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Posts posted by pkewl

  1. Yep, right on, but let me add Business First, engaged people next, families LAST. Got to love the gov't's family values.
    The key word here is values. We as a nation are loosing the core values that made us what we are today. Just like the Roman empire we will fall under the weight of our own wealth and immorality. Bringing spouses or families together is LOW priority with our government. Business FIRST - Families LAST !!!!

    So very true........ :crying:

    even before business... they value the holders of H1B and H1 visa. Just recently a family friend who is here on a H visa went back to India and got married to a girl from there. She was able to come with him within 2 months. USCIS explain that to meeee.......... :angry:

    So true... I have a couple of H1 friends/co-workers who went to India and practically came back WITH their wives in a couple of weeks after they got married there.. As I said I m really really happy for them... As a matter of fact I am real good friends with all of 'em and in reality its NOT their fault. I do understand that they do that since they CAN. My gripe is why CANT I, as a US Citizen, do/follow the same procedure so that my wife can also be here like theirs... I feel so sad, cheated and hurt over this matter... lets try to forget it.. I m not goin to ruin my day over something I DONT have control over... but Oh yes I M SO MAD :angry:

    Tc and gluck to e'one.. I hope to see some NOA2s this week.. may provide some solace and consolation...



  2. Just to add to my prior post the reason I never got married on active duty was because I did not want to suffer what I am suffering now. As I have seen too many of my brothers suffering what we are and it is just compounded by being far from home and in a foreign country or a hostile environment. My prayers go out to all my brothers and sisters serving overseas. God bless you all I hope you all have a safe return to your families. I love and miss you all and even though I am pissed off now, if need be I will go again in a moment’s notice if called. So while we are all sad and disappointed think of our Soldiers, Marines, Sailors and Airmen suffering the same and worse. For our freedoms and the freedoms of others.


    I would just like to say THANK YOU SO VERY VERY MUCH to YOU and all the other military personnel (Soldiers, Marines, Sailors and Airmen.. e'one serving) this great country. Thank you for protecting our freedom. When I put things in perespective with a soldier's life, esp someone who is actively deployed, I do think that our/my pain is much less than what they go thru e'day.. Not only are they apart from their families and loved one but they fight for this country everyday to keep us safe here in our homeland... Hats off... and THANK YOU ALL once again..

    Tc and Good Luck to e'one with everyhting that they are doing right now..


  3. We have sent in the I-130 and have just recieved the first notice. I understand that the K-3 cost will change as of July 31. Does this mean that if I wait until August 1 that I will not have to send in any fee? Also, I am confused about conflicts with I-130 and K3 visa's - I thought I read that approval of a k3 holds the I-130 from being approved. Does one stop another or is it first come first served? Thanks for any help

    Hi dant244,

    There are few different/separate questions that you are asking in this thread, which I m sure other people can answer better than I can

    You really should have stopped there because that's where you stopped being accurate.

    The cost of filing an I-129F for spouse (K3) is zero beginnning July 30. Today is the last day to post mark a petition at the old fees unless you have access to a post office that will postmark on Sunday.

    We do not know that there will be no fee for the I-129F for those who already filed an I-130 at the old fee. USCIS has not addressed that but logic tells me, those people must pay the old fee. The difference between the combined old fees and the new I-130 fee is $5.00.

    Short of a new press release directly addressing this question, I don't think we'll know whether you can follow an old fee I-130 with a no fee I-129f until we start getting reports of RFE's (That will likely take a couple months.) or successes. (That will take even longer.) If you were my friend asking this question, I would advise you to include the check for $170 and hope they send it back. I don't expect they will.

    The current policy since November 06 is to hold the I-130 if an I-129F for spouse has been approved, unless the petitioner clearly indicated they desired Consular service when they filed. Here's the public notice.


    I just read this post so a few things to clear up..

    dant244: I would like to apologize to you for I was wrong about the dates that the new USCIS fees goes into the effect. I really thought it was Aug 1st up until this morning when I read that they went into effect today meaning July 30th but as pushbrk pointed out I had the dates incorrect, I apologize for it. I really feel bad for misstating something and I am sorry about it.

    pushbrk: Thanks for catching my error.

    tc and goodluck.



  4. hi Pkewl,

    haha, I guess you didn't read what I posted... it's all about the MONEY to them... we are worth less (1 K3 < 1 K1 < 1 I-129 Temporary Worker) in terms of speed and money collected.. will you rather collect $200 for something done in 1 day, or something done in 1 month?... that is the difference between K3 vs K1,I-129 (Temp Worker)... they have to do background checks on us, check our marriage to see if it real (please... theirs are probably not real).. this goes with a Chinese proverb I been taught... "don't bend over in someone else's garden"... you will seem like a thief to them.. even though you are doing nothing, probably just tying your shoes... they think you are stealing their food...

    Hi gogo..

    I think we were doing simultaneous post.. but its all good.. btw, I am all for paying twice, thrice... even 10x.. if thats what it takes USCIS to expediete my case... I guess I am all for paying the "Premium Processing" :D if it means my wife can be here and we can move on with our married life :)



  5. Really, I had this good feeling this week also...I don't know why. But it's quickly fading after today's lack of approvals! Down with the man! haha

    You know, I wish a bunch of us could get together and go testify before congress or something. One of the things I would explain to them is that married folks should be approved AT LEAST in the same amount time as people who are just engaged. That one really irks me!

    I guess most of all, I'd like a chance for all of us to sit face to face with the people that made these rules and make them hear what effect it has had on us. I'd like for them to explain why they have made the decisions they have. Like why won't they allow expedite on these for more money? Why won't the government help fund them a little bit since it's really akin to cruel and unusual punishment in my opinion. I just wish someone would do something about this mess NOW!

    Hi All,

    I guess I should let my whine/frustration out too before it explodes on me and cause more grief... To be honest with you all, since this K-3 has stalled up recently (which could now mean for more than a month by some timeline interpretation) and seeing NO APPROVALS for March/April filers, I 've been feeling SOOOOOO depressed/scared/furstrated..etc that I have been giving this thread a good ol silent treatment.. I felt so out of it that I couldn't even reply to some of the stuff that I been wanting to say/share here... I guess out of loads of frustration/sadness and it could be hard for me to stop once I start writing here...

    As if thats not enough to torture us K-3 filers, seeing how K-1 gets approved fast, just adds more to my grief.. Nothin against K-1 filers (I am really happy for all of them with all of my heart and wish them all the best, atleast they are not enduring the same pain as we all are) but I have said this in the past and I am saying it again here today.. why cant USCIS match the rate of approvals on us married K-3 filers too?? How different are these TWO processes???? For God's sake, we even use the same I-129F FORM for crying out loud... Please dont tell me that they need to do some so-called EXTENSIVE CRIMINAL FBI background check on us K-3 filers that either they dont have to on K-1 filers or for that matter spouses of H1B workers, who accompany their husbands/wives in most cases or that their criminal/security checks takes lesser time to do so compared to ours . Morevoer, its not like they are going to hand our wives/husbands a LPR status as soon as he/she steps into the US on K-3 visas. Well, I guess I can continue to rant and vent forever but no point in wasting our (yours and mine) time here since we all are in the same boat more or less and cant fight againt the goverment (in most cases)

    Just wanted to make clear one minor thing... Being a first week of June K-3 filer, I m NOT saying what I said above since I dont have my approval yet... Infact I m not even expecting mine anytime soon but seeing how frustrated/sad March and April K-3s filers are.. I am unhappy for them too since I do believe they need to get their NOA2 now that they are due and may even over-due(Lviv, neel06, wish1510..etc) and I m sure many more....As if the spousal separation is not hard and sad enough for all of us, we have to deal with stalled(assumed) K-3 too.. This is the last thing I wanted to deal with apart from AP/AR I guess... This just tells me in most certainty that my NOA2 is not coming anytime soon or even in the regular timeframe that its supposed too...

    Anyway, I think I 've said enough.. maybe more than what I should have.. :) I guess I m having the case of Mondays.. :blush:

    Tc and good luck to e'one.. I keep on telling this to myself so I 'll also tell yall but I know at times like these it sounds so hollow... "Hang in there guys..We 'll get there. The wait is worth for the time to come in our lives after this process is over"





    My bad.. sorry I wasn't clear enough. What I meant to tell you was that refer to "K3 guide" which is pinned in the top section of the K3 forums.. Check this link out:


    Hope this helps.



  7. So today I get another email today saying that my 129 has been transferred to VT. What the heck is USCIS doing? Wasted a week in this whole mess of transferring my file, only if they read the 130 NOA1, they could have seen that I mailed the 130 to VT and they would have sent my 129 to VT the first time. Just so so frustrating.

    Hi Raj..

    Hang in there dude.. I know its not easy with the way USCIS works but .... I 'll just say good luck to you for a speedy approval.

    Enjoy your weekend. Hope u have a great one..



    I hate it when VJ doesn't let you edit your post.. anyways I also had this to add:

    On a separate note, my VJ timeline for my wife's I-129F(K3) adjudication just went from mid-August --> September --> October 30th and I m sure it will be December (or worse) in no time if USCIS keep on working (or NOT) the same way they have been recently... I have been tracking the March/April filers thread and its way too scary and depressing when I think about how long it will take for our petition to get processed based upon the rate USCIS have been working up until recently...

    Good Luck to all of us..



  8. So today I get another email today saying that my 129 has been transferred to VT. What the heck is USCIS doing? Wasted a week in this whole mess of transferring my file, only if they read the 130 NOA1, they could have seen that I mailed the 130 to VT and they would have sent my 129 to VT the first time. Just so so frustrating.

    Hi Raj..

    Hang in there dude.. I know its not easy with the way USCIS works but .... I 'll just say good luck to you for a speedy approval.

    Enjoy your weekend. Hope u have a great one..



  9. hey guys add me on march flyers too..........

    waiting for the approval

    march 16 ......I-130 NOA 1

    MAR30....I 129F NOA1




    LET HOPE THEY WILL WORK ON WEEKEND TOO......... :help::dance:




    Hey Sau..

    Good Luck on your touches... hopefully you are on ur way to NOA2(approval)...

    As far as your question about - not getting emails when your case is touched - is concerned, as far as I know, I DONT think "updates" or "touches" on your CRIS portfolio generates any emails. Emails are generated when there is some kind of update on your case. For example, a case being sent to a different service center or somone's pending status changing to approved etc. But your petition getting touched is also a pretty good thing since that means someone @ USCIS is working on your case and you may expect something real soon... Well maybe...I m not saying that you sure will.. but usually a touch is a pretty good sign as I m sure even you are aware of it.. so keep your fingers crossed.. I did mine :)

    As far as your questions about whats after your case gets approved, please refer to guides above. They will tell you pretty much everything you need to know or follow about whats coming.

    Hope this helps. Have a great weekend and good luck again... :thumbs:



  10. We have sent in the I-130 and have just recieved the first notice. I understand that the K-3 cost will change as of July 31. Does this mean that if I wait until August 1 that I will not have to send in any fee? Also, I am confused about conflicts with I-130 and K3 visa's - I thought I read that approval of a k3 holds the I-130 from being approved. Does one stop another or is it first come first served? Thanks for any help

    Hi dant244,

    There are few different/separate questions that you are asking in this thread, which I m sure other people can answer better than I can but what I can tell you is, starting Aug 1st, there is NO fee to file your I-129F(K3). In other words, if you mail your I-129F between today(7/27) thru 7/31 then you will follow current fees ($170 I believe) and filing procedures thats on the USCIS site currently. However, if you decide to wait till Aug 1st then I am assuming that by then the USCIS website will have been updated with the new filing procedures. One more thing that you may have to check is: does this I-129F NO fee applies to the people who filed their I-130 prior to Aug 1st. The reason I am saying this is becoz the new I-130 fees roughly equals both the old I-130 and the old I-129F(K3) fees plusor minus I believe $5 = $355/$365(u should check) and hence I think the new I-129F(K3) filing is free. Well sort of as you can see. But I dont think USCIS specifies what happens to people who filed their I-130 with the old ($190) fee and now they will be filing their K3 app post July 31. I m sure the some VJ expert can chime in. It may mot matter but you should still check.

    One more thing that I should tell you about in regards with I-129F(K3) filing is that I have heard that, starting Aug 1st, you will also be sending it DIRECTLY to our resident state's jurisdiction Service Center (or a USCIS designated one maybe). Anyhow, I m not sure how the new filing procedure is going to change post 7/31 so I m just saying you should carefully look into where you will need to send your I-129F(K3) app, depending upon the date of your mailing.

    Hope this helps. Have a great weekend and good luck :thumbs:



  11. watch when the approvals start coming in...they will start coming in after 2 months for other filers.... March was a wrong time to file.... i wish i had not been lazy and done it mid feb as I had earlier planned... I guess no point in crying over split milk......but this sucks. The day I get my approval... i am taking all you guys out for dinner and drinks. :dance: hehe

    You don't want to second guess yourself on what you should have done at this point in time. Heck we did a simple civil service in February so I could start the I-130 process and when I went back in May we did a big church wedding. We should have waited to do everything in May, I'd probably be getting my approvals sooner !!!

    Hi Parachute..

    I am following almost a similar path as u did for your wedding and thats what bugs me the most... How can USCIS approve K-1 faster than married couples' K3? After all, they ALL are so-called "K" category visas, aren't they? If not better then USCIS can atleast maintain the same rate of approvals on K3s as they do with K-1s or is it just me hallucinating about the whole K-1 getting approved faster then K-3s? In any case, pls dont get me wrong I am very much happy for K-1 filers (all the best to them) but at the same time I would like to be happy for myself too. This is so unjust. Oh wow.. one more rant n vent from me I guess. I 'll get off the soap box now, thx for tuning in... hehehe :)

    Tc and good luck to all for speedy approvals...


  12. So I was reading another topic and I realised I might have made a mistake with my 130 submission. For question number 22, the form asks "Complete the information below if your relative is in the USA and will apply for adjustment of status". I put N/A for all the blanks since the question asked for if the relative is in the USA.

    What should I do? Should I call USCIS and ask them? Anyone else make a similar mistake? I don't want this to cause a problem. I have beating myself all morning since I have seen this other topic.

    Just so mad at myself, for doing such a stupid mistake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying:

    Hi Raj..

    Sorry to hear about your I-130 issue but reading your post I was kinda compelled to ask this question, partly to clarify and since even I wrote "N/A" in the first part of the question where its asking for a U.S. City and State. Do you mean you wrote "N/A' in the second part too where its asking for an Indian embassy city and the Indian state, like in my case I wrote "Mumbai" and "India" there..

    Sorry if this is a naive and a stupid question and I may be missing something here but I just wanted to check this for my I-130 since when I filled my wife's I-130 I hadn't known about VJ and I just filled the form as best as I could after reading the instructions on USCIS...

    tc and good luck... and I hope everything works out for you...


  13. here is some info..

    intrv was at 9AM, she went inside at 8 AM

    she came out at 1.10PM, 2.40 AM my time here :blink:

    was fully tensed why the interview took that long..luckyly she called me @2.45AM and told the good news.

    seems the interview lasted 1-2 mins, finally she was said u are approved, and they handed her the original documents(that were submitted at VFS) (shall update you what questions and documents she was asked in that 1-2 mins gap, i too dont know as of now)

    seems she asked the officer if she can pick her passport in the evening, but he replied that once they "hand over to VFS, they dont have answer, so please talk to them"

    there were lots of kids(K4?) and many elderly people, they were given first preference, and she was called at the very last min

    slept at 3AM, couldnt talk to her because of traffic and sounds (and she was in a hurry to go to VFS office ), by the time i woke up, she was already in a train, lost signal..

    thank you all for ur wishes and prayers....wish u all the best of luck in your interviews and future steps

    Congratulations citizen and good luck to you both for all of your future endevors. Enjoy...

    Regards Pkewl

  14. :dancing::dance: Hi All ! :dance::dancing:

    I had to wait a few days to get confirmation, but I am finally able to make an official announcement about this! I got some amazing news on my situation!

    As some of you might have noticed on some of my other posts, I not only had an application in for an I-130 and an I-129F, but also was pursuing a claim to derivative US Citizenship thru my father. In order to get proof of US Citizenship, I had to file a passport application. However when I went in for my passport interview earlier this year, the consulate was extremely discouraging about my chances of getting it- even though I thought I had a pretty good amount of evidence to prove my case. So I decided to go ahead and risk the money and inconvenience of filing the visa forms at the same time, so I wouldn't have wasted any time if the citizenship case fell through.

    Well to my joy, a couple of days ago I got a phone call from the consulate informing me that my US passport application had been approved and that I was indeed, a US Citizen already!!!!

    I do have to mention something - although I had been trying to get information on my citizenship case for months from the consulate, they didn't respond at all and it wasn't until after I contacted a congressman to intervene on my behalf, that I got this call. So if any of you are having problems with your visa applications and wondering if you should contact a congressperson for help, I say go for it! Congresspeople Rock!!!!

    I am still in shock over this! I have a sort of guilty feeling about announcing this here, as I know everyone else still has to go thru this horrible ordeal of interviews and fees and separations from their loved ones. I guess the good news for you all is that as I withdraw my applications, it leaves two interview spots for you guys to fill up faster!

    I would like to thank everyone here for their wonderful support, help, tips and advice. For listening sympathetically when I wanted to rant, and for your patience when I asked the same question for the nth time. Good luck to you all and I hope the NOA2 logjam breaks soon.

    I'd especially like to thank G&A for the fantastic chart, which you may now remove my name from! (L)

    Congrats.. RocksAnne. We will miss you... Good Luck for all the future endeavors.. :)



  15. This question might have been asked before but how do you find out if your case has been touched. I logged into the USCIS website but there have been no updates. It is just frustrating to see the same thing everyday. :unsure:


    As far as I know, you NOT seeing any update(as in the last updated date column) in the USCIS CRIS portfolio in itself means "NO TOUCH".. If I m wrong then someone please correct me..but sorry to be the bearer of the bad news but unfortunately thats the truth I believe... I hope I am wrong.. btw, I have been in the same boat for some time too but based upon my timeline I m not surprised in my case..

    Tho I should mention here that getting a TOUCH is good to some extent.. that means someone at USCIS is working on your case(mostly) but that touch in itself doestn't guarantee any approval and/or RFE generation... because I think there have been some cases where there was no touch in the USCIS site but the case still got worked on and approved or an RFE was generated.. and their USCIS portfolio had no UPDATES whatsoever... So bottom line is, dont worry TOO much about NOT getting a touch or for that matter getting a touch.. cause it could amount to be EVERYTHING or NOTHING.. Just keep on checking the app status every so often.. If your case gets touch lets say after a few months since your last update(touch), usually that means USCIS is working on your case.. where and what it will lead to is anybody's guess.. Hopefully towards NOA2...

    Hope this helps..



  16. Any approvals???

    (Just kiddin') :blink:

    Is it just me or what??? I dont seem to read many NOA2 emails/mails received of late from the fellow VJers... :angry:

    I mean I know USCIS has been slowing down in processing our apps but this current feeling is like they just came to screeching halt...unless people getting their NOA2s are pretty much all Non-VJers... I m not quite there yet for my NOA2 but I can imagine the endless pain and grief of the early March/April filers.. This process is so unbearable.. Anyhow, just wanted to say Good Luck VJers... Hang in there.. We will get our NOA2 soon.. hopefully



  17. Hi Guys,

    Not sure if this has been posted here recently but for whatever its worth, the new BS processing dates on the USCIS website are out as of yesterday. Not like I care in any way or form about them but just wanted to post it here if someone's keeping track of them:




    I find it weird that they still don't have a processing date for the I-129f K3/K4 at the CSC.

    I have wondered about that so many times... Dont know the answer to that... I mean its ironic that USCIS keeps on touting that we would like to provide our customers with an accurate status of their application yet they have so many discrepencies and so much incompetency in all of their working areas... I do understand that its a huge and complex agency with a lot of apps... but come on.. its not like they dont charge us... besides I m sure that there other agencies/companies in this world of the same size, probably even bigger, and they probably operate much better..

    Okay I m thru with my USCIS rant... sorry :)

    Good Luck to everyone with their VJ..



  18. Hi pkewl,

    just checked the USCIS website.. still updated as of June 18 =( :blink: how hard it is to update daily or weekly? Even they can just "trick" us and edit the code to display today's date instead of doing the working on December 2006 I-130s and I-129Fs... :D they are so slow in doing everything... only thing fast they do is collect our money ^_^

    So now this makes sense... coz I tried like 3 times and once I saw June 18th... and the other times I saw July 16th.... and I thought I was hallucinating or something.. this is so wierd.. well its USCIS we were dealing with over here... Am I surprise? NOOOOO... EXPECT NO LESS... :) I guess just try again... I think I saw the new I-129F @ CSC was Jan 13th 2007.. again I think it was that... and Oh ya not to mention its I-129F(K1/K2)... so who knows whats the date for I-129F(K3)... :wacko: Like we really care about those dates anyways.. :)



  19. Divine Mercy, I think the charts you link to are not providing an accurate read of the recent events since they average over a long time horizon. In other words, the recent backlog in 129F approvals is not represented properly by these charts as it is diluted by more prompt approvals that occurred earlier in the year. You need to look at the detailed timeline search. Here are some observations.

    Members who had their I-129F approved in:

    Jan 2007. 5 members in VSC approved in 57 days and 5 members in CSC approved in 107 days (CSC twice as slow!)

    Feb 2007. 6 members in VSC approved in 47 days and 20 members in CSC approved in 90 days (both improved)

    Mar 2007. 7 members in VSC approved in 67 days and 4 members in CSC approved in 121 days (both slowed down)

    Apr 2007. 6 members in VSC approved in 45 days and 30 members in CSC approved in 84 days (both improved especially CSC)

    May 2007. 8 members in VSC approved in 84 days and 8 members in CSC approved in 84 days (CSC stays consistent but VSC slows down a lot and matched CSC)

    Jun 2007. 6 members in VSC approved in 151 days and 6 members in CSC approved in 116 days (both slow down but VSC is stalling!)

    not sure how to explain this

    You explained it wonderfully! Thank you. It sucks but thank u for reporting the news as it is.

    How's this for a trend for ya...

    :dance:My I-130 was approved yesterday!!!!! :dance: (July 16, 2007, notified via email) I'm the 3rd member here going through the VSC and the 3rd approval from the VSC! With the new information regarding how slow the VSC is going with the K3 approvals.. i'm really going to have to do some research to see if abandoning the K3 is the right option for us. It seems, based on the VJ stats, that the interview will take MUCH longer to get with a CR-1 than with a K3. I need to find out how accurate that is. It is still so exciting to see something big happening!!! I got a touch on the I-130 today (july 17) after the approval. hmmmm.

    Yay.... Congrats Divine Mercy... We are so happy for you and good luck for the rest of the VJ :thumbs:



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