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Posts posted by botond

  1. @Going through the CR-1 visa is the one that I can file as a GC holder right ? And then we wait out that waiting period of 12 months to 4 years. I think this is the most reasonable.  I think I will wait a bit to see what's happening to my GC, and we will go this path. That way I can go home a couple times and she can come out a couple times and we'll be fine. I will definitelly go to a lawyer as well to have a plan that I follow. I think you helped me the most tho, I like the cold thruth, but I cannot accept a NO as an answer. There is always a way.-this is what my grandpa used to say and I will follow it. Now that you gave me all the paths, this is all that I needed. You're the best, thanks!

  2. Jesus guys, this thread is like when you go to the doctor to ask something and you realize you have 5 different other illnesses. I came back daily to this thread to read, but most of the comments were kinda negative. Let's try this again. I'm not here to see 'How I cannot achieve" I'm here to see how I can. So many people highlighted that I didn't do my registration to the SS, Yes! I know. I want to hear a solution. There is that letter that I can get, that I didn't willingly did this, I just had no clue that I need to (yes, it's in the GC papers... I was 20 nolifer and that was 9 years ago). Anyone sent that or anyone went with that to the naturalization ? Now again, I'm not interested in the "You will be denied" comments, it's a try... I will go for all my tries, and then I go with the most time consuming ones. Like waiting until 31. If I will be denied, I go next year, and the year after. If they are saying you cannot come back anyomore, I go to Canada or whatever. Yes, I went for a year out of the US, I had proof in english that I was in college, they let me in. Since then, I went 3 times home in Transylvania and 1 time in Canada. They let me in every single time and I had no problems. Other thing that you guy need to know is that I lost/someone stole my greencard this summer along with my passport. I have a new passport already, and in October I filed the I-90 to get a replacement GC. I guess they will let me know sooner or later about my verdict. I guess there are two ways, I can stay I go to work every single day as I did in the past 4+ years, or they can tell me that I have to go in a different country to build my carreer. Both of these ways are on the same journey path... my life. I hope I proved them enough that I am a respectful person in this society, working, paying taxes, no felony, no tickets. Everything is in their hands, just like for everyone in this thread. So please, if you have some positive ideas of what and how should I do to get closer to my dream and to start my little family (other than the written ones) please let me know. Thank you friends!

  3. I agree with the previous commentator that it's a fraud if someone comes here for a fake mariage, but it's not the case with us. So My next question is id she comes here, and we get married she is supposed to go home for her paperwork, I get that. But during to that "2 year period" she can basically not visit me ? Me with my 2 week vacation/year should I sustain the relationship throughout a year x2 or 3 or 4 ? 


  4. Hello, 

    So here is my story, it will be long but I hope someone can help because I'm losing it... 

    I got greencard through my father, when I was 20 - in 2010 Summer, I took my greencard and I went home to my home country which is Romania. After this, I stayed one year to finish college (unfortunatelly I couldn't finish it), after this year, I cam back in US and I stayed a year in PA. After a lot of thinking, I said I don't want to waste my money, I will go back and I will finish my college, and I went home, stayed a year and came back again with a degree. This was in 2014 September. So basically, I'm a lawful resident since 2010 I lived in the US for the past 30 months, so theoretically I could apply for my naturalization. I went to the USCIS website and checked through the steps. I found that I'm not eligible since I never did my federal selective registration, not because I don't wanted to but because I had no clue that I need to do this. Because of a lawyers advice, I filed it today (I'm 28), let's see what comes back. If it comes back as declined ( which is the case ), I can still get a status information letter, but even with that it's risky before I turn 31 - that's in 3 years. 

    Now step 2 is that I met someone in 2017 August, she is hungarian. We had this long distance relatinship since then and everything is good with the relationship. We were thinking to go one step further and we want to mary, since as I heard there is no fiance viza if I'm a greencard holder. Now my strenght becomes my loss, since I'm a greencard holder, applying for her visa is complicated and at this point I don't even understand. It might take up to 4-5 years which is crazy. I don't know where would my relationship go until then if we need to live 7000 miles apart. This would be a loe story if we could get together and if she could stay here with me legally. I love being here and I love this country, but I'm already 28, I feel like I found the best partner for myself and I will give up my greencard and the chance of being a citizen if I cannot do anything sooner than those 4-5 years. PLEASE HELP ME OUT, I'm one of those who tryes to do everything legally, please respect this and please let me know your thoughts... Thank You!

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