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Cheryl & Medo

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    Cheryl & Medo reacted to Dumb/Dumber in I FEEL STUCK!!!!   
    Perfect and excellent advice Bob. Sweetheart, you are obviously a good and caring person. You need to realize this man cares nothing about you so do not waste you time with him. Do exactly what Bob says. I promise you it is for your best.
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    Cheryl & Medo reacted to Nagishkaw in I FEEL STUCK!!!!   
    Typical of a controlling abuser, not to mention a self-serving little brat. He is using emotional blackmail and you have to stop giving in to him and covering up for his sorry butt. He gets away with treating you like garbage because he knows he can by you basically allowing it. Have you ever thought that you married a sociopath ? The very bottom line is, he doesn't love you and he doesn't care about you. All the doing for him and catering to his needs isn't going to make him love you. I think you know that. Further, for him to withhold sex from you is a form of cruelty and torture, and you have been married for how long ?? You are being far too kind. I would take him and his belongings and literally dump him off at the mosque, and that would be the last thing I would do for this bum.
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    Cheryl & Medo reacted to Brother Hesekiel in I FEEL STUCK!!!!   
    I feel the urge to give you an honest-to-Allah response, but it would only upset you even more and get me suspended. So I just get to the bottom line, if I may. The chances that this marriage is going anywhere where you will experience martial bliss and respect are about the same as you winning the jackpot in the state lottery, twice in a row. You have the chance to end this now before it will consume every bit of your sanity, dignity, and self-respect.
    Have a friend over and tell him in his or her presence that you want him out of the house . . . now. Rent a room in a Motel 6 anywhere and bite the financial bullet for 1 week, max. Then ask for your house keys, demand them. Book a flight for him back to Egypt and tell him that you will not go to the interview and will not provide an Affidavit of Support for him. Tell him to hurry, because his mommy is waiting for him.
    Then you book a room in another motel or stay with a friend for a week. You don't want him to wait for you at your door. Do not go back to your house for a week, but have a friend check every single day if everything is in order. Tell him that if he doesn't take the flight home, he will be very sorry later on.
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    Cheryl & Medo got a reaction from Kathryn41 in what household "chore" do you hate the most?   
    I hate it all
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    Cheryl & Medo got a reaction from ~ameriptian~ in Dead fiancées   
    Medo says he is Egyptian not Arab so I gess he dont count in this and he has never had a fiance. Nor a dead one.
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    Cheryl & Medo got a reaction from ~PalmTreeGurl~ in Bidets   
    My husband says I"I don't know why Americans like walking around with dirty butts"
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