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Posts posted by AnnaAnnaAnna

  1. 29 minutes ago, Ed&Midori1031 said:

    We all act out when we act on impulses and think first, but do be prepared to explain this to the IO when the time comes for the AOS interview.  Hopefully everything goes well, and hope you and your husband can stay civil until then...

    Yes we have talked about it. We love each other so much but what happened was insane and we didnt want that to happen again. Just really hoping it won't affect my application.

  2. 37 minutes ago, arken said:

    It may but should not be a denial i guess. Bring all paperwork about the arrest and court dismissal and prepare to explain.


    Just wanna say you two seem to be a sweet couple. You hit, i hit, i call cop, i get arrested, you bail me out.... good for a netflix series....😁😁

    Haha I know!! Some of the cops were just laughing. They didnt want to arrest me but they needed to do thejr job. God! I was so stupid. And yes, I will bring all the paperworks to prove that the case was dismissed and all. I hope this won't affect my application 😭😭😭😭

  3. Hi guys,


    I had a fight with my husband. I was being irrational at that time and threw him my purse and slapped him and he got mad at me so he hit me back. I got scared and called 911 ( I know I shouldnt have done that but then again I was not thinking straight that time) so the cop arrested me coz it was me who hit him first even though it was just a small thing. I stayed in jail 24 hours, my husband didn't charge anything coz it was just a simple misunderstanding so he paid for my bail bond. They charged me for dom battery, judge dismissed my case and I went home after. I only stayed in jail for 24 hours. Now, our concern is, will this affect my aos interview soon? Even though my case was sooo minor and the judge dismissed my case? Thank you. Should we get a lawyer soon?

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