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Posts posted by Iwantout

  1. 22 minutes ago, Kai (CanadaDude) said:

    Hey, this isn't exactly a fast process, but you can regain your EU citizenship by moving to Ireland (which you can do as a British Citizen) and living there for 5 years. Thereafter you can apply for Irish Citizenship which will give you your Freedom of Movement back within the EEA. No special skills, education or job needed. Hope this helps.


    I didn't know that, if all else fails this is still an option, thank you for that :)

  2. 1 hour ago, KBCN said:

    A little off topic of moving out of the UK and to the US (or another country) - but you could also potentially pursue a career path with a travel company or airline? Especially since you said you love to travel.


    I have several friends from around the world that applied with either cruise lines and airlines like Qatar Airways, United, etc. Oftentimes the travel companies provide a working visa/greencard in a different country. I know these industries have taken a heavy toll from COVID, but hopefully as we slowly beat this pandemic, more opportunities will open up.


    Best of luck on your journeys! 

    That is a good idea, I will look into the criteria needed to apply for such jobs 

    Appreciate the suggestion :)

  3. 36 minutes ago, neca said:

    Seconding the search into Commonwealth countries, I have a UK friend that was able to pretty easily get a NZ visa and worked there for like two years. You have travel options, especially if you are open minded. Good luck.

    Oh really? that sounds good, did this friend need a degree or a lot of money to secure the visa? 

    I'm not picky at all and very open to going anywhere really

  4. 17 hours ago, Bug&Bug said:

    Immigration is super difficult everywhere.


    Since immigrating to Europe is now going to be a pain, and to other countries without treaties is even more a pain, consider looking into Commonwealth countries. Most of them have treaties with the UK.


    Still, nothing is going to be as easy as when in the EU where you could just go live 3 months and try find a job.

    I dont know of any country that will not ask you to have a job lined up, a school lined up, or a set of skills you can prove. 


    Yeah that's what I did before I was able to secure seasonal jobs with accommodation included in Europe and just go, now all the job adverts are for 'eu nationals only' 

    thanks for the suggestion I'll look into the Commonwealth

  5. 10 minutes ago, Paula&Johnny said:

    Imigration is harder than people think. 

    Did you visit here before? I really think is a good idea to you to visit any country before deciding to move (if applicable).

    US is not a Magic Place like people shows on TV.  Can be super depressing too hahaha like any other place.


    Good luck 😊

    It is indeed, I haven't been to the USA before, but I have lived abroad for a few years and experienced the ups and downs so I know its not always a bed of Roses. Travel and new places is a passion of mine and the set time that your allowed to stay doesn't feel long term enough for me to really feel out a place, at the end of the day if I didn't like it I would be moving onwards to somewhere else :)

  6. 1 minute ago, mushroomspore said:

    Okay, I wish you luck. This site is designed to help people through USA immigration. If you want to research Canadian immigration, there are other separate forums out there for that.

    Thankyou, I just happened on this site that I found from a YouTube video on moving countries, just thought I'd give it a go :)

  7. 2 minutes ago, mushroomspore said:

    Is your father a Canadian citizen or Canadian permanent resident? He MAY be able to sponsor you to go live in Canada, but you would have to research this on your own. I'm Canadian but have not lived there for a long time now and have not researched this process myself since I'm not planning on moving back there.

    Tbh I don't have a clue, I only recently found out the man existed a month ago so we are still getting to know each other


    I'll look into, it just became a last ditch back up plan if all else failed as a chance to get out of UK 


    thanks for the input 

  8. 2 minutes ago, mushroomspore said:

    Yeah sorry. The US has one of the tougher immigration systems in the world and it makes sense why. As others have said, your best bet is most likely to pursue education (either in the UK that could lead to a US work visa or education in the US and then try to get a work visa here). However, even with that, nothing is guaranteed. Keep in mind that if you are accepted into a US school, you will be paying international student fees (which are way more expensive than domestic students' fees) and you will need money on top of tuition to just move here and to continue living here during your studies.

    I'm in my first year studying part time online, I don't know if it will help


    You're right there are a lot of obstacles it seems...I didn't realize just how hard it is just to live somewhere else in the world

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