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Lu & Ni

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Everything posted by Lu & Ni

  1. Your parents live abroad? My sis-in-law filed for her parents in April and we're still waiting for a reply. Was she supposed to file I-864? I thought it was supposed to be filed if the parents were in the USA
  2. We applied on April 6th and we received another RFE for my husband to go get his physical examination and vaccines etc. Some people told me that this means approval/denial is closer but who know tbh lol
  3. I know nothing about Islam. However, I would do the same thing you're doing if my father was doing something similar to my mom. If you are contacting USCIS, I think it would be worth mentioning how shady is that his divorce and new marriage are close together in date or no?
  4. We sent our RFE on August 2nd and today we received an update saying they have received it and are reviewing it? Very weird but my husband's EAD card is being produced so that's good 😊
  5. Any reason could be a job offer. You can start applying to jobs and once they send you an offer letter then you can apply for an expedite. I mean it not always works but just in case you want to try it lol
  6. Thank you! They sent us the text on Thursday so today Monday would be the 2nd business day but nothing as of now 😩 I hope we get a nice agent as well because we're going insane
  7. Hi ! Did the tier 2 officer ended up calling you? And how did it go if you don't mind me asking. We're trying to expedite my husband's EAD and we received a text message saying we will be contacted in the next 2 business days
  8. I'll try that way, thank you! My husband has two pending job offers plus we have some bills due both medical and taxes.. yet they still denied us. Jokes on them because I'll continue bothering them lol
  9. If you don't mind me asking. What reasons did you give to expedite? I've been trying to expedite my husband's ead for 3 times already and nothing 😭
  10. Oh wait I see what's the confusion. So in the first page (second pic) the crossed out names are my mom's and my dad's name, not mine or my husband. They both were the only ones to fill out form I-864A. I filed I-864 as the sponsor. And thank you! Yes, I believe it's the easiest way out just doing the OR 😂 sorry, I'm overthinking this so much
  11. 1.We still live with my parents in the same apartment and share utilities. 2. I have a rental house and a part time job so it's pretty much only my income that's in the taxes. I think you're right. I'll add a letter along with evidence, just in case lol
  12. Thank you so much! My husband didn't sign form I-864A. The ones that signed were my parents. 1 form for my dad and another form for my mom as they both are my household members. My husband didn't sign anything. So far I'm thinking of sending our driver's licenses (parents and I) to show proof of shared address and will send my birth certificate with my parents name and mine to show proof that we are related. Plus will send an updated I-864 with my recent taxes and I-864A. What do you think?
  13. Hi, I received RFE for affidavit of support. Could you please advise what would be better to do? They're asking for evidence to proof my household members (parents) and I are related and that we live in the same house. What should I submit for it? Also I filed 2021 taxes and make above poverty line..should I send my tax return as well, just in case ?
  14. No no, I did. So basically I signed form I-864 and form I-864A along with my parents because I hadn't filed my taxes for 2021. Also, I live with my parents and we split half half rent, so it was better to file I-864A.
  15. Oh ok, should I just reply with evidence that we are related and that we are household members? It's just so much info in that letter. I don't want to mess it up.
  16. Hi ! So my husband (beneficiary) and I (petitioner) received this RFE for AOS. Short story long, we filed form I-864 and form I-864A with my parents as we lived with them. They sent us this RFE (attached) but now we don't need their affidavit anymore as we finally filed our taxes and made a bit above poverty line. Should I just submit our taxes and a letter explaining that we no longer need my parents? Or if it's easier what should I submit of proof that my parents are my household members and that we are related? this is 2 page This is 1 page This is 3rd page (sorry)
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