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Posts posted by sara.....

  1. I haven't read all of the post....but if he is older as you stated and he has shown he is insecure then really maybe he is jealous and finds you so beautiful that he is afraid he will loose you to some hot guy that you have never met before that has offered you a ride........and thats why he reacted like he did..........im not going to say he is right but i see it as loss of communication........you should always keep your husband in the loop of your plans could be he would say oh hey i will go with you or at least acknowledge that he understands your need to make friends with people that are going thru the same thing you are......sorry guys dont mean to knock you and i mean no insult but men have a mine mine mine mentality and dont like to share what is theirs.....not even socially unless they are there seeing whats going on they dont trust other men and sometimes for good reason. as far as your sister in law be courteous to her when in public if she comes to you home do the same thing but if she gets out of hand tell her your home is the one place you dont have to take ####### so if she can not be courteous to you in your own home is better she leaves might want to clue hubby into that before doing it he might decide to make her behave so there is no heated words between you.

    good luck and just try your best to sooth the ruffled feathers ....im sure your marriage means more to you than a hook up meeting with others going thru immigration


  2. I dont know why every story has to gather the Muslim blah blah but here are some facts.

    In the HISTORY of the world, who has KILLED maximum INNOCENT
    human beings

    1) "Hitler"
    Do you know who he was

    He was a Christian, but media will never call Christians terrorists.

    2) "Joseph Stalin called as Uncle Joe".

    He has killed 20 million human beings including 14.5 million were starved to death.

    Was he a Muslim

    3) "Mao Tse Tsung (China)"

    He has killed 14 to 20 million human beings.

    Was he a Muslim

    4) "Benito Mussolini (Italy)"

    He has killed 400 thousand human beings.

    Was he a Muslim

    5) "Ashoka" In Kalinga Battle

    He has killed 100 thousand human beings.

    Was he a Muslim

    6) Embargo put by George Bush in Iraq,

    1/2 million children
    has been killed in Iraq alone!!! Imagine these people are never called terrorists by the media.


    Today the majority of the non-muslims are afraid by hearing the words "JIHAD".

    Jihad is an Arabic word which comes from root Arabic word "JAHADA" which means "TO STRIVE" or "TO STRUGGLE" against evil and for justice. It does not
    mean killing innocents.

    The difference is we stand against evil, not with evil".

    You still think that ISLAM is the problem

    1. The First World War, 17 million dead
    (caused by non-Muslim).

    2. The Second World War, 50-55 million dead (caused by non-Muslim).

    3. Nagasaki atomic bombs 200000 dead
    (caused by non-Muslim).

    4. The War in Vietnam, over 5 million dead (caused by non-Muslim).

    5. The War in Bosnia/Kosovo, over 5,00,000 dead (caused by non-Muslim).

    6. The War in Iraq (so far) 12,000,000 deaths
    (caused by non-Muslim).

    7. Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, Burma etc (caused by non-Muslim). Afghanistan I cant really agree with caused by non Muslim it was equal Muslim and Non Muslim caused

    8. In Cambodia 1975-1979, almost 3 million deaths (caused by non-Muslim).


  3. If your with your parents and its a safe place you need to report the abuse so that its on record........if he has nothing to loose there is nothing stopping him from harming himself and calling police to make a case against you so that he can stay as domestic violence victim........

    If he is that cruel divorce wont stop him but you do need the divorce...never go any place in public a lone if you can , a restraining order is a good idea but once again its like a divorce paper only.....report him and never be alone with him also once he is reported as abuser dont even take his phone calls make sure that the restraining order includes not being able to contacting you by phone or multi media each time he breaks the restraining order make sure you document it and turn it over to the police sooner or later he will find out what the inside of a cell looks and feels like

    i dont know but men that physically hit women scare the snot out of me.......so im just giving you ideas that i would do for myself if i was in your shoes


  4. If i were you i would save any legal documents pertaining to the charges being dropped just because the court didnt give him what he was looking for does not mean he wont try to get immigration to rule VAWA... i would send a letter including copy of what ever the court gave you so that he cant pull VAWA........it could seriously mess up your future......

    then change all the locks on your door and refuse to talk to him on the phone or in person alone......start divorce proceedings..you could try to prove mental abuse because of what he is trying to pull but might be faster to just get a divorce and start your future over......from what information you have given it sounds like visa fraud .........its easier to get over a broken heart than to try to fix a mess that is he is attempting

    my prayers are with you


  5. Well, you know it was going to happen. The Islamophobes are already trashing one of the victims. Like George Zimmerman, this guy will soon be called a hero. I can almost hear some of these folks chanting, "It was justifiable homicide under the Castle Doctrine."


    :wow: there is no cure for stupid


  6. They need to check his mental stability .............really shooting people in the head over parking dispute?

    People fight or yell or threaten but to go into a families apartment at five in the morning and manage to shoot all three of them in the head over something like that absolutely makes no sense at all.......I want to know if he caught them all sleeping or they were in morning prayer.......


  7. Me thinks it was done on purpose to illicit...well, illicit something I suppose.

    Heck, one could be a follower of multiple religions so which one takes precedent?

    Maybe I'm a Jewish-Christian-Muslim American...or how about simply referring to the victims as students. Referencing them being Muslim doesn't seem germane to me.

    But what the hell, I'm a newbie in the welcoming CEHST board so what would I know.

    Same reason terrorist are not simply called terrorist but instead are called Muslim terrorist

  8. I dont know if this was an act of terror or someone that was just unstable and would have shot any person they came across .........if it was an act of terror because of the students being Muslim then ever single service person, Muslim, Christian or what ever religion they practice died for nothing....they died to protect our freedom part of that freedom is to practice what ever religion we are.... free from harm......free from harassment..... free from persecution.

    Most of us are not terrorist we live daily trying to just live our life same as anyone else......

    Is this truly what the instigators of hate for all Muslims wanted? Does this make them happy killing three students that had no way to protect themselves? Will it be children in day care that happen to be Muslim that is next?

    Every media program has people that incite violence against Muslims face book...........twitter its all out there

    My prayer today is to remove the hate from peoples hearts that hate people with out justification simply because they practice Islam


  9. I dont know what state she lives in but for Oregon you can send the divorce petition visa fedx and when he signs for it the fedx shows on the web site the person signed for the letter then print it out and it shows evidence the person was served ...(thats the only way I could serve my xhusband).......if the person is not willing to sign for it sometimes you can get them served by the court in their country or you can have someone serve the papers and write a statement that they in fact did serve the person at such and such a date and such and such address.......

    as long as she is able to get the divorce in the USA she does not have to divorce the person again in their country at least that is how it was explained to me


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