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    Egyptjourney got a reaction from laylalex in My husband is cheating me   
    He knew exactly what he was doing, and know that you know, he wants to beg for forgiveness. Think long and hard. 3 years he did this. And if u did not find out, it would have been divorce or three more years. he should have respected you, respected your marriage, Valued you as a wife. I hate when men think they can just do what every they want. What about you, excuse about u not wanting to do sexual things that the other girl wanted to do, he never asked you. its bullshit!
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    Egyptjourney got a reaction from debbiedoo in My husband is cheating me   
    He knew exactly what he was doing, and know that you know, he wants to beg for forgiveness. Think long and hard. 3 years he did this. And if u did not find out, it would have been divorce or three more years. he should have respected you, respected your marriage, Valued you as a wife. I hate when men think they can just do what every they want. What about you, excuse about u not wanting to do sexual things that the other girl wanted to do, he never asked you. its bullshit!
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