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Posts posted by Sorasykes

  1. 6 minutes ago, Jim and Lan said:

    So sorry to hear this. This process is torture, to say the least. Our case got to the Consulate in February 2021, and we had one appointment cancelled (June 18) and trying to get another. I have a lawyer, and I emailed him today about filing a writ of mandamus, or an order that compels the Consulate to decide the visa case. I'll share the results of that with you as soon as I hear back--in a couple of days. At this point, I see "waiting" as no strategy. I'd ask you consider to shop around for an attorney willing to file a writ of mandamus. Anybody reading this who has filed a writ please let us know. 


    Again, so sorry to hear your story. Stay positive and keep moving forward. Please share your victories when they happen. I praying for you guys. 


    Jim and Lan

    Thank you I will definitely do this. Its definitely worth a try if I can't get a appointment by the end of the month. I don't want them to decide until after we turn into the documents though. They gave us a 221g for a reason. We need to make sure they get all the evidence first. 


    You say your appointment was canceled. Was it a 221g? You said your case was at the consulate in feb. They are two different appointments and Callender. 221g appointments are in the afternoon only.

  2. 20 hours ago, Jim and Lan said:

    The same calendar you are using. Yes, it will kick me off, but sometimes I'm able to get on many times over a 24 hour period--can't explain how that happens. Our appt was scheduled for the 18th (today) and they cancelled it. The Consulate asked to reschedule. No luck yet in getting another appt. This is very frustrating. It appears that Vietnam has social distancing in place again, and Consular operations are slowing down. Good luck. We all need some at this point. 

    I have been trying since February. I have had no luck at all. The worst part is I have until my November dead line. I know its still far enough away that there is hope. But it has already been 5+ months. I hope they are willing to extend the dead line if need be. We have been ready to turn in documents since Feb. 


    Her family keeps telling me to get a lawyer. Im not sure that would help at this step.

  3. 3 hours ago, turbo2253 said:

    We have a similar thread, my wife and I have been calling hourly each day since she got the 221g, I called at 00:55am HCM time on June 1st, there was only one appointment 😊👍

    I had checked about 00:05 before saying good night to Be. There were no dates available. You can check from US

    I check 5 times a day. I just haven't been lucky enough I guess. Hopefully it will happen soon. Immigration is the most frustrating thing I've ever dealt with. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, daniel_and_lily said:


    Someone on the facebook groups for vn had said they had seen an appointment slot show up in their navigation window that indicated that there was a slot available for August. She didn't manage to get the booking before the slot was gone however. I don't know how reliable that is, but ... still sucks. Someone from here I've kept in contact with said it took his fiance's three weeks of constant checking to get one, but that was before the new covid mess happened.


    That sucks that it's taken so long for you :(

    I check atleast 5 times a day and have gotten no where. I wish you the best of luck. If you hear anything else I would very much like to know. Thank you. I'll update if I ever get an appointment.

  5. On 5/25/2021 at 10:14 PM, daniel_and_lily said:

    some people are saying there are not appointments until August or after now. Is this for real? We've waited 411 days since we started the process, and interviews are months out. And we can't even meet. This is torture. 

    My wifes interview was in November. We got a 221g and have been waiting  since just to turn in documents. I hope that appointments start before August. I don't know where you read that at. But I would like to know more. Another 3 months of waiting is horrible. Good luck! My wife and I started immigration in jan 2019. Due to a bunch of delays shes still not here. 

  6. I still haven't been able to schedule anything since I made this Thread. This is very frustrating. Im going to try contacting them again. We got the 221g letter in november. This cant just be bad timing when checking the schedule.

  7. 2 hours ago, Jim and Lan said:

    We just got an interview. You have to check the appointment calendar several times a day. The appointments go quickly, and as soon as you see one open, you have to book it right away or it will be gone. It took me a month before I was finally able to get an appointment. 

    Thank you, we have been checking for 3 months. We are just unlucky I guess. Im going check every couple hours and hopefully get this over with. 

  8. 16 minutes ago, JasonGG said:

    Not sure how helpful this will be now, but in when trying to schedule a K1 appointment in April 2018 and a K2 follow-to-join appointment in October, we found that new appointments (dozens) were posted on Friday between 1-2:00pm Vietnam time.  Openings due to a cancellation can show up at anytime, though.  Best of luck to you! - Jason

    Thank you so much!

  9. My wife received the 221g letter for her CR1 visa. She received it after her interview in November of 2020. We have everything we need and had all documents ready 3 months ago. We have not been able to schedule an appointment to turn in new evidence. I tried emailing the consulate and calling them. They have just told me its first come first serve. We check every day.  Does anyone have any advice? 

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