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Posts posted by wael253

  1. the first thing i got today when i went to my message box was this weird message that sounded so much like a the Nigerian's scamer messages .. and just wanted everyone to be aware of such a similar message .

    Hello Dear,

    My Name is Miss Natasha Ukwa,i go accross to your profile in this site and take a very good at it and become intrested in you that is why i decided to write a few world to you about been accepted me as your friend please here is my email address for contact(uk_natasha@yahoo.com)i am looking forward to here a good respond now,please mail me now i am waiting thanks,

    your forever,


    (you know that age colour or distance does not matter in a real good relationship but love matters alots)

    From Miss Natasha (uk_natasha@yahoo.com) i will like you to contact me with this my amail address so that we can become a good friend and also i will send my photo for you to know who i am,

    this was the original message that i received and wanted to share it with you here in case if anyone else recieves a similar message later at least you can be aware of it .

    1- the first red Flag as you see the idiot didn't even know how to spell right english words .. commited many fault and mistakes with the words and the gramer so it's so clear he/she is not American or even British as he/she claims .

    2- Newbie .. just joind today wish is another red Flag specially when you recive that type of messages .

    finally methink that any similar message you receive may comes in a different way and using a different story and different words but will still contain these two red Flags .

  2. no mam i'm not taking it personaly as ofcourse i excuse your frustrations .. all what i was trying to do is to put a hand on the cause of this complecated situation ..

    1 .. i would say that the USCIS were right when they told you there is no appeal or refile as long as you have a pending case .

    2 .. instead of being interested in knowing WHY they sent it back to USCIS plz be advise to concentrate on knowing the SATUS of your case at the moment .. is it refused , did the petition expire !

    because they won't give you a clear reason why it has been sent back to USCIS .. they don't tell anybody .

    3 .. when it has been sent to Athen first , i believe this is the DHS and usualy cases take a long time there but yours was processed faster then others and then has been transfered to USCIS which is a good thing .

    4 .. i don't know if the DV is a good idea as i don't even know if they will process any type of visa for an current applicant .. but i would say in the best chances it gives less than 1% hope which is not fair for both of you .

    5 .. about the appeal VS refile .. i would say DCF REFILE is the best option .. specially if you get the chance to get married and apply for the K3 or CR1 at Cairo consulate .

    6 .. i have been searching the other day and have found a very similar case as i think she knows more .. shee has gone thru all what happened in your case almost .. so you may want to contact her and see what she does recently ..

    http://www.visajourney.com/forums/index.php?showuser=16753 (vicki/bala )

    7 .. i'm really sorry if my previous comments sounded rude and be sure it wasn't meant to be .. wish you the best luck in your next steps .

  3. Number 1: yes .. A FEW...what date I started my job??? Come on .. who cares.. it that the question that decides if you really love someone?

    i agree it's not the question that decides if you really Love someone .. BUT don't you think it's a question that decids if you really KNOW someone ?

    mam i'm not against you as i can imagine the pain you feel .. we all here at VJ are in the same boat .. we have different names , IDs , faces but we all have the same feeling pain and fear and unfair .

    as when i post my first reply i didn't mean for it to be offensive in anyway BUT at this point as a word of advise don't expect to resolve a problem without knowing what or where the problem is !

    wish you the best luck in your journey .

  4. ok i see it now .. i have heard that full fingerprints is needed only when a name hit is found .. but that's fine as it doesn't mean a bad thing coz it's just an initiat process and would be corrected once they check the name and the fingerprints on their system .

    but the strange thing is .. when they ask for a full fingerprints the one would think hey they will send it the next day to the DOS for checking .. but unfortunately they don't .

    what i can see now is .. taking the finger print or not taking them doesn't relate to the matter of sending the case to the DOS or not sending it .

  5. hey Doodle , sorry i had to post this again here :hehe:

    Do you all think this is true? I could swear I have heard of people getting their visas who did NOT get any fingerprints taken .

    methink this could happen only in case if the USCIS or the consulate already hav a record of the persons fingerprints .. ex. somebody who applied for a tourist visa a few weeks bfore his immigrant visa interview .

    sometimes .. the consul would miss to collect the fingerprints at the visa interview and in these cases they call the applicant and ask him to come back for his fingerprint to be taken .

    10 fingerprints is rarely needed .. in most cases it's just the two index .

    also for immigrant visa interview we have to provide the embassy with a full fingerprints police report from a local police station .. but they still have to collect the two index fingerprints anyway .

    we had DCF for CR1 .. index fingerprints has been taken at the interview .. case never been sent to the DOS :idea:

    Doodle plz tell me did they take his 10 fingerprints at the interview ? or no fingerprints at all has been taken ?

  6. Do you all think this is true? I could swear I have heard of people getting their visas who did NOT get any fingerprints taken .

    methink this could happen only in case if the USCIS or the consulate already hav a record of the persons fingerprints .. ex. somebody who applied for a tourist visa a few weeks bfore his immigrant visa interview .

    sometimes .. the consul would miss to collect the fingerprints at the visa interview and in these cases they call the applicant and ask him to come back for his fingerprint to be taken .

    10 fingerprints is rarely needed .. in most cases it's just the two index .

    also for immigrant visa interview we have to provide the embassy with a full fingerprints police report from a local police station .. but they still have to collect the two index fingerprints anyway .

  7. ( They ask him a FEW STUPID questions that OFCOURSE he didnt know ) .. (ex. what date i started my current job)

    1- FEW .. i wouldn't be surprise if someone failed to provide a right answer for one question .. but a FEW ????

    2- OFCOURSE .. why OFCOURSE ?????

    3- STUPID .. ( ex.what date i started my current job ) oh mam do you think that this is a STUPID question .. so i'm really afraid to tell you some of the question that i have been asked !

  8. 2 weeks ago when Jeanne contacted the DOS .. the lady there told her that some cass are not to be sent to the DOS as all the security checks would be done in Cairo .

    and here is 2 simple questions ...

    Q- could the security names checks be done in Cairo ?

    A- methink YES , why not , the whole thing is only about one button click .

    Q- do they really do it in Cairo ?

    A- only GOD knows what they are doing or thinking or hiding for us .

    one last funny comment ...

    as we have heard before that they have a limited amount of visas to be issued every month .. so maybe tomorrow someone will come to hit us with this shocking news and tell us that ( Cairo embassy has a limited amount of cases to send to the DOS every month )

    this whole process does make no sense at all

  9. yes doodle .. angeljan case has been sent to the DOS .. they informed her that the name check was done , methink June 14th .. her husband has a visitor from the embassy couple of days after i got one the first week of August .. i think he was the same guy who visited me as we both are from Alex .. i believe the home visit in Angeljan case was almost th last step .. i hope mine was too .

    one difference in our cases .. mine hasn't been sent to the DOS yet .. mine is still in Cairo !!!



    a big congratulation for the great news .. we are really happy for you Jan .

    long 7 months there .. but hey it's all over now .. new feeling , new life , so much relaxation now :pop:


  11. (Dear Sir/Madam:

    Your case is undergoing the necessary Administrative Processing.

    Cairo Consulate)

    hey doodlebug .. i haven't sent this letter to the consul trying to avoid this particular answer BUT it seems like the one can't get away from his destiny , this answer was to hit me anyway :bonk:

    (they told me that the FBI background checks or a/k/a "Administrative Processing" is what would take the most time. She said because their systems or so old and because there is not one system that all of this information is dumped into)

    now and after all the fees has been raised i hope they use a cut of this money to upgrade their old system and save us some time :pop:

    (For example, its fairly normal for many egyptians to use the name format of name-father's name-grandfather's name. Although there IS a family name many people dont use it much if at all. SO in that kind of a system it would be very common to have many many people with the same or similar names and therefore the 'name hits' are just more numerous and take longer to clear)

    (THE NAME HIT ) yep that's right .. even i have watched the news few days ago and heard they didn't allow a 3 years kid to inter the states because his name was Usama .. the same thing with another 6 years kid for an american parents his only guilt is his name (Ahmed Yasin) , .. at the begining i felt upset of how samrt the name check process goes but i finally assured myself that as long as i'm not 3 or 6 years old and my name is not Usama or Ahmed Yasin so i don't have to worry about the name hit :pop:

    ( The_dip_sticks ) .. i really don't know what to say !

    only what you said ( GOD PLEASE LET US BE APPROVED SOON )

  12. for the last couple of days i felt that i need to ask these questions and was seriously thinking of sending this letter to the Consul hoping that i may get the answer for my questions or even one of my questions , any of them .. BUT when i finished it , i start reading it again and there i did remember that my letter or even another hundred letters and all of my questions will only get the one typical consular answer , their perfect answer that they keep for any question , their answer that will hit you once they see the ( question makr ? ) before even looking at or reading your question .. as we all know their answer in this case or any other case ( your case still pending the neccessary administrative process )

    when i remembered that , i decided to post it here instead of sending it to the consul and at least save time and money and save myself of geting hit by their smart answer that nobody of us ever understood what it means :)

    what if you had a dream , as simple as a wife and a happy life ..

    then someone comes to stab your dream with a knife ..

    would you feel too sad , would you go so mad .. or would you just take it and be happy or glad !

    what if they have assured you .. that if you just wait .. everything will be alright ..

    they told you , they promisd you .. it won't be so late .. until you see the light ..

    tell me how would you feel .. if you waited too long

    lonely and only wondring .. what did you do so wrong !

    what if you can't take .. any pullshit or ####### , or things being fake ..

    tell me for heavens sake .. how would you feel if that's , all what they give or take !

    what if you try and try and try .. to know what's happening, how and why .. but all what they give you is a new lie ..

    i bet you would cry until your tears dry .. or you may get despair of feeling so unfair , or being hopless guy !

    Signature, ( someone who feels all what you see in this letter and more )

    Case Number, CRO#######

  13. questions, questions, and more questions....

    i do feel the same luv , and i have always asked myself the same question and more but baby you know what finally i realized that the most important question is ( when we gonna be together again ? ) and the answer is , we gonna be together at the 30th of September which is so soon .. and while it was the only question that i could answer BUT you know what luv i felt so happy and so relief knowing the answer for this question because being with you is all what matter , being with you is everything.

    I had asked God to just help me and guide me in the process of what is happening ... HE DID

    i'm really happy that GOD is always guiding us to the right way even at the many times when it was too dark to see , giving us the power at the many times when we thought we don't have any more power to go on , we all have to keep praying and asking GOD to help us specially at that time while nobody else can help .


  14. first of all , happy birthday Monnik

    the GREEN lights .. muuuuuuum

    we also have most the other colors yellow, blue, red, white, etc

    specially within the month of Ramadan when we start decorating the mosques , and here are some pictures which show that it's not just green !

    ohhh also wanted to add 2 comments here ....

    1- there is no such a holly color in Islam .

    2- Mohamed the prophet's favorite color was the white as he always loved to wear the white shirts ( Koftan & Gelbab ) but also he was wearing all the other colors .

    thank you .. enjoy the pictures

  15. date : 7 Agust 2007

    time : 7 pm

    event : embassy officer visiting us

    place : my home

    duration : less than 5 minutes

    reason he gave : he wanted to make sure that my parents know about my marriage

    THE FUNNY THING : my dad was one of the two witnesses on my marriage certificate !!!

    and while they have the original of every single paper so i believe if somebody ever looked at the documents that they have, they would of seen that my dad was there , and sure he knew and authorized our marriage .

    and immediately this question jumped into my mind , what was easier to do ( taking the trip to alex OR taking a look at my docoments )

    and the answer is so clear which is sending this poor guy all the way long from Cairo to Alex is much easier for them then taking a look at any of the documents that they have .. aren't they working so hard !!!

  16. i had my interview at 23th of May .. yes i haven't waited how long some other people did .. but when you have been told 1-2 months , then someone else comes and tell you that you have to wait at least 6 months here it's different story .. and the worse after that when you hear somebody confirming that there is no time frame for the AP , so here we realize that there is no time frame for how long we have to stay unavailable husbands .

    they got the control , but we still have options , my love is coming within 2 months to stay with me .

    so they can play their stupid games as much as they want but they can never beat us

  17. my sweetheart .. this is the most wonderful news i have heared since you had to leave 177 days ago .

    i'm so happy and very excited to be with my love soon .

    and about the visa thing i would say , they can delay it .. they can hold it .. but they can never keep us apart .


  18. while me and my wife had to do everything from here , so we had to go to the embassy 3 different times , first to get the free to marry affidavit, second to file the petition and present the petition interview, one time we had to go back to alex and come back to the embassy because we have forgot one paper .. these three times plus my last interview . so i been there 4 different times , i have almost met every one there , 4 egyptians and 4 americans .

    everyone was the same ( discourage & mean & aggressive ) plus treating you like they are higher than you , biger then you and better than you !

    EXCEPT this one white american consular with the glasses .. he was a truly exception .. we had him for our petition interview .. and then i do believe he is too nice to be there :)

    i had my last interview by the black consular ..

    he called my name . i went directly to the window . i said good morning sir . he said good morning

    i said how you doing sir .. he looked at me like i did something wrong or said something i was not suppose to say .

    and i really don't know what was wrong with that , is it me saying how you doing !

    or is it me calling him sir :)

    no need to go thru the interview details now coz when somebody looks at you this kind of look just because you said how you doing sir , i guess we all can expect how the interview went ...

  19. lastnight i was reading DOODLE topic telling us about her husband interview , while reading i have noticed that her husband interview was almost a copy of mine except the question about sex .. we both had the same consular ( the little black guy ) .. i have have been asked almost the same questions .. and by the end i have heared the same words ( 1-2 MONTHS )

    and while me and my wife have been witing for over 2 months now , so let me tell you something about this 2 months thing ...

    when he said 1-2 months .. we will call you

    we have your name , we have your phone , and all you info

    go and be sure .. it can take less .. it can't take more

    there is no pain .. there is no hurt .. that won't be sore

    maybe i was naive .. coz i did believe .. what he had to say

    coz when we called the DOS .. to tell them about the 2 month .. they said there is no way

    they said it usually takes .. up to 6 months .. we just need to pray

    sure we had to ask .. why he said 2 months .. they said he likes to play

    it's bad .. really sad .. it's shame

    when somebody thinks it's a game

    and for his game we pay

    we pay in every tear .. we pay in every hurt .. we pay being apart .. we pay it every day

    thousands of miles between us .. and all what remain is .. message , email , phone call

    when i look at myself i see unavailable husband , out of service .. or call it whatever you call

    FAIR ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS .. that's all what i'm asking for

    not a temporarily suspended husband for 6 months or even more

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