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Posts posted by panda0506

  1. Hi! Our interview is this month and I just have 2 questions regarding the requirements listed on our NoA.


    1) Form I-693 Report of Medical Examination and Vacccination Record - Do I need to do this again or is the medical I did back where I am from for the K-1 enough? I seem to be getting different answers online but it says on the NoA "unless already submitted" but when I entered the US, the officer who reviewed my documents in the immigration said I would need to have a check up for my asthma but did not really say anything else if I had to submit any files to USCIS or what. 


    2) Form I-864 Affidavit of Support - same as the first, it says "unless already submitted" but does my husband need to fill this out again because there has been some changes since.


    Thanks in advance! 

  2. 14 hours ago, Eric Bargemann said:

    We’re in the same exact situation — same interview date too. Hard to be patient when we see 05/30 approvals with visa in hand already but we just gotta hold on a little longer and I’m sure our time will come!

    Good luck to us!!!

  3. Hi! Just wanted to ask about the reliability of Aftership. When I search my passport, UID, and DS160# it is saying in transit since June 6. But checking it directly from the 2GO website, they are all invalid. And my CEAC status is still AP. I am so confused and I'm getting my hopes up LOL.

  4. 32 minutes ago, BelniVanz said:

    Oh man..I'm am sending prayers your way. Hope you get it soon, I know this final waiting period seems long but just think you'll be with your SO soon to start a new life together. :)

    Thanks!! I know I am not supposed to be comparing but I can't help but worry that others with the same interview date as me already got their visas and I'm still here in AP. 

  5. 38 minutes ago, Alex & Jess said:

    Lately i been checking my account every hour or so .. because i paid my CGI fees and it says no appointment availble. When i read online they said keep checking till you find an appointment .. today i logged in and then logged out and when i tried ti log in about 50 minutes later the usatraveldocs website tell me ERROR IN LOG IN PLEASE MAKE SURE USERNAME AND PASSWORD ARE CORRECT. I tried again and its still the same response while i am sure everything is correct. So I pressed forget password and got email with temp password and when i put it .. THE WEBSITE WONT LET ME IN .. it still says same thing .. embassy is closed now and opens on sunday .. i dont know what to do .. i paid the fees and couldnt get appointment and now i am locked out ! .. does that mean i have to pay fees again .. does that mean me and my fiance lost case number and have to wait 7 months again .. i dont know what to do .. please help ! 

    In my case, I just had to wait 2 business days for me to be able to log in again. And no, you don't have to pay fees again. You just need to be patient. :) 

  6. 4 vaccinations 😅 was supposed to be only 3 but they said flu vaccine came in this morning m. Just my luck hahaha! Finished at 4:30pm and waited another hour for the release of my docs. Can’t wait for my interview. Thank you everyone for your help. :) I appreciate it.

  7. 15 minutes ago, payxibka said:

    Manila is always 2 days.  Day two is vaccinations and results pickup primarily.  Tbe time is based on how busy they were.  The fact you were given the option to show early means you don't have a specific appointment which is a good thing 

    I am aware it is for two days but didn't expect to be asked to come that late. Seems like that is the time they are packing up because I left around 3pm today and employees were leaving and chairs were stacked. I am scared they're making me go there just to tell me I need to go back for 3 consecutive days for sputum collection :( 

  8. Hi guys!


    I had my medical today and was told to go back tomorrow at 2:40PM... this is the first time I've heard about coming back that late. Most I've seen on here is 9AM or around that time. I even asked the guard if I could go earlier and he was surprised too that I was being asked to go back at that time but told me I could go at 1PM.


    I have a feeling I will be for sputum :( Hopefully not but just wondering if the time is a sign for sputum as the result?



  9. 15 hours ago, Greenbaum said:

    When you asked the question is anyone else experiencing this or experienced it there are MILLIONS of applicants I can say without a doubt someone has experienced the same.


    Give it 24 hours or until Monday for it to reset itself and then try again.

    Seems like it will be on Monday. No results this weekend. I just wasn't sure what to do. :( Thanks @Greenbaum!

  10. Hello,


    I got locked out of my account today while trying to see if my payment has reflected on my account. Called the USEM and they told me they froze my account due to suspicious activity because I had changed a bunch of info on my account. My profile was empty and I just updated it with the info they were asking for. 😕 


    Anyways, anyone else experiencing this or experienced it? How long will it take for me to be able to access my account again? I want to schedule my interview asap :(

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