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Everything posted by SBHbb67

  1. I just checked and it doesn't say the word vukuatli anywhere on the document. The "vukuatli" part is the second table in the middle. I found a sample online and I am attaching it to better explain it. Notice the table below NÜFUS KAYIT ÖRNEĞİ and above AÇIKLAMALAR. It has a column titled DÜŞÜNCELER. That table is what makes the document vukuatlı. The documents that are not vukuatlı will not have that part. That table above explains the current official state of the person (married, divorced, dead, religion, etc.) The table below explains the changes that occured on their registration (when they got married, when they got divorced, when their name changed, when they became a citizen, etc.). The sample I attached is not obtained from e-devlet (it is obtained from the actual social security office) but the format is the same sans the barcode. I hope this helps. vukuatlı vukuatsız (not vukuatlı) Notice that this one does not have the DÜŞÜNCELER table
  2. You get it exactly the same way from e-devlet. It asks you whether you want it vukuatli or not on the requesting page (one of the drop down options). The vukuatlı part is the addition below the actual nufus kayıt ornegi table, which shows life events such as death marriage etc.
  3. So I did some googleing and went on turkiye.gov.tr and saw that the police certificate also has two kinds ARSIV KAYDI ICEREN and ARSIV KAYDI ICERMEYEN. The difference between them is the correct version (ARSIV KAYDI ICEREN) has a third line indicating "THE PERSON WITH THE ABOVE IDENTITY INFORMATION HAS NO ARCHIVAL CRIMINAL RECORD." Emphasis on ARCHIVAL (obviously if your husband has archival criminal record it may be different). So maybe you can check that. Also I recommend removing the picture as the verification barcode may allow access to the document and thus your personal information, just to be safe
  4. Hello @DijonMustard we got both documents directly from turkiye.gov.tr. The police certificate (adli sicil kaydi) was even in English and I only had to translate the nufus kayit ornegi. Please check the date of your documents. They may be asking for more recent copies. I hope this was helpful. Edit: Also be sure to get the VUKUATLI nufus kayit ornegi Edit 2: I know this sucks. We also had to re-submit the birth certificate. Best of luck to you
  5. Hello, don't panic :) This is a generic e-mail. They mean to say that if you are going to bring anything to the interview, one copy has to be uploaded to CEAC and you also have to bring the original to the interview. You must have already uploaded some of it, but for instance, if you got a more recent police certificate, go ahead and upload that to the CEAC system as well. They just won't upload anything to the system on your behalf. I can't say anything for sure about the Nufus Kayit Ornegi, however, my instinct says that they may let it go, since you are legally married in the US, and they are providing a visa for the US. I would guess his marital status in Turkey should not be of concern to the consular office (for instance, I am thinking that if a gay couple got married in the US, the consular officer would not deny the visa only based on the grounds that the Turkish government does not recognize that marriage). This is only a guess of course, but even if it is a problem, they will most probably let you know and give you the opportunity to correct it. The Ankara consulate does not try and make the process particularly difficult for the applicants, so you can rest assured.
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