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Posts posted by FromLebanon

  1. I do want to clarify. At no point did I say a fully thorough background check is not needed National security should still be number 1 priority, but some of these checks are taking years with no guidance to the families involved and that’s very tough. The least they can do is provide an estimated processing time like everything else of this nature. 

  2. USCIS and the State Department are not on the same page at all. Just consider all the Diversity Visa winners who literally were not allowed to schedule their appointments the last 2 years, thus losing the visa. I’ve seen H1B applicants also take many months/years to complete 221(g) processing as well. Many jobs lost due to this. 

    We’re also not Muslim yet here we are, 7 months (217 days) and counting in Administrative Processing. 

    Wishing everyone the best. 

  3. We shouldn’t have to literally sue the government to get them to do their jobs though. If we have time limits we have to abide by, then so should they. 

    Also, I find it very ironic that if say an applicant had bad intentions, the fact it could take YEARS to process DS-5535/security clearance, what’s to stop that person from involving themselves in new bad activities not on that form? People can change the entire course of their lives waiting for that form to clear which completely defeats the purpose. 

  4. And it’s such a heartbreaking shame. I know the new administration said they were going to review the procedure, but this form is being passed out like candy, which in my opinion, isn’t the problem. The problem is the fact I’ve seen applicants wait upwards of 5 years to get this “clearance.”

    This should not be the black hole that it is. I completely respect national security concerns, but I’m sure their Mandamus lawsuit count and their email inbox would appreciate a little more clarity to those who are quite literally putting their lives on hold.

    Just my thoughts. 

    -A 6-month & counting Victim of DS-5535

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