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Posts posted by Danun

  1. On 5/5/2022 at 10:12 PM, Holly&Andreas said:

    Long distance is hard. My husband and I have been long distance since the beginning of our relationship. The most time we spent together was about 18 months from 2020-2021. Spending that amount of time together really helped us figure ourselves out as a couple and what does and does not work. It sounds to me like you and your partner need to figure some things out because it's your immigration status on the line, not his. If you can, I would have a serious conversation with him about the affects of his impulsive thoughts/decisions to withdraw the petition. I have had many fights and arguments with my husband over the years and while we both have considered ending things more than once, I have never thought about withdrawing his petition and we have always worked through these rough patches.


    Unfortunately, love is not always a strong enough reason to keep a relationship together. I hope your husband is not using withdrawing the petition as a threat against you because that is a serious red flag and if so, you need to reconsider your marriage because once you come to the US, you could be in a dangerous situation with someone like that. Please be careful, and be safe above all. 

    Thank you so much holly, I hope the same too ☹️

  2. 21 hours ago, Family said:

    You will not be approved for any visitor or non immigrant visa, because when you applied for K-1 you declared immigrant intent…does not really matter that you did not pursue or withdraw or cancel it, that is why they denied the F-1. If after 4 years your fellow is still “ in and out” of relationship, you may want to rethink if YOU want to stay in it yourself…

    I get the sense you think your fellow may say “ fraud” or other things when he divorces and withdraws the I-130 …hopefully not , because you are red flagged for immigrant intent already so “ black listed “ for fraud is fatal to any future immigration dreams…even w potential future husbands

    He haven’t cancel CR1 yet but he’s start talking about divorce which lead me straight away big chance another cancellation petition. My question am I still can be able to get approve from USCIS if this petition still continue?

  3. 19 hours ago, mushroomspore said:

    You're not banned. Bans happen under specific situations and your situation does not fit into that criteria. However, your chances of getting any temporary non-immigrant visa into the USA are very slim. You announced your intention to permanently immigrate to the USA when your husband filed the spousal visa. Why would the government grant a temporary visa to someone who announced they want to move permanently to the USA? They won't. You are free to pay the student visa application fee, but your chances of approval are very low at this point.

    It happened already that’s why I got rejected. His Pervious lawyer said it already withdrawn K1 visa and will not gonna be an issue for me if I apply any other visa, then after couple months I got approved from the university didn’t know about what will happens so I went to the embassy and got rejected. 
    he was on the phone after what happen with my F1 visa then he decided to come to see me in my home country we back as we are happy together then decide marriage as we supposed to do that with K1 visa but just because he and I back again in the moment long distance he became sensitive and pessimistic with our 3 months marriage I do love him I just afraid that he get an impulsive act and regret comes after that time he couldn’t fix anything because the CR1 is my last chance to be with him if their approve it I mean I don’t know what to do right now

  4. 19 hours ago, Rocio0010 said:

    First of all, do you really want to stay in a relationship with someone who is so unstable? Does this make you happy?

    Second, you're probably not being banned from the US. You have not committed a crime. But that being said, I doubt that you'll ever be given a visa because with a previous K1 or CR1 you showed immigrant intent. I guess if you have extra money you can apply for a visa, but do not get your hopes up.

    What do you mean extra money I can apply? What kind of visa is that? This is not make me happy, but when we are together in the same place same time nothing make us fight, I don’t blame him that pandemic hit make us more harder to catch each other I still tryin to talk to him about all the consequences if he want to get divorce and automatically the petition will get cancel but it seems right now I doubt he want to listen maybe I have to try to do marriage consular or trying talk with our law immigration so that he would know what will happen if keep doing this to me.. 

  5. 7 minutes ago, Crazy Cat said:

    The Consular could see you as someone who wants to just get inside the US and stay...

    Yes I know that for sure, I’m so concern about that with what happen my husband did apply and canceling petition it is making me so concerned about what you just said. Which make me afraid and sad at the same time that I couldn’t be able to be back to USA even for continue my study. Or the worst case that I would be banned

  6. 1 minute ago, Boiler said:

    It is not a ban but certainly will look odd, very much depends on what you have in mind, you want to study?

    I do want to study I get approval still can be able to join this augst class but we did filling for CR1 I mean this LDR too long make our relationship is not stable, i just afraid that if keep doing this my name will be on black list from the immigration and never can be able to go back USA or even continue my school 

  7. Hi everyone hope everything fine,

    so I did filled K1 Visa end of 2020 then we had a moment sick of LDR and what make it worst is pandemic cov19 so then he did cancel the petition on april 2021 his lawyer said that the withdrawal wouldn’t bother any kind visa issue in the future. And  I finally get approval from college in Texas that supposed to be join school on January 2022 and so that I came to the embassy to get my visa student then surprisingly that they reject my visa without asking my school stuff they said that the petition my K1 visa still haven’t withdrawn and it was a month before expired they said the can’t approve my visa I told what happened to my ex the. He came to my country then we got married this January, we’ve been back and forth many times for the last almost 4 years and so that we legally married in indonesia, and it seems that we have a fight that makes him want to cancel the petition my CR1. If he cancel my visa CR1 would that big issue for me that I will never gonna return back to USA? Since he likes to keep my name bad in USA Immigration. I’m so scared that I’ll be in the Black List name in USA Immigration government.


    please help me

  8. On 6/19/2021 at 1:13 PM, Daymellow said:

    What happens when he decides to break up with you right before the whole interview? 😰 Oh lord :(

    I’m so sorry for your situation, did you do all things with lawyer or do it by yourself? If it’s with lawyer you may ask them to withdraw your petition, and ask if this canceling process will give you an issue later when you want to apply visa tourist or another visa. make sure everything what happen regarding this cancellation or any of you guys here already cancel the process?


    Hello there,  

    I want to ask, After NVC send the petition to consulate. Is the consulate will send you the email notification for paying and requirement documents including schedule or they just send you the requirement documents and paying fee first and after you pay the fee and send the require document  they will send the schedule interview ?


    thank you

  10. 2 hours ago, neca said:

    Going to the Indonesia portal (you can click on the flag in your post, or on "Portals" at the top of the webpage) shows that there are three K1 interviews scheduled through May 20th, and one IR1/CR1 interview scheduled on May 7th. There have also been K1's approved recently. VJ isn't indicative of all cases, but I think it's a good sign that there are some listed.

    Thank you so much! 

  11. Hello, I get approval notice from USCIS and it will be go thru NVC before the consulate sending email for interview appointment, and I tried to reach the consulate the one in jakarta but they answered very diplomatic which is not answering my question. I tried to ask them are they processing visa K1 and are they already open for interview, but they just say they processing but it might takes time. So I don’t know where to get the information about that right know, is there anyone that have interview since Jan 2021 here? Is anyone already have the visa during this pandemic and already fly and get married in US this year? 

    thank you

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