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Posts posted by A&R2019

  1. Also had our interview today at 10:30 and were approved on the spot! The officer was very kind. Asked how we met, how many times we saw each other before we got married, reviewed a lot of the yes/no questions from the app, and asked about my husband’s job he got with his EAD. The only documentation he took from us was the verification of employment, paystubs, and W2 from my husband’s work. He said we had already submitted substantial proof of relationship and did not look at the other proof we brought. Overall it was a great experience and went by quickly! Best of luck to everyone else still waiting!

  2. My husband and I have our interview in a few weeks. Originally, we applied with a joint sponsor even though I made above the income requirement because I was a student and didn't have 3 years worth of tax returns. However, the joint sponsor has since been furloughed due to COVID-19 and does not currently have an income. My husband has been working for the past 6 months with his EAD, and I already make above the income requirement. Does anyone know: is it a problem if I just bring our financial documents to the interview and try to proceed without the joint sponsor?

  3. 9 minutes ago, HRQX said:


    K or V Nonimmigrants Applying for Adjustment [26]

    K and V nonimmigrants applying for adjustment of status are not required to repeat the medical examination if the application was filed within one year of the date of the original medical examination, and:

    • The medical examination did not reveal a Class A medical condition; or 

    • The applicant received a conditional waiver in conjunction with the K or V nonimmigrant visa or the change of status to V and the applicant submits evidence of compliance with the waiver terms and conditions. [27] 

    If a new medical examination is required and reveals a Class A medical condition, a new waiver application will also be required. In such cases, the officer should determine whether the applicant complied with the terms and conditions of the first waiver, if applicable. Such determination should be given considerable weight in the adjudication of a subsequent waiver application. [28] 

    Even if a new medical examination is not required, applicants must still comply with the vaccination requirements if the vaccination record was not included as part of the original medical examination report. If the vaccination report was properly completed at the time of the overseas examination, the officer may accept the vaccination assessment completed by the panel physician. 

    An applicant’s overseas medical examination report completed by a panel physician should already be in the applicant’s A-file. If it is not in the A-file, the officer should request the medical examination report through a Request for Evidence (RFE).

    Thanks for the response! So if he had the exam in August 2019 in his home country and we filed in Jan 2020 then we are good and he doesn’t need a second appointment here before the interview? 

  4. Case status changed to “scheduled for an interview” today! We submitted our AOS paperwork a year ago and had been on “ready to be scheduled for an interview” since March 2020. We had just filed for renewal of work authorization earlier this week.

    I was wondering about the medical document required for the interview with adjusting from a K1. I had seen a post a few pages back saying we need a medical exam and sealed vaccination records. Can anyone explain this further? 

  5. Hey everyone! Haven’t posted on this thread before, but my husband and I filed his AOS in Jan of 2020. Since early March, we’ve had our status as “case is ready to be scheduled for an interview.” I am wondering a couple of things:

    1) His work authorization is due to expire in June of next year. Should we be applying now for a renewal? I’ve seen some sources online say not to do it until 4 months before and others say you can submit 180 days before expiration, so was curious what others think.

    2) While I am working right now, I am due to begin medical school in July 2021. I am wondering, if our interview is right around then and I am no longer working as the sponsor, would we likely be denied? My husband has a job and has since he got his work authorization and at the time of submitting AOS we had included a parent of mine as a cosponser just in case. Anyone have thoughts on this?


    Thanks everyone!

  6. Hey everyone! My husband and I are preparing to send our AOS package this month. I was wondering about the form I-864. I graduated college in 2018 and only worked part-time while in school, so my previous years tax returns show that I didn't make enough money to qualify above the poverty threshold. However, for 2019, I have made well above the required income. Does anyone forsee that to be an issue with approval? I was wondering if I should get a joint sponsor just to be safe.


    1 hour ago, Greenbaum said:

    You should become familiar with your country's sub-forum here on VJ to get a better understanding of the process for the Embassy that you will be interviewing with. This will allow you to get direct answers from those who have completed the steps you are about to take at the US Embassy - Brazil.  Sub-forum for Brazil is located here: http://www.visajourney.com/forums/forum/96-mexico-latin-south-america/


    This is the Packet 3 (P3) letter from your Embassy.




    There is a lot of information on the Embassy for Brazil here https://br.usembassy.gov/visas/frequently-asked-questions-non-immigrant-visas/


    A thread were a lot of chatter about the process for the Brazil Embassy and interview

    http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/679652-nvc-to-interview-in-rio-brazil/?page=10 and here



    For additional information on the Immigration Visa process and required documents, please refer to your letter or email or visit the Consular Section Website at https://ais.usvisa-info.com/en-BR/iv/information/iv_overview.


    Brazilian Visa applicant(s) under the age of 14 and Non-Brazilian Visa applicants under the age of 14 do not need to appear in person at the Applicant Service Center (ASC) appointment however they must attend in person the Consular Section interview. The parent must bring the minor child's documentation including a printed photo (A 5 x 5 cm (2 x 2 inches) colored printed photo, taken within the last 6 months and with white background. For additional instructions on photo requirement for the US Department of States, please visit https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/visa-information-resources/photos.html to the Applicant Service Center on behalf of the child.




    The Brazilian interview requires all documents presented at the interview to be originals. The I-134 does not require a "wet" signature.


    Rio gives you the option of mailing your passport/visa back to you after the interview, or pick it up when it is ready. The mailing option takes about 14 days and I have seen that sometimes it takes more. So we signed up to go pick it up when ready... IT TOOK 2 DAYS for the passport to be ready for pick up!!! This is a huge help since we are in a time crunch!

    Thank you very much for all of this helpful information! I have a question about the I-134F. I am starting a new job in a week and a half. My salary is going to be well above the requirement for a household of 2, but I likely won't have more than maybe 1 paystub by the time we have our interview. I graduated college last year so the W2 from my prior job shows less than the required amount since it was only showing salary from June-Dec of 2018. I was going to have my dad as a cosponsor just in case since I am going to be so new to this job. Do you think it would be a good idea?

  8. 5 minutes ago, Greenbaum said:

    What packet are you referring 3? Are you referring to the pdf in the first post or something else?

    Sorry about that, I meant the pdf in the first post on this page, step 1, about changing email address with the NVC.


    I also have another question about the I-134f. How soon is it recommended to complete it and get the supplemental materials ready? I thought I read somewhere that the supplemental materials for it should be recent (within a month or so) once the beneficiary gets to the interview. 

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