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Posts posted by Y's_habibitk

  1. Just curious....

    I wonder what is considered a "large" age gap, really?

    Is 8 years a big deal. We're both still in our twenties... although mine are almost over lol



    i wouldnt worry about it---it's not that large of a difference. the red flags on age gaps are when the woman would be 40 and the man 20.


    Thanks you guys.

  2. Ohhhh...where to start! We've been together now for 7 years and I've got quite a list!!!! :lol:

    Hicham is a BIG germ-a-phobe, so he'll follow me around sometimes to make sure that I've washed my hands or something like that.

    He also checks the oven to see that it's turned off before we leave the house EVEN IF WE HAVEN'T COOKED ANYTHING! And he does this at other people's houses that we go to visit. He doesn't say anything, but I watch him and I know that is what he's doing. A couple of times I just look at him and he says..."It's off." :)

    Has he ever gone to see someone for ocd?

    My thoughts exactly! :)

    poor guy.. Im a bit of a germaphobe myself

  3. lets hope not , but idiots like him make it hard for all the honest people

    THIS GUY is the reason we all have to wait for what seems like an eternity to be united with our real loved ones.

    To the OP..Im so sorry to hear about this. My heart goes out to you. You have difficult times ahead and healing to do. Hugs for you. As cheesy as it sounds.. this too shall pass

  4. Good topic!

    Im grateful for:

    having a healthy, great, smart son

    my wonderful man

    my awesome brother

    the bestest friend in the whole wide world

    having a roof over my head

    having a good job

    my health

    for the experiences good or bad, that have made me who i am today

    so many other things!

    happy thanksgiving everyone!

  5. you can also print both.. it's better to be prepared and have it , then not have it when it is needed :thumbs:

    Hmmm.. I was considering that... I also have voice message archives. This shows a list only..and only way I can get this is to "print screen/paint/paste/save". So its actually a picture of it as it appears on my pc (shows task bar etc). There's no option there to save or print it out unfortunately. But I wanted them to see that we also use voice mssgr alot..actually more than IMs. Also, I lost mssg archives of 2006 to the time I returned from Jordan, due to pc had to be totally restored. Go figure.. don't know why I lost that and not all of voice mssgr archive.


    Good luck to you guys! I plan to use the same proof, keep us posted. I'd like to know which option you end up using and how it worked out.

  6. You can get these as low as 20 bucks with first 100 minutes included.. pick up an international phone card and use them together. I do this to call my habibi and it works well. International calls on prepaid cells can be outrageous(1.60min for me) vs reg per minute rate using the international cards.

    Hope that helps

  7. I am currently working on the affadavit letters(the hardest part of this process so far for me) - instead of asking people to write them I am writing them myself and then asking the 'writer' to sign them - I hope this is OK and not the equivalent of Mommy writing Junior's homework... :lol: I can get one from my roommate, one from my co-worker, and one each from G's parents and next-door neighbors, total of 4...I hope this will be enough??? :huh:

    I believe all of these letters need to be notarized - on our end this is no problem, but don't know where to have it done in KTM, I am thinking at the gov't office where we did our court marriage papers? Hopefully there is an easier place to do it, as I recall that place was a pain to deal with, even though my FIL has some influence(too bad it's not with the USCIS...) :D

    I am going to be writing all letters in English(since I don't know enough Nepali at this point) - will this be a problem since G's parents and neighbors speak very little English? I guess the CIS won't be contacting them directly so no problem, true or false?... I will be asking G to translate so they know what they are signing. :)

    I had questions of this as well, the problem that I see is this: when notorizing documents isnt the notory public supposed to "witness" the signature? correct me if im wrong please. Also, I disagree with the letters being in english.. I think it looks more honest/authentic if the letters are in the native language and translated, this is further proof that you didnt just write up a bunch of letters. just my opinion. I imagine if I was the one reviewing the documents.. if I saw that.. first thing that would come to mind is that they were fabricated.

    I dont know if they need to be notorized for sure.. I did do some research and I think the letters should start with something like ... I hereby swear that the following statements are bla bla bla. :)

    I would love to know what the outcome is with your letters, as this will be a huge part of my proving a bonofied marraige.


  8. You know you're a frazzled mom if...your little girl is sitting by the tub with 2 little dogs trying to get you to let them have a bubble bath while you tring to take a bubble bath. Locking the door isn't an option because then all you here is whining from the other side.


    You know you're a frazzled mom if...dealing with your kids makes you want to beat your head against the wall...and you do.

    You know you're a frazzled mom if...you have to retrieve your bra from the ceiling fan in the living room.


    You know you're a frazzled mom if...every time your two and half year old point blank refuses to go to the toilet, `I DON'T need to gooooooo!!!! and two minutes later pees on the floor and you want to kill her, cry like a baby and sign up for `failed mothers 101' all at the same time, whilst still being loving and supportive so toilet training is not a negative experience for her!!!!!!!!!!


    You know you're a frazzled mom if...you forget your kid's name!


    You know you're a frazzled mom if...you haven't slept 8 straight hours in years!


    You know you're a frazzled mom if...you have all your kids in bed with you at some point during the night.


    You know you're a frazzled mom if...Wednesday night's dinner consists of corn pops and pop tarts.


    You know you're a frazzled mom if...your idea of "free time" is going to Wal-Mart WITHOUT your kids! ** my fav**


    You know you're a frazzled mom if...the flowers you purchased two weeks ago have all died because you never got them in the ground.


    You know you're a frazzled mom if...everyone in the house is screaming your name at the same time.


    You know you're a frazzled mom if...your idea of exercising is running around the house in your fuzzy bunny slippers!


    You know you're a frazzled mom if...you yell, "Stop jumping on the sofa!" 10 times a day.


    You know you're a frazzled mom if...you have no idea what "me time" is.

    Thanks I needed that :)

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