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Posts posted by Kes66

  1. The lawyer was very reputable and only practices immigration.


    I thought it odd that she insisted on only sending the bare minimum, when everything I read said the more information the better.

    Her less is more approach certainly got us in some trouble here.

    After reviewing what was sent, there were no W9’s, 1099s, even though my husband provided them.

    It was just the tax return that was sent with no other documents.

    She said the tax return was enough, obviously it wasn’t, or we wouldn’t have got the RFE.

    She still thought it was enough, and resent it with a letter stating that the tax return met the requirements for approval.

    OMG. What a mess.

    The letter says I can’t appeal, so I suppose we have to apply all over again.

    She is not in the office today and I can’t reach her.

    I’m very disappointed and confused.


  2. I really don’t think the joint filing is the issue.

    I think it’s an incomplete tax return that was sent. Twice.

    Oh my gosh.

    Thanks guys.

    I’m very annoyed. I was so careful with every single step, got the lawyer and everything.... the tax stuff just wasn’t something I had educated myself on.

    I trusted my husband and the lawyer with that, I wish I had known more, and asked more questions about the RFE, and responded to that correctly. Insisted the lawyer ask my husband for more supporting documents... my husband is very difficult, it’s like getting blood from a stone trying to get him to be helpful.

    when she said we didn’t need anything else, we were both relieved and didn’t even question it.

    Oh gosh.

    Please wish me luck fighting this.





  3. What happens? Do we have to show this evidence in removal court, seeings as I’m denied?

    There is no opportunity to send more evidence after a denial? 

    I’m so scared.

    We got married in 2017.

    Filed AOS in 2018.

    He filed taxes jointly for 2018, not sure about 2017 because we were not married the entire year. 

    I don’t work.. well, because I’m out of status and can’t, so I have never filed taxes in America and don’t have a grasp on how it works here.

    The letter says we submitted another copy of state and federal tax return in the RFE.

    What is that exactly? 

    Is that something anyone can write anything on?

    Were we supposed to include invoices and where the numbers came from? Is this not all automatically verified on the state and federal tax return?

    I’m sorry, I just don’t “get” it.

    I hope my questions make sense.



  4. Hi. 

    I just received a letter saying my AOS application was denied.

    The reason being, that there was not sufficient proof of my husbands income for the latest tax year. We filed in 2018, so they were wanting 2017 income.

    We received an RFE shortly after filing, asking for the details on his income for that year.

    We had already submitted his W9’s and 1099’s. He is a freelance web developer.

    Our lawyer responded to the RFE, and sent the same documents again, assuring us that it may have been an oversight or mistake, and that the documents we submitted in the first place were absolutely enough to prove his income, so we were thinking everything would be fine, and then I got the letter.

    It says I have to depart in 33 days... etc... it sounds very scary. I am an overstay, so I can’t leave and be able to come back in until this is all approved.

    I am just wondering, what else could we possibly give them other than 1099 and w9 to show his earnings better than those documents already can?

    He has some tax debt, but I didn’t think that would factor in to the decision.

    He made well over $50,000 that year, and it’s just the two of us.

    I think we missed the window of opportunity to add a joint sponsor if need be, or more supporting documents, which we could have done in the RFE, only, we don’t have any more documents other than what we gave them twice already.

    Why wasn’t this enough?

    Does anybody have any insight?

    I’m freaking out and can’t find much information online.

    Speaking with lawyer tomorrow, but would still like to hear from y’all on this matter.

    Thank you.



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