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Gabriela Vera

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Posts posted by Gabriela Vera

  1. 11 hours ago, Sbrisa said:

    Thank you so much! I'm happy I could help someone so soon :) anyways Italian birth certificates TECHNICALLY don't have an expiration date, but many people from the Italian community suggest not to get these documents (casellario generale, carichi pendenti, vaccinazioni, certificato/estratto di nascita) too soon before you schedule the interview, as most of them expire or are considered old after 6 months.
    As for the Affidavit, you just need to make sure you download the most recent version of it (the expiration date can be found on the right top, it should be 02/28/2021 now) and that's it. Ours was completed and dated 1-2 months before the interview and it wasn't a problem.
    My general advice is that the closer dates on each document are to the day of the interview, the better, but it's not a rule.
    Good luck on your interview! If you need help with something else or have any other question I'd be happy to answer :)

    Indeed, now I’m more at ease because I already have all these documents collected so i can calm down a little bit haha. 
    Well, I asked you about the birth certificate because I’m not italian by birth so both, estratto di nascita and vaccinazioni, I have to get them sent from my country. Anyways, those together with the affidavit of support are from mid-september so they’re not too old. 
    Again, thank you a lot for your help and advises!! I’ll let you know how my interview went then, baci! ❤️

  2. Omg, i love your review so much!! You explained all really good and actually it have helped in what to expect during the interview, i have mine on 10th December 😬


    Also, if its not too annoying ask, the birth certificate and the form I-134 have to be recent or it's not so important? 🙁


    And hey, I'm happy that your visa was approved, i wish you and your fiance the best on the future!! ☺️

  3. Hey there, i  have to make another question about this theme because i'm kinda confused.

    I just create an account, here: https://ais.usvisa-info.com , and now i'm trying to pay the visa fee but i can't, it just appears "schedule the appointment". Is that means that first i have to pick the day of the interview and then, pay for the visa? Anyways it says that there are no available appointments so i don't know 😟


  4. On 10/12/2019 at 12:05 PM, AjT1 said:

    From what I have been led to believe on this site I think that it's going to be alright. I believe that it is something that can be sorted by the CO at interview. I hope so because when me and my fiancee filled in the i129f we didn't even think that parent was anything other than the guy that I have called dad all my life. 


    My interview is on Friday so I'll let you know how it goes.

    Yeah, im confident that things are gonna be alright for both.

    Greetings and good luck on your interview! 

  5. 1 hour ago, Ontarkie said:

    How and what legal path did you take to take on your Uncle's last name? Did you do a formal name change? If not than yes you need to correct it all. 

    He signed my birth certificate as my father. Both, him and my mom signed it. Plus he had the parental rights on me so when i came to Italy the first time he had to do like an authorization notarized so i can leave the country. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Ontarkie said:

    Your Uncle filled his papers properly. You are not his daughter legally his daughter. 

    All the forms you filled out with him as your father you need to correct. 

    I mean yes, he didn't adopt me and is not my real dad but how can i correct it? That would mean change my Italian passport where i have his surname, my birth certificate and all my documents from here and Ecuador  where he appears as my legal father. There is no other way this could not be an issue? 

  7. Hello to everyone, I'm going to expose my case and i hope someone could help me in some way.


    I'm having a little bit of trouble in the family part of the DS-160 , where they ask the name of my biological father. My 'dad', for, me is my uncle and also the one that figures on my birth certificate, i have his surname and the one from my mom's. My uncle took care of me since my birth and in all my documents he's the one one that appears as my dad. With my biological father i don't have a close relationship,  he added me on facebook in the past but we don't talk at all and i haven't seem him since i left Ecuador when i was 11 years old.

    The fact is that now i'm thinking to put my uncle in the father's part because legally, he is and i also put him in the form i-129f. Anyways, i'm kinda worried because, on the other hand, he is an american citizen and he didn't include me, as her daughter, when he applied to be citizen. I'm scared that the CO  may can see it, in the system, and this could be a risk for a denial visa.


    You guys have any advise in what could i do or if i should ask for help to a lawyer? Me and my fiancee are so close to achieve our goal and if something bad could happen would be devastating.


    By the way, i wish good luck to everyone that are waiting for the interview and going through this hard process! 


  8. On 10/3/2019 at 8:12 PM, AjT1 said:

    Thanks for the advise. I don't think it will be a problem if I explain everything. It seems a little weird though that this could be a sticking point for the whole visa. However I understand that London is not a really tough embassy and I have a lot of evidence of my father, the guy who brought me up, being my parent. I'm going to explain the what we, me and my fiancee thought of as a parent as I honestly don't think of my biological father as my dad because he didn't bring me up and I've had so little to do with him throughout my life, I've seen him a handful of times my whole life. 


    So when on the I-129f it asked for beneficiaries parents I had no hesitation to put the names of the two people who have been my parents, as I mentioned before in the instructions it just says parents with no mention of biological parents. At the time of filing the I-129f I only had my short birth certificate so it didn't have the names of my legal parents on it. However by the time I completed the DS160 I had obtained a certified copy of my full birth certificate which had the name of my biological parent on it. Also when completing the parent information on the DS160 it very clearly stated the I should input the details of biological parents, unlike the I-129f which just Staes 'beneficiaries parents'.


    In terms of evidence I intend to bring a written statement from my mother and father, the guy who brought me up, explaining the relationship.


    I'm glad for all of the advice and I really hope that it isn't going to be a problem. Me and my fiancee have been together for almost four years, we spent two and half of them together in Tokyo. Since her return to the US I have visited her and her family five times over the past year so I am well known to the family. And she also visited my family over here in the UK earlier this year. We've got a lot of evidence of our relationship and commitment to each other, testimonies from family and friends, all the documents we need we have and she earns well over the 125% poverty guideline. So the thought of possibly not getting the visa due to putting my parent, although not biological parent, on the original I-129f petition is terrifying. 


    I just really hope that the CO understands all of this and doesn't take this genuine mistake as trying to misrepresent or something.  

    Hey, i was reading your case and something similar is happening to me. I'm applying for a K1 visa and now it's my turn to do the  DS-160. In the part of the beneficiaries parents i have put the name of my uncle, he's the one that appears as my dad on my birth certificate and the one that took care of me since my birth. i know my biological father  but i don' have a close relationship with him at all.

    I'm kinda worried, too, because i don't know if it's going to be an issue the day of the interview and it would be horrible that they denied the visa because of this.

    On the other hand, my uncle has american citizenship and he didn't include me when he applied to be citizen and i'm scared that they see this and will be suspicious about it.

    I really look forward to hear about  how will go your interview and if anyone more, have advises for my case, it would be really helpful. Good luck to you during this whole process!

  9. 3 hours ago, JeanneAdil said:

    Many other posts on here from Saturday on as no one can asses the CEAC site

    and a K1 goes next to embassy and you will receive instructions from there 

    best to read the guides above and follow the portal for Italy and read embassy reviews

    best advice is from those going thru Italy as you are doing

    Hi, thank you for your advise. I'll check it out now the portal for Italy. 


  10. HI there,

    Me and my fiancee received yesterday an email from the NVC with our case number (our NOA2 is from 21st August), and we have tried to check our case status on https://ceac.state.gov/CEACStatTracker/Status.aspxì but it's impossible, It says all the time that the code number of Captcha is incorrect. 

    My fiancee called the NVC this morning asking for more information about our case, but they only said that we can't track our case until is sent to Naples

    Have any of you founded the same problem trying to check the case status of the visa? Do you know if maybe we could enter to the shipment on 1st October?

    Thanks and good luck to all of you that are going through this long process!

  11. 1 hour ago, Greenbaum said:

    The may not be others from Italy in this thread but you can find them throughout VJ.  Here is a query and this is what I found. You may want to go to your regional sub-forum and locate others from your area.



    Thank you! I’m going to check it out now.

    Also,  good luck to everyone here waiting for their visa to be process! 

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