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Posts posted by Souma10

  1. On 6/30/2017 at 7:27 PM, fatimazahrae said:

    Thank you so much , i wish your interpretation is right, i started thinking to consult an attorney , i just contacted some but my god a consultation with one that he looks like he understand whats happened to me at the interview , he gave me the feelings that i will get denial letter and i can appeal , the consultation is 200 $ for 45 m i was looking for free consultation, im not sure if i should just WAIT FOR THE LETTER/  and if no letter  i can make AN INFO PASS, until i get an answer then i contact an attorney or should i just go ahead and pay money and see what the attorney will say to feel better, really i can't decide 


    Did u get any updates about ur case ?? I know it was long time but I am in the same boat as u.

  2. On 9/25/2019 at 4:42 PM, Miamidade said:

    Hello everybody ! I didn't think that i could search forums for that information but now i'm here. Let me explain my situation and i hope you can try to help me some how .

    In 2012 i've got my Green Card. no violations\no parking tickets nothing. In 2016 i was arrested for Domestic violence (Battery attempt) but later on i took the special program (diversion program) finished it and all charges was Dropped (NOLE PROS at the end) so i was NOT CONVICTED and im still leaving with my wife. IN 2018 December i applied for US Citizenship N-400. After 6 month i was scheduled for an interview (AUGUST  17th  was the interview) . The Officer was nice, and it takes about 20 min (I've passed English tests and Civil and history) then he asked about N-400 and then  about my Arrest ! I explained him FROM MY SIDE what had happened that night and I Said BUT the Case was Dropped and dismissed but He smiled and said IT WAS NOT DROPPED , it was NOLE PROS (no prosecution). Then he  Printed me a form -  I ve Passed but Decision cant be made yet" And He said that It takes SOME time (2 weeks) you'll receive  it BY mail (the decision). Since THAT day - im checking every time online  No information ( 5 weeks have passed). "YOU ATTENDANT YOUR INTERVIEW -You DONT NEED TO DO ANYTHING THAT TIME  Estimaited Time 3 Month!" 

    I cant sleep , i so stressed out. And IM so scared that it a HUGE possibility that they will DENY me. (One of my friends WITH CONVICTION of RECKLESS Driving Got his Citizenship in 2 Weeks with the same (Decision can not be made) and i'm frustrated. So i would be very happy if you can help me with this situation a lil bit!  THANK YOU! GOD BLESS AMERICA!

    Same situation here but I wasn’t convicted. My interview coming up on March  iam really scared I don’t know what will happen. Praying for u to hear some good news soon about ur case . 🙏

  3. 38 minutes ago, Fahad86 said:

    You should be fine since you have court disposition which states all the charges were dropped. Make sure bring all the original documents regarding this incident to the interview. The good thing is it was dismissed otherwise if plead guilty it was a crime of moral turpitude. you would had to wait 3 years before applying. in this case it wont affect you but i am not an attorney so still have any concerns feel free to consult with an attorney.

    Thank you I do appreciate ur reply. 

  4. 12 minutes ago, Fahad86 said:

    did you disclose the arrest on your application? Also by saying it was dismissed did you get certfied copies from the court regarding dismissed case? did you file your n400 5 year rule or 3 year based on marriage? do you have a police report for the incidence?

    you need to answer all these questions before i can tell you something just on the basis of case dismissed.

     Thank u for ur reply . Yes I did disclosed it in n400 , Yes I do have certified copy from Court, I did filed my N400 under 3 years , I do have police report. By the way I got 10 years card without any issue .

  5. Hi . 
    can somebody help me about my situation. I got into argument with my husband that’s ended up with Arresting me for DV more than 2 years ago .i hired a lawyer and the case was dismissed without any gilt (No fine no probation no classes no community service.) now my interview coming up in March and want to know if my case will b approve ?? I am so scared and nervous. 

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