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Everything posted by PLFahr

  1. If anyone can provide any opinion or information on the following it would be greatly appreciated. We have received our interview letter for our AOS marriage, but the letter does not state any information regarding an interpreter. The interpreted language would be for Spanish. Should we take a physical interpreter or have one of phone ready? Does anyone have any experience using a friend as an interpreter?
  2. Also recently received EAD/AP combo card, it took about a year and few days from priority date.
  3. We have been waiting since January 2022 for Spouse AOS, still no EAD,AP, or GC to the day. Does anyone have any experience if this is within regular processing times? What can be done if out of normal processing times?
  4. Submitted AOS for spouse in January 2022, still no EAD/AP or GC
  5. Thank you for the response Crazy Cat. Would anyone else have any advice?
  6. I am in a similar situation, AOS for spouse, received date January 2022. No ssn yet, still waiting for the EAD/AP. Spouse has no income since entering US. Would filing as MFS affect the interview process? since I would only be taking the Petitioner's MFS return and not the beneficiary's?
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