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Posts posted by flemirebs

  1. I pay around 40$ a month and the employer covers a lot, its one of the top health care plans and still....just went to hospital for stomach pain and all they did was a scan- $20,000 ER bill. Luckily insurance covered all but $600, but I still don't have 600$ so.. collections here I come!! MY recommendation would be to risk it and only if you are dying...go to the hospital. That's my rule for myself from now on. Only if you are 100 percent sure you are going to die, then go to hospital. Insurance isn't worth it if you don't have health problems. I only use it because I have prescription meds and god help me if that's not under insurance. If you're older and have the Medicare I'm sure that's good. If you're rich, obviously you're fine. If your young and have bills and student loans and work your butt off...….not in you're favor.

  2. The NVC has sent our 129f package to the consulate in Morocco but how do we schedule an interview or know what to do from here? Do we have to wait for the consulate to contact us first? I have tried calling the consulate and its a mess, the phone system doesn't work correctly and automatically hangs up. I've emailed the consulate and am getting no where. Does anyone know once the NVC sends the packet to the consulate....what we are supposed to do for a fiancé visa?

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