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Posts posted by aclarant

  1. On 2/28/2019 at 12:16 PM, Greenbaum said:

    If you have to be in person as noted by the "original passport" I would say it is very difficult if she is in another country and cannot travel. This can be presented to the CO at the interview that you would have to travel (print off the PC requirements to have at the interview as proof) back to the Ukraine to get the PC. This happens and the CO should either know this information or you can help "educate" with the presentation of the PC requirements.


    Others may have a different point of view wait until the weigh in. Good Luck

    As an update, we contacted all the consulates in Brazil, chicago and new york to see if we could get a written answer that they dont do the police certificate so we could take it to the interview. None of them responded (its been almost 2 weeks). On the Ukraine consulate website for Sao Paulo, they do not list police certificates as one of the services.


    I called the US consulate in Rio and they said to send the question via email.


    I contacted the visa department in the Rio US Consulate, explaining the situation and they simply copy and pasted the section from the website, https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/Visa-Reciprocity-and-Civil-Documents-by-Country/Ukraine.html


    So I replied and clarified the question (my email was liter and asked if it would be acceptable that she did not bring the police certificate because of the extreme difficulty of flying to Ukraine in person to retrieve the document, they again responded with the same information (copy and pasted from the website with 0 clarification). It was pretty frustrating to ask very straightforward question and get a generic response of information we already had and included in the email. But its reasonable they dont want to put themselves in a position of making a judgment call over email.


    So I dont want to contact the US consulate again (I'm afraid of bringing "too much" attention to our case), so our current plan is to print out all the emails I wrote to all the Ukraine consulates (which is 7) (however I dont have any responses since nobody replied), and then the emails I wrote to the US consulate in Rio. If they happen to ask she will tell the truth that she was a tourist and her primary residence was always in Brasil, but she made a good faith effort to get the documents.


    My fiancee is kinda freaking out at this point. 10 months of stress and it all can be for nothing because nobody can respond to emails... I think we are both feeling pretty on edge.



  2. 6 hours ago, Shiran said:

    Go to https://dpvs.hsc.gov.ua/ order it there. Do not bother going to MVS in person, they will give you paper form, but that will take LONGER than doing it online as someone will have to do enter data from your form. You will need to select where to send police certificate. Also make sure to select you want full form, not abridged. You can go to same site, https://dpvs.hsc.gov.ua/ and check there when the thing is ready. For us it took about 5 days. You will need to go in person now to the local MVS office and pick up your paper there. They will actually print it and stamp it in front of you. 


    At the embassy they WILL ask for it, so there is no point to go to interview if you don't get it ready just cancel interview and  reschedule, do not panic, there is no shortage of interview slots in Kyiv. 

    Is there an option for them to mail the certificate abroad? My Brasilian fiancee needs one from Ukraine since she stayed there for longer than 6 months as a tourist. She has no Ukrainian ID or registration number, just a stamp in her passport.


    When we called the Ukrainian embassy in Sao Paulo (which already requires a plane trip), they said they do not provide Police Certificates, so now she is worried because she is unable to go to Ukraine personally to retrieve it. 

  3. 6 minutes ago, Greenbaum said:

    I suggest you get a PC so that you have your bases covered. If you need it it's with her at the interview. If it is not asked for then keep the document in your files. Here is how to get a copy:



    I think the problem is that it says you need to get them from the regional centers in Ukraine and she is in Brasil. So its rather impractical for her to fly over there to retrieve it. We tried contacting a business who said they would send us a copy, but we were both pretty sure it was a scam.


    How does something like that normally work?

  4. My fiancee stayed in Ukraine initially as a tourist but then stayed about 9 months traveling between different cities.


    The Brasil Consulate website says



    IF the applicant * lived in a different country for more than 6 months or currently resides in another country for more than 6 months AND was 16 years or older at that time, THEN the applicant needs a police certificate from the police authorities of that locality.


    and the DS-160 had a similar question but said to declare countries that you "resided" in more than 6 months. Residency is more specific and refers to where your home is (for example establishing tax residency). Since she was traveling and her home was in Brasil she answered "no" to that question.


    But now she is worried because she called the Ukraine consulate in Sao Paulo and they said they do not provide police certificates. She is also worried that they think she lied on her DS-160.


    Anyone have any experience with that?




  5. Is it possible to schedule the interview before receiving packet 3 as soon as we get our case number? I know the general guidelines are to wait for the Embassy to send you the email, but if Rio has a 2 month wait time, it seems safe to schedule the interview in advanced as 2 months is enough time for NVC to ship the application and the embassy to process it.

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