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Posts posted by tucson_chick

  1. yay, another person to share cake with!! :)

    a colleague at work mentioned that 60 Minutes thing... sounded innaresting :D

    and agnes, I don't know what I'd do if I had to listen to that all day :angry:

    I hope you believe in karma...


    I DO believe in karma, but I feel sorry for her kids who are already imitating their mums eating disorder. .....

    off for watching TV now, and a glass of wine :)

  2. OH: Did anybody watch 60MINUTES yesterday?

    One of the topics was the law suit against DHS. Immigrant women whose husbands passed away before he interview are facing deportation. Mainly because it took close to a year until they were scheduled for their LPR interview, the husbands were in combat or died suddenly of heart attacks. 700 widows are running a lawsuit against the DHS to be able to stay in the US.

    anybody watched it?

  3. mox, inspired by your story, I will share my experience with my boss today.

    After cutting me and my 2 lovely coworkers down to povertylevel, she kept complaining about how much she has to suffer because she, too, makes less money now.

    so today, her new gucci-handbags that she bought on a shopping trip to vegas this weekend arrived. she staid at the mgm grand in a suite (on the company credit card) and spent 900 dollars for roomservice.

    then she had a second delivery, her new nursery furniture for her kid. all mahagoni and teak, she didn't forget to tell us, that the crib and the changer together were only 3000.


  4. OH; ALY; i am so excited that you have your interview appointment!!!


    my computer remembered my password, me - unfortunately not so much. still hoping that the moderators will help me to change my password.

    When you go to log in, click "forgot your password", follow the instructions and a new password will be sent to your email. Use that to log in and then you can change it to something you can remember. :D

    yeah. but I also forgot the password for the emailaccount *sigh* yes, I'm a dumbie...

    Oh, marta, congratulations!!! what happened! that is really early!!!i hope you are fine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. I can tell you what worked for me:

    Go to the DMV with your SSN, your Marriage License, your I94 and your Passport and your UK Drivers License.

    The DMV will make you take the test (big joke and super easy) and you will received your ID/License, valid until the expiration date of your I94. You get married and file for AOS right away, and take your EAD to the DMV and get your new DL (this time valid for a year). After your receive your conditional GC you go to the DMV AGAIN, pay another $10 and get a DL valid for 2 years.

    have fun it tucson. get a gun, a lock for your steering wheel and an alarm system for your house :):wacko:

  6. Neee, alles in Ordnung. Mussten noch nicht evakuieren. Heute gings auch (man hat nichts am Himmel gesehen), aber es schneit Asche...

    War nur mit HA beschäftigt!

    Tucson chick: das ist ja echt doof mit der Arbeit!! Hoffentlich findest du dann momentan auch überhaupt was!

    Ich drück beide daumen dass ihr weiterhin in sicherheit seid!

    naja, im moment finde ich nicht mal stellenausschreibungen die auch nur halbwegs passen würden. naja, ich werd schon was finden. irgendwann :)

  7. Hallo ihr lieben!

    seit langem mal wieder ein Beitrag von mir! ich habe wieder mehr zeit weil ich auf 75% runtergestuft wurde beim arbeiten. wegen schlechter wirtschaftlich lage und so. meine chefin verdient immernoch $15k im MONAT und ich bin auf poverty level. ich bin also wieder auf arbeitssuche. naja. aber sonst ist alles paletti.

    ich freu mich auf thanksgiving, 2 tage frei :)

    hier ist es immernoch richtig warm, nur nachts wird es ein bisschen kühler. ich geh jetzt mal und schau mir den link mit den zollbestimmungen an.

    schönes wochenende für euch alle!!!!

  8. I wish I had a kitten or a dog! but hopefully some time next year when we're back from Europe :)

    Hope everybody has a great weekend!

    I'll spend the day writing emails and trying to keep in touch with my family back home.

    FREE HUGS!!!!!

    lets see if I already have a heart, too :)

    I wish I had a kitten or a dog! but hopefully some time next year when we're back from Europe :)

    Hope everybody has a great weekend!

    I'll spend the day writing emails and trying to keep in touch with my family back home.

    FREE HUGS!!!!!

    lets see if I already have a heart, too :)

    uh, i guess I need to post more!

    will keep me busy today :)

  9. congrats to the job and the apple pie, debz!

    eric has been obsessed with a project lately and he doesn't even notice me. *sigh* I miss my friends back home.

    oh, but I talked to my friends back home earlier, and we started planning our newyears party :) (we didn't as the one friend yet, who will have the honor of hosting the party, LOL). :dance:

    aly, when are you gonna leave for your trip?

    hi moxy, good to see you!

  10. ahh, aly, so great that you guys are going on a trip!

    I am currently planning our 1st anniversary (for us thats in december as we had our church ceremony in germany in december). we never went on a honeymoon, so i really don't feel too guilty about splurging. :whistle:

    I'm trying to look for jobs, but there is nothing out there *sigh*

    anyway, the gay marriage discussion is so american that I can't even comment on it. only americans can be so hipocritical. (sorry)

    hope everybody has a great weekend!!!!

  11. fingers crossed, debz!

    did you guys read the post of the guy who thinks that his case should get expedited because he knocked up is fiancee?


    well - if your fiance lives in a third world country and you don't use contraceptive stuff, and you do the big nasty, there is a chance that she will have a bun in the oven. and yes, you knew how long it takes to get a visa for her.

    If there was an expedite for pregnancy, all of us would get pregnant (at least I would have ;) )

    I will probably get killed for that opinion though.



  12. hi there.

    unfortunately, pregnancy is no reason for expedition, because if it was, all of us would get pregnant.

    sorry, I don't mean to be snobby, but that's just the truth.

    I'm sorry that you are caught in that situation and that your fiancee is sick, but there are ways so plan and time a pregnancy. sure, there are "accidents" and stuff, but ---------

    USCIS knows that if they would allow expedited service for pregnancies, 80% of us would get pregnant. (At least I would have considered ;) ).

    best of luck to you!

    would it be an option that you help her out fiancially so that she can live somewhere else?

    best of luck, and I hope that your fiancee will feel better soon!!!

  13. congratulations, debz!

    ah, aly, i wish so much we could be there tomorrow!

    i came home early today (haha) and did the long needed cleaning of the house. now i'm waiting on eric, vegging on the couch and surfing the net. i need to finish some serious job allplications this weekend though.

    later we'll watch scary movies and eat pizza.

    my temporary crown is giving me a hard time, the gums are very sore and infected. *sigh*

    i remember that there were times when my life was easier. :crying:

  14. Yup! I have the house to myself along with the kitties :D Just contemplating dinner mmm :D

    So the people where you work started being nice?! Isn't that typical? Maybe they just feel guilty and it won't last :lol: Nice to make the most of it while you can though!!

    I wish I had kitties, as well. feeling lonely here lately.

    hope we'll go grocery and pumkin shopping later. i really want to make a pumkin-thingy.

  15. Ugh - I know what you mean - at the moment I don't feel so bad about the prospect of it but I know that the novelty will soon wear off when reality hits :(


    You'll get through it - you're a bright, intelligent woman and anyone should want to snap you up in a second, then you can say a big F*** You to those yucky people :D:lol:

    funny enough they really tried to show us in the last few days how sorry they are, by feeding us, and giving us gift cards to restaurants and stuff. *sigh*

    jeremy is at work tonite?

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