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Posts posted by pkewl

  1. I am hoping it will get better; there were many who filed to beat the price increase and I am sure that is part of the reason for the backlog of application.

    Your assessment/speculation may be correct but I think we (as in all the filers since March '07 and later) have been experiencing some kind of delay in getting their NOA2... especially at the CSC and the worst part is I dont think the approval time from NOA1 to NOA2 is getting any better... If anything its just getting worse... I sure hope I am wrong on this one...

    Besides the backlog and fee increase and many other factors, I would also like to attribute this NOA2 delay to something else that I 've been observing/noticing lately at the USCIS. I may be wrong but it looks like USCIS approves a few petitions per week(lets say maybe like 6 or 7 or a few more in a good week) and then it(USCIS) almost kinda goes into a "hibernating" mode... atleast as far as K1/K3 petitions are concerned... We will only see like one or two NOA2 in a week sometimes, if that, after a pretty good week(s) of approval time... Does anyone else agrees with this assessment of mine? What do they do during these slow times? Work on some other category visas.. like employment-based etc etc... And I think this "slow" mode is one of the big reasons why our approval time keeps on getting worse.... My VJ 129F NOA2 projection date has gone from August -> September -> October -> November... so much for USCIS catching up... BTW, I know not all the applications get NOA2 as per VJ timeline and its JUST an indicator but I 'd like to think its a pretty good one.. atleast for my OWN sanity check so that it helps me to avoid all the disspointment.. when I dont see any NOA2 in my mailbox or on CRIS... Anyways, I think I am done with my weekly rant... lol :)

    Just my 2 cents...

    Have a nice rest of the day yall... and good luck to all of us waiting.. :thumbs:



  2. Congrats to raj0327 and RobinAtAileen... and good to both of you(more like four of u) lol... with the rest of the process... :thumbs:

    On the other note, considering Raj's dates, VSC is already approving some of the June K3 filers... and CSC... well lets not talk about them... coz it doesn't matter what we say or do... I hate this discrepancy as I m sure many others here... ok ranting done... good luck to all of us waiting...



  3. yes darkhorse

    thank you

    nothing works for us

    thank an other time for the in formation

    I just checked the CSC online timeline, as I do every morning as if I expect for it to one morning show my file date, lol, but anyway, they were showing a date of like Feb 13th and this morning it has "6 months". In reading their intro on that page it says:

    This improved reporting procedure is an effort to give our customers more accurate information that better reflects current processing time and USCIS service level commitments. Effective immediately, when we are completing applications and petitions within our service level goals we will report the USCIS service level commitment. For example, when our service level goal is to process a particular kind of case within six months, and if our processing time is six months or less, we will show "6 months".

    When we are not meeting our service level goal, the date posted will reflect the filing date of cases that are being completed.

    So does that mean they are getting closer????? :thumbs:

    I wouldn't rely too much on USCIS' wording/reporting... coz I think they have had "This improved...." paragraph for atleast last couple of updates.. most likely eveb more...

  4. Hi All,

    Was just checking in to see if we had some NOA2 progress/movement here or not... but as usual...hardly any NOA2 from CSC recently... so I m feeling little off... not to mention that I am almost at about 3.5 months since I filed my wife's I-130 and almost 3 months for her K-3... so I guess this wait is starting to get to me now. :mellow: Anyhow... lets keeping on praying/hoping for more approvals...

    What I am about to say is totally off the topic so you may wanna skip this but have you guys seen the application pending disparity and imbalance between the two main USCIS service centers: VSC and CSC. This isn't a surprise to me but just wanted to share some K1/K3 pending numbers discrepancy that I just observed between the two service centers. Check this out:

    At VSC:

    Pending K1 - 160

    Pending K3 - 30

    At CSC:

    Pending K1 - 405

    Pending K3 - 112

    There is a magnitude of difference: pending K1 @ CSC is more than twice and pending K3 @ CSC is more than thrice that of VSC...Dont they (as in USCIS) see this and may wanna balance it out... I know my whining and :ranting: is not goin to matter or help but couldn't help posting it since I saw these numbers.

    On the other note, I would like to say THANKS A LOT to bszoom42 for all of this time/help/effort here on VJ... and good luck for your fiancee's upcoming visa interview. :thumbs: Have a great time on your trip... hopefully she will be with you on your trip back... Good Luck and wishes... :)



  5. We filed and sent our I-129F on the 9th May whilst I was in the USA. Texas recieved it on the 16th, cashe the check and then sent it to CSC (the K1 / I-129F applications are all now handled by CSC and Vermont). We registered in the USCIS website to track our progress and it says they got our I-129F on 21 May but we didn't recieve the NOA1 until 30th July! Patsy had called USCIS a few times and only got one helpful contact who said we were on track to get approved within 3 months of applying. (Aug 21st) According to the USCIS we've been TOUCHED once, on the 12th July and nothing since.

    We're wondering when our "start date" is? Is it May 21st (When they say they recieved our 129F) or the 30th July (when we got the NOA1)? We found it encouraging that VisaJourney added an estimated approval date to our timeline details, based on all the members' info on here. They gave us the 18th Sept, then it was changed to 26th Sept. So the average time from receipt of 129F and approval seems to be 4 months.

    London US Consulate say interviews are appointed within 75 days of them recieving the NOA2. So we're just hoping that I will get my visa in early December and be there for Christmas. It's sad that, with all the technology and info seemingly available, that all we seem to have is hope based on guesstimates..... And furthermore, if we didn't have VisaJourney we'd have to rely on the USCIS who don't seem to have one ounce of empathy or sympathy with genuine relationships.

    I wanted to say all this in the hope it will help someone reading about our situation and to pin-point the grey areas of doubt.

    ie *Start date (NOA1?)

    *How many touches are we supposed to look for? What is the usual amount?

    * What do the touches signify?

    * What does the USCIS's process timeline mean? (It currently says, Now processing 13th Feb) Are these the last ones going through?

    Good luck to all of you. ~ John


    I will try to answer some of your questions/doubts.

    ie *Start date (NOA1?)

    I had the same confusion myself when I started this process but thru my research and readings here on VJ, I am fairly certain that USCIS seems to process applications in the order of their RECEIPT DATE thats printed in your NOA1. Again, I have read, thats how its suppose to work. Now, as we all know USCIS, its not always first come first serve but you can relate your case in regards with the receipt date in your NOA1. The notice date in your NOA1 is when your notice was generated. Someone please chime in if I my understanding is incorrect.

    *How many touches are we supposed to look for? What is the usual amount?

    * What do the touches signify?

    Regarding touches, there doesn't seem to be any usual amount or number. Its totally haphazard but there are certain pattern. I have seen cases on VJ where an application wasn't even "touched" once but they still got their NOA2 and vice versa, meaning there have been so many instances where even after getting a touch or touches, it wasn't adjudicated. A touch means your case is getting updated(not to be confuse with being worked on, which may be the case btw). Update in this context could be that they are filing, shuffling your case between service centers.. or being worked on to get the final approval(NOA2). For me personally, I consider a "touch" as something is happening with my case but its fair to say that if you see a touch on your case after a long time(could be a few months) then its fair to assume that your case has been assigned, which may or may not end in the final NOA2.

    In regards with USCIS processing dates, to keep long story short, DONT worry too much about them. Apparently, USCIS uses that date to "convey" to its customer that thats the furtherest(sp?) (as in past) date of application that they are processing but they could be and usually are working on cases that are filed much after that date. For ex., 13th Feb, in my opinion what that means is that they have approved all the cases that were filed on 13th Feb or before.

    Sorry for a lengthy post but I hope this helps.

    Good Luck. :thumbs:



  6. Minimum standard set for all consulates was 6 mos. but some consulates that can be longer dependant on local conditions

    I filed from New Delhi on April 2007....The residency requirement then was 90 days...However, I heard rumors it was going to change to 180 days..

    Interesting.... but according to your timeline your petition is/was at a USCIS service center in the states and is not being not adjudicated abroad.... but another twist is that USCIS has a remote office in New Dehli so you may have lucked out....

    If you read the DOS announcement dated March 21, 2007 (link in YuandDan's post above) it indicated that the start of the 6 mo. requirment was effective immediately.

    Hello All,

    I am trying to find the residency requirements in order to do DCF at the New Delhi office. Specifically, I would like to know whats the minimum number of days/months require to stay in India to do a spousal(I-130) DCF? Last time I read somewhere on the USCIS website that it was going to be extended to 6 months for most consulates but I had heard that a few were able to successfully do a DCF at New Delhi office after staying in India for 90 days. I think someone did it as recent as April 2007 after USCIS had already extended it to be 6 months for most consulates. Is DCF still possible at New Delhi after 90 days of stay in India?

    One of my family members will be getting married in India this Dec and it looks like he will be able to (and woud like to) stay in India for atleast 90 days... If its 180 days then its probably not possible for him.. hence I am checking this for him...

    Any help is much appreciated. Thanks to all and good luck.



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