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Posts posted by Ketoneiv

  1. 6 hours ago, Ketoneiv said:

    (Asking for somebody else)


    My ex husband and i got married in our home country in 2003. Then before we start the paperwork to bring him to USA somebody told me instead to apply for a spousal visa i should apply for a fiance visa because it was faster,and i did so. The visa was approve, and in 2006 we married in Florida.We got divorce last year after 15 years of marriage. The thing is we got divorce only in our home country where we are living now. My question is,does our divorce is valid in the U.S aswell? or do we need to divorce in Florida too? I have no way to go back to U.S at this moment and im going to married here in my country with my actual boyfriend i want to move back to USA. How do i find out if im not committing any crime? It that counts as bigamy since my ex husband and i where married already in my country when we remarried in Florida?


  2. 12 minutes ago, Going through said:

    Ok so it sounds like the marriage had already broken down shortly after he arrived in the US...One of the benefits (if you want to look at it as a "benefit") of him not applying for the AOS is that there was no further misrepresentation of a happy marriage for immigration benefits.

    Thet separate 3 years after he came,but never applied for any legal status in those 3 years.

  3. 56 minutes ago, Going through said:



    Wait...just to clarify....you were also romantically involved with him while he was still married to the (ex) wife?  So perhaps not a bonafide relationship as well with him and the ex can be added to all of this?

     Yes,we were living togheter for 2 years already and yes he was still married because she didnt want to file for divorce,the charges came after all that time. Were going to be 10 years togheter next june.

  4. 10 minutes ago, USS_Voyager said:

    Like I said from the beginning, he’s probably done for. Better plan your life outside of the US

    Thank you. Is really hard,i being batteling cancer for 3 years and have to go back and forward to Peru to see him and my kids,if im no in treatment of course or having surgery. Thats another long story my friend.

  5. 2 minutes ago, MariekeH said:

    So that means we can add those battery charges from your previous thread to this mess. Honestly, I wouldn't even try to start any kind of visa process for the US, but try to build your life wherever you are now. 


    2 minutes ago, MariekeH said:

    So that means we can add those battery charges from your previous thread to this mess. Honestly, I wouldn't even try to start any kind of visa process for the US, but try to build your life wherever you are now. 

    I guess. That was a whole mess. Later she went to the court and told them it was a "mistake" I know even with that the charges dont go away. When he went to the immigration judge,him gave my husband the oportunity to stay if the wife (she was there too)  compromise to do the status adjusment,but he ask for a voluntary departure instead.

  6. 21 minutes ago, dwheels76 said:

    So let me get this right we have spent the last few hours on some BS advice to you? Your husband isn't even here has no status?

    Let me ask is he divorced from his ex or not? do you have the divorce decree? Tha's what you need to file.


    Please never again waste people precious time. This could have been resolved in like 2 post. My head truly hurts now. And I am pissed I fell for your nonsense.

    Im sorry 😞


    Yes,he is divorce,he never got any status in the US.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Ontarkie said:

    Since your friend is next to you please clearly explain the order of events. I'm pretty sure we are all reading this right but best be clear form  the start. 


    1- Friend married, did not apply for CR1 but instead applied for a K1 while already married? 


    2- Or was the friend not married when she got the K1? 


    Then the part of married twice are you saying she got married in her home country and the US after the K1? 


    3-If she has been a USC for 20 yrs who then came in on the K1 15 yrs ago? The spouse that she never AOS and he left? (I think this is how it went but please clarify) If so than the ex is back in his home country right. So no green card

    for him. 


    If #3  is the way it went down then the divorce in her home country is valid as the first marriage was the only valid one. No need to go to Florida and do another.


    Thank you for the questions:

    1-They Married here in their country. Then she went back to Florida,because she was living there and after almost 3 years o so of marriage she applied for the k-1 visa.


    2-The were married alredy in their country and the when he went to Florida,they married over ther too because the just had 3 months under the k-1 to do it.


    3-She went to the states when she was a girl with her parents,thats how she obtain her citizenchip. Then she met the husband years after she became a citizen. The husband was the one who went to Florida under the visa. The 15 years are the ones they being married all together 2003-2018. And yes,they never fix his status,he never got his green card. He is back in his home country since 2011.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Paul & Mary said:

    Legally, she will have to meet the state residency requirements of Florida in order to file.  It doesn't sound like she will be there anytime soon.


    Not that seems to matter to her, following the law that is.




    She stays 6 months of the year in Florida (where she own a house ) and 6 months in her country,but now her mom is very ill and she is taking care of her. Thats why for now she cant go back for now.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Roel said:

    I don't think your friend realizes how serious her issue it.


    As soon as she starts filling for her new husband, the USCIS will vent her past also. If they see that she cheated her way into the green card (and I hope they will), she can say goodbye to her citizenship.


    If I'd be her - I would forget about bringing foreign spouse to the US and exposing 

    I know maybe doest help since she is in a big problem buy theres any way she can divorce in Florida?

    1 minute ago, Huckleberry&Koala said:



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