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Posts posted by angel73

  1. Welcome to our family. I dont think that you really need a lawyer. Unless it is really, really, serious. You are in good hands with us we will try our best to help you with everything you need to know. As you can see there are more members who's SO is from Ghana. Maybe they can help you even more. I wish I knew about this site when I got started but, that's ok. It will be a long rocky road but be paient and always remember we are here for you.

  2. Hi everyone Im sorry I got it all wrong. This time I wrote everything down (lol) while I was talking to her. Here goes its not Cuba, for one thing, he's from Honduras. He cross the border illeagel with no papers. I really dont know how long he has been in the US. But they married in Texas. I really dont know how without no papers. Now they move back to New Orleans and he is working under the table. But they sunt his papers to his mom's house in Honduras. They did get an attorney and he told them that he could get a green card, but he have to do back to Honduras for their interview. I told her I really dont know and I will post it on VJ. I told her how wonderful this site is and she said ok. She just want to know how long does it take to get a green card after and interview in Hondruras? So if anyone familiar with the Honduras emabassy please let me know. Thank You very much.

  3. These are the questions that they ask my fiance

    • How dis we meet?
    • How do we communicate?
    • What type of job do I do?
    • How many times have I been divorce?
    • What type of Business do my dad do?
    • My mom and dad where do they live?
    • Do they still live together?
    • When was the last time Markus (my son) saw his dad?

    That was it the man told Ranti to pick up his visa on Tuesday 27 he took my I-134,taxpapers

    passport, and his documents.

  4. My family and I are both USC born and raised in the South. I'm learnin about the Yoruba tribe and the language but as far as Ranti and I we share in the same faith. When I told my parents about him my mom called the elders in Nigeria and to check the status of his faith to see if he is very strong in the faith. It was a very good report. But when Ranti comes to the US he will have to learn more about the south in New Orleans ( where I was born and raised) especially since Katrina. But we decied to stay in MS for awhile, where the schools are so much better for my 14 year old son, and where there is less crime. But I will bring him to New Orleans so he can see some of the slavery houses. Maybe let him try a daquari. But I think that he will like the New Orleans food better than MS food.

  5. All this is to funny I though that I was the only one going through it. But when I told my family about Ranti the first thing they ask was his spritural background. I told them everything that they need to know. But it wasnt so much as for my family but the job with the patients asking questions like, how many wives do he have? Is he tryin to use you to get to the US? When you go to Nigeria he will try to keep you there. But I had to explain that I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses and he doesnt do that. Even if he wasnt a Witness I dont think they can do that anyway. I have to stop cause I can go on and on. But leave this in mind, most people down south says that most Africaians are very educated and speak very well. They take the education very serious.

  6. I do think they wiill need an attorney, or what do you think, cause he is here illeagel and now he is trying to be legeal, but the embassy said that he have to do everything in Cuba they have already sunt his papaers to his mom's address in Cuba so i really dont know what will happen. I was tellin her about this site and she told me to post her question and see what the results will be. Right now she doesnt have assest to a PC so that is why I she told me to so this for her.

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