobbying....Even when this is finished for Oscar and I and he is here....I still think this needs to be fixed and Mr. Gonzalez needs to be held accountable for the mess this agency is in.....Just my thoughts....Lora

  18. I contacted the Washington Post about the article they had on the front page about 4 weeks ago about K1 Visas and aske about any follow up they would be doing....in fact that was how I found VJ.....and they said they had little response to the article even though they ran it front page......I was disappointed

    The above quote is not accurate? Who told you this? The reporter, Karin, sent me an e-mail saying that she had a HUGE response to the article. So, don't buy that line for ONE minute. I can not imagine she would lie to me.

    the editors office told me this information......I was comcerned that my letter to the editor was not seen about the article and they told me that they had not gotten a big response to the article ....they did not publish on letter to the editor....I rea the Post every day and that they had no further follow-ups planned.......He may of been lying to me but so far I see that has been true....No Follow-up....No letters to the Editors published.......and it has been almost 1 month....so I do not know what they do with there "big response" but I have seen nothing else from them........

  19. Alright! Chile had a earthquake on wednesday and just now, just 2 minutes ago we just had a tremble...I didn't know what to do....all I thought was about my laptop and didn't move! hehehe! It was a short one but the building shaked.... :wacko:

    Please be careful Mirla...

    Thanks amrssnowangel! I survived a 7.9 earthquake on august and 1000 aftershocks, hehehe..This must be another aftershocks I guess...Chile is our neighbor country so I think maybe it has something to do with that earthquake...

    Talking about the earthquake in Chile...Lora, Is Oscar alright? I hear in some parts of Arequipa felt the earthquake but it wasn't that strong...

    Hi Mirla, Yes he felt it....He said it was pretty strong for a minute or two. He was with his father at the business......but all was good.....Well I had the Congressman call back and nothing has been done on our case.....It is 166 days since our Noa1......I came home and check the mail and the website and got nothing , nada, nil.......I am happy for everyone though who got approvals.....Lora

  20. They put all that in long island ice teas???!?!?! That's a whoooole lotta liquor in ur system. I'll stick to my tequila ;)

    I hear ya!!!! hahahaha! :D

    Hi All......I am at work Delivering many babies.....Congrats on all of the approvals......Come on VSC....166 days....I am dying here......I can not check there computer here for some reason......Lora

    delivering many babies??? Are you an obstetrician...????? That feeling must be awesome!!!

    Nurse Midwife........We are having a baby boom here........I want to go home to check the website and mail......Lora

  21. How much longer do we have to wait...??? :wacko: I wanna do something special for him and be able to see his face!!!!!

    I wanna be home when he gets from work.............................................

    ......................................................I wanna have a dog!!! hahahaha! I think I'm losing it!!!!

    hahahahahahaha!!!! :blush:

    EDITED TO SAY: Talking about dogs....I gotta make a confession....I lost my brother's dog when I was 15 or 16 years old!!!! :cry:

    That's funny....Oscar breeds American Staffordshire Terriers.....kin to Pit Bulls......I have 3 of them in my house about 30 miles away from his home....hmmm.....well I guess that would be bad of me ....... :devil:

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