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Posts posted by wael253

  1. (OK -- just what are the requirements to be employed by the DOS? ) i don't think they require too much , as long as you can say ( hello, still pending , not at all ) you should be doing fine and be able to get one of these jobs at DOS

    i agree this is the worse part .. not because we have to wait .. but because we don't know why are we waiting or how long do we have to wait or what are we waiting for ? and who knows maybe they themselfs don't know either

  2. while we are at this point where we need an answer and because it does not matter where we ask , when we ask or who we ask .. we don't get one proper answer , so the other night i decided to ask google hoping i can find the lost answer .. i have used only the two letters (AP/AR) .. unfortunately i couldn't find the lost answer that i was looking for but i have found some interesting search results as i wanted to share it with you ...

    AP ... Administrative Pain , administrative Punishment , Asministrative Paranormal , etc

    AR ... Administrative Reversing , Administrative Rejection , Administrative Refusal , etc

    at the begining i didn't pay attention but as a way of being curious i start thinking of what these words meant and here i realized the most interesting part

    *if we look at any of these search results .. we will find that it could fitly descripe the realty of our situation specially this one ( Administrative Paranormal )

    *the only people who think of (AP/AR) as ( Administrative Process / Administrative Review ) are people who haven't got their interview yet

  3. sometimes the connection is bad and it happen when the network is so busy here in Egypt (thursdays,fraidays) .. also depends on the time here when you are making the call ( day or night ) so the late night calls go more smoothly than the day calls .. and because both ( mobinil & vodafone ) use the earth chanels for supporting their connection "not satellite chanels" so the connection will be dead in many places , example : i have a 4 rooms appt .. i have connection within 2 rooms while the connection is dead in the other 2 rooms :lol:

  4. Jeanne my sweetheart , after these wonderful words that you said about me i really don't know what to say , thank you so much for always telling me the sweetest words and thank you for always being my best mate and thank you for always always being my supportive whenever i need so .

    Tam and Cheryl .. thank you for reading the topic and thank you so much for you both thinking of me as a writer when i get there

    sounds like a dream .. actually two dreams .. and now i don't know which one is the harder one

    is it to be a writer OR is it to get there :D

  5. the other day was thinking about the reason behind the name ( the world's WONDERS ) and why they call it WONDERS .. and at the begining i thought it's because seeing and looking at any of these world's wonders will control your mind and makes you wondering !

    but lately i found myself wondering and wondering and wondering about something else and unfortunately it's not one of these world's wonders ..

    simply it's our AP thing ..

    and how some people could get one week or less of AP while some others will wait 6 months and some unlucky people will wait up to a year and when their case expire they had to do it all over again .. and that made me wonder

    and how we contact the embassy , the consular , the DOS , the VSC , etc .. calling or emailing or writing .. and still not able to get one true answer .. and that made me wonder

    and how we would try to contact congressmen , senators , or any body we know or even heard of just to help us even if a little bit with our cases .. and still don't get any real help .. and that made me wonder

    and how some wives would go back to the states while they are pregnant .. and they would deliver their baby .. the baby would grow up .. go to the school or even graduate from college without being able to see dady .. just because no body cares .. and that made me wonder

    and how our wifes could get sick or even need a surgery or any other emergency matter without any ability to have an exception with the AP time .. that made me wonder

    and the other night when i was reading a topic here on VJ about this one girl with her Turkish fiance and how the consular was asking him ( What ıs nıce about your fıance? He dıdn't know the word 'nıce'- and she dıd rephrase - what do you love about chrıstıne? what ıs good about chrıstıne? what do you lıke about her ... and finally he saıd- she lıkes water...

    and the consular called the girl and the first question was " How on earth do you communıcate? "

    but finally they got their visa 4 days after the interview ... that made me wonder

    and after all that wonder about this AP thing i think there is only one diffirence between the AP and the world's wonders ..

    the world's wonder makes you wonder at the moment while you are looking .. and once you leave you are not wondering anymore BUT the AP makes you wonder and wonder and never stop wondering all the time .

    and that's why i blieve that no one of those 90 million persons who have voted for the new world's wonders has heared about something calls the AP because if they ever heared of the AP thing it would be on the top of the world's wonders list .

  6. thank you all so much .. i'm happy you liked the poem .. it's strange how some people get more creative while they are going thru hard times .. and it's strange when you find yourself laughing with a tear in your eye .

    but you know what ! i think the embassy gives you no other options ( laugh OR cry ) .. just laugh or cry and don't expect to live normal coz what's happening is totally upnormal

  7. hello every body .. first of all please allow me to give a big wellcome hug to my sweet love "jeannevictoria" who joind VJ just yesterday .

    tried and tried to get any info about my case status thru the embassy or the DOS but no body knows anything so was thinking lately what it could be and finally i just got that thought ...

    there is my case on one of the shelfs in some of the embassy offices collecting more dust every day and now allow me to let my case tells us it's story and what's going on there ..

    every couple of weeks or so .. 1 or 2 guys would show

    they come too quick to pick one case and go

    not sure why exactly they take it .. is it to review or to throw

    will wait the next week which is coming too slow

    and here they are back .. again not me , oh nooo

    *every time they come i sart saying ..

    please sir pick me .. please sir take me .. and you won't believe what you gonna SEE

    i have everything in order .. my applicant is approved and he is just waiting for AP

    his fingerprint is taken .. and the check is done in Washington DC

    ohhh i see one lady eating .. on her desk there

    do you see me .. do you hear me .. do you even know that i'm here

    are you really busy .. or you are just lazy to leave your desk and walk somewhere

    oh GOD please help me .. coz no body seems to be listening .. because no body care

    and finally i have assured myself and i felt better when i knew that my case doesn't feel lonely .. because there are many many many cases are in the same boat .. even my case last complaint was " the place is getting too small to have all these case even they can't breath .

  8. hello every body, just had a little experience today calling the embassy in Cairo and here is my little story ....

    10:30 am i have called the embassy regarding my case status .. after i clicked all these numbers to switch me to somebody who i can talk to .. it just switched me to listening to some kind of music like i'm calling the live concert or something .. i didn't mind it at the begining except when it longs for like 10 minutes or so ... just listening to their music and waiting for somebody to pick up the phone .. finally this one girl decided to answer me ...

    i said .. hello mam , can you please help me checking on my case status !

    she said .. may i know your name

    i told her my name

    she said .. immigrant or tourist !

    i said .. yes mam immigrant .

    she said .. give me your case number .

    i did give her my case number

    she is gone for couple minutes .. she came back and told me , oh your case doesn't have an interview date yet .

    i said .. but mam i already had my interview and i was asking for an update regarding my case being under the AP

    she said .. ohhhhh no i can't help you , we don't have access to cases info after the interview .. you can e-mail the consular and he will give you the update .

    well, which i have already did .. i emailed him more than a week ago with no answer yet .. and that's why i wanted to call and talk to somebody .

    sooo i finished the call with her .. thank you for your time mam .

    FINALLY while i didn't get any kind of information from this call BUT i got some experience and here it is

    1- listening to their music is MUCH BETTER than listening to their costumer service

    2- the next time instead of calling the embassy i may call some music program on the radio chanel and i bit it's gonna be more fun .

    and now after i realized that the embassy attention is to hire some people who they don't have any clue about what they are doing .. i'm wondering , is that to keep us away from any kind of answers regarding our cases OR it is just something to reduce the costs instead of hiring some professional employees which they will cost alot ?

  9. well, i believe that everythig is happening for a reason .. as i know that any delay we may get on the AP will be nothing but a reall test for our love , our ability and our strength .. even some time i like this kind of feeling when my i find wife supporting me and standing by myside all the time .

    but other times i find myself wondering what if we were going to the states for a ( suntan in Miami beach OR to try some new mexican restaurants in California OR enjoy a vacation in some of Vegas Casino ) we don't mind waiting then .. coz nothing is happen if we miss this suntan in Miami ( we can get it any where else )

    nothing is gonna happen if we haven't try the Mexican resturant in CA ( Egyptian food is not bad anyway:lol: )

    but the only reason why we want to be there ASAP is to be with the one who we love , need , care for .. to start a new life together and be happy as a normal couple , NOT APPART .

    and as you see , each one has only someone in his/her heart .. and this one can't be trade or replaced .

  10. i know, this may sound like a dream but not when we look at it some other ways specially when asking ourselfs these few simple questions ...

    how long it takes to send a letter , receive a letter , check on someone's name or fingerprint , issue a visa !!!

    yes that's righ , ONE DAY .. it takes no longer than one day .

    some people would disegree with me and some people would say hey ( wake up ) it's not that easy , it's a ery complecaed process .

    well, NOT THAT EASY .. that reall makes me wondering why it's not that easy !

    who made it hard and why .. who made it long and for whos better .. and why should it be painful and stressfull like that !

    some others would say the common says that every case is different . yeh right BUT

    aren't we all so deep in love with our partners .. don't we all miss and need our wifes/husbands so bad .. aren't we all feel lost without them .. haven't we all got tired and sick of waiting on this AP list .. aren't we all praying for GOD every single day to make days pass by fast untill we meet our partners again .. haven't we all cried at a dark night when we felt so lonely .. and finally aren't we all asking for the same thing , just to be together again ?

    aren't we all the same .. isn't it the same case then !

    it just needs someone who has a mind to think about this .. someone who has a heart to feel this .. and i bit he/she can see that cases are not different .. cases are just one !

  11. hello every body .. just for the latest update

    (Jo and Re) got their visa 6/20/2007

    (gotmeahunk & AshkiA ) last posted were months ago which makes me assuming that they have got their visas .

    i just see that some people wouldn't come to inform us when the visa is in hand so we just have to keep updating the list ourselfs :lol:

  12. thank you all for the info .. some people advised me of contacting the DOS once again as they believe DOS give some wrong info on some cases .. so i will let my wife contact the DOS maybe tomorrow and see if they have changed their mind yet :lol:

  13. hello MRs Bridget , thanx for your post.

    how could we ever make sure that they are giving us the right info .. i'm sure we gave them the right info NAME & CASE NUMBER & ETC .. but did they ??? who knows

    we have called the DOS for the first time yesterday .. today is off anyway .. i don't know if it's wise to gave them a call by tomorrow or it will be just time waisting !

    when my wife called .. the guy was so nice as he asked for the case info then he asked her to wait for a minute to screen it .. the he came back and said , well it looks to me like it's still in Cairo !

  14. thank you MRs Mary for your detailed replay .. i understand that the AP doesn't have a time frame .. but isn't it really funny how some cases are sent to the DOS the next day of the interview and some cases are sent even perior to the interview AND some cases are not sent even after 6 weeks !

    i'm not asking for a time frame for the AP .. i'm just wondering how long the cases could stay in cairo before the embassy even start to think about reviewing them or send them to the DOS !

    i guess the answer is ( there is no time frame too ) :lol:

    thanx again .. take care .. wael

  15. hello every body .

    i had my CR1 interview 5/23/2007 .. and have been under AP ( administrative process )

    consular said that i will be contacted within 1-2 months .. and since it has been 6 weeks now so my wife have called DOS ( Department Of State ) this morning .. so they told here my case is still in cairo ad asked her to call within 2 weeks or so .

    i'm just wondering .....

    1- does the DOS knows about all the CR1 cases .. or do they only know about case that been filed in USA

    2- does cairo embassy transfer all the cases which under AP to the DOS for the check name clearance and etc .. or some cases are transfered and the other aren't

    3- can it takes almost 6 weeks in cairo without being sent to the DOS .. is this considering a long time or is it normal

    thank you all .. your help will be greately appreciated .. have a nice day .. wael

  16. hello nouna , sounds strange BUT i would say ( every thing is possible in Cairo )

    ordering the visa from the states or from March .. me myself won't care as long as it let me enter to be with my wife :lol:

    but please let us know if this was what they said ( we will order it from the states coz we run out )

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