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Posts posted by helloworld9

  1. 8 hours ago, JFH said:

    It would be a waste of money to file now. Why was your ESTA denied? This situation will not be permanent so plan to meet again when flights are back to normal and borders are open to all. 

    *~*~*procedural question moved from “progress reports” to “process and procedures”*~*~*

    Hi, it was denied because I was planning to live with him at the time so I started to search for an employer. All that from France I didn’t intend to Work there illegally as I wanted to apply for a work visa. And they thought I wanted to go there to work illegally and they denied my esta. 

  2. Hi everyone, 


    could you please give me your opinion on this?

    me and my boyfriend know each since 2012 we’ve met several times I went to the US to visit him. Our last time seeing each other was April 2018. After my esta authorization was denied and I could not go there anymore for some reasons and I had to apply for a visa. He couldn’t come because of work and we didn’t know when we were going to see other again. So we decided to break up as the distance was very hard to handle for both of us. We started talking again a few months ago and decided to meet again as his work let him travel but then the virus appeared and the borders have been closed. I would like to know if submitting the petition for The K1 visa at the moment is a good idea or should we wait to meet again when the borders will re open ? Since we haven’t met in 2 years I doubt they will approve the petition 

    What do you guys think? 

    thank you 

  3. 19 minutes ago, SusieQQQ said:

    Yeah, so they will definitely look at your past history. I would imagine going as an au pair would make it harder to show ties as you clearly plan to be there for some time. What can you show them to prove you will return to France after your au pair stint is over?

    also, at what stage are you? Is this a preliminary question, are you signed up with an au pair agency already, or what?

    also, how old are you (au pairs must be under 26)?

    I don’t have strong ties to show them. I haven’t started the process yet, I’m just thinking about it and I’m 22 so I would be good to go if I didn’t have all these issues.. thanks for all the answers 

  4. Just now, millefleur said:

    I see...so why did they think you were going there illegally? What led them to assume that? Did you have a lot of luggage with you, no return ticket, were you visiting to see a significant other...?

    Because I had been there once in2015, twice between January and April 2018 and I was going to go a third time in august 2018 to visit my boyfriend. When I applied for the tourist visa at the ambassy they told me I didn’t have enough strong ties in France 

  5. 1 hour ago, SusieQQQ said:



    Also @marloush, you say “go BACK” to the US. When were you there before, under what status, for how long, and were there any unusual circumstances involved in either your stay or how you left?


    edit: oh I just looked quickly at post history....seems there was a k1 a couple of years ago. Could definitely be a complicating factor.

    Hello, yes I had a relationship 2 years ago with a man but we broke up. 
    i went there 3 times and the fourth time I was denied esta as they thought I was going there to immigrate illegally which was absolutely not the reason why I was going there.

    3 minutes ago, millefleur said:

    You have your country listed as France, which is a VWP country. Why did you apply for a B-2 to begin with, just curious?

    I was denied esta as they thought I was going there illegally 😞

  6. 10 hours ago, mc962 said:

    I would also sign the "Page 8 Additional Information" page(s) for if you have additional information to add to your petition (I did). 
    I believe it says on the instructions to do so...although if you forget to do so before sending the packet in I doubt they care enough about it to send an RFE.


    Yes I did sign on the additional part :) Thanks for your advice 

  7. Hi everyone, 

    Hope you are doing well 


    I have a question  concerning the documents such as birth certificate or police certificate of the beneficiary. On the screenshot from the website attached, it says "documents in foreign languages, other than the language of the country where the application takes place should be translated" does that mean I don't have to translate them if my document are written in French and the interview is in France? 


    Thanks in advance for your answers 


  8. 3 minutes ago, Ivy. said:

    I think this is the key point. I would tell them you are traveling to visit a boyfriend and that the two of you plan to file a K1 in the future.

    On my third visa interview, I told them I am flying to visit my fiancee, whom I plan to marry and file for CR-1/IR-1 afterwards, and the officer approved me for my B2 visa for ten years

    Even if they decline you, your attempt to visit your boyfriend will be beneficial for the K1 application :)

    I hope it goes well for you!

    Thank you for your response!

    Do you remember what kind of tie you had when you applied for this visa? :) 

  9. 24 minutes ago, SusieQQQ said:

    Then they would have asked you about it in April if that was an issue. That online history we see can be unreliable, they state that somewhere when you access the system. They know you departed, which is the important thing, where from doesn’t matter. 

    I heard sometimes ESTA can be updated very late after a trip so I was thinking that was the reason. 

    Because looking at this travel history, looks like I overstayed but I never did. Perhaps, they saw this and denied my esta after my trip in April. It is just a supposition.

    I will try to contact the CBP so they can correct this error.. if the agent at the embassy checks my travel history, it won't be good for me if the dates stay like they are right now.

  10. 52 minutes ago, Teemo said:

    Based on this, there is no reason you should be denied ESTA. Those are normal length trips with normal length of time in between them and you have demonstrated at least twice that you won't overstay and will respect the laws of this country. And also you are not using the VWP to come here for 6 months, leave for 2 weeks, then come back for another 6 months which isn't technically an overstay but shows the intent to live here. Again, you are not showing that. So something is wrong that you got denied, unless you know of some issue you had at a port of entry or you got arrested and you haven't told us yet. You should do what you can to find out if they made a mistake and how they can correct it. Is there a customer service line for ESTA? Failing all else, you can submit a FOIA which is free but takes a few months (www.uscis.gov/g-639).


    In terms of applying for a B2, like @geowriansaid, France is a low-fraud, low-risk country, which is why it's a VWP country, so the IO would not likely deny on immigrant intent unless there was something compelling that made him thought so. In other words, the burden of proof to prove strong ties to your home country are not as high as other countries as virtually all your countrymen and women return to their country on time. There is no reason to lie or be afraid of the fact you have a bf in the US, many people date internationally without plans to overstay or circumvent the immigration process. 

    Okay maybe that's the reason why it was denied...

    if you look at my travel history, to them, I never left in January.. it says unavailable

    see the picture attached


  11. 8 minutes ago, Teemo said:

    Based on this, there is no reason you should be denied ESTA. Those are normal length trips with normal length of time in between them and you have demonstrated at least twice that you won't overstay and will respect the laws of this country. And also you are not using the VWP to come here for 6 months, leave for 2 weeks, then come back for another 6 months which isn't technically an overstay but shows the intent to live here. Again, you are not showing that. So something is wrong that you got denied, unless you know of some issue you had at a port of entry or you got arrested and you haven't told us yet. You should do what you can to find out if they made a mistake and how they can correct it. Is there a customer service line for ESTA? Failing all else, you can submit a FOIA which is free but takes a few months (www.uscis.gov/g-639).


    In terms of applying for a B2, like @geowriansaid, France is a low-fraud, low-risk country, which is why it's a VWP country, so the IO would not likely deny on immigrant intent unless there was something compelling that made him thought so. In other words, the burden of proof to prove strong ties to your home country are not as high as other countries as virtually all your countrymen and women return to their country on time. There is no reason to lie or be afraid of the fact you have a bf in the US, many people date internationally without plans to overstay or circumvent the immigration process. 

    Hello Teemo, 


    Thank you for taking the time to answer my question

    At the immigration in January, at the airport, the agent asked where I was going to stay, I said at my friend's house. he then asked, "is it a guy?" I said yes, he asked "why are you staying at his place?" I said "because I like him, we want to spend time together." And I did not lie because we weren't dating at that time. he didn't ask more question and let me in.

    I was able to go back in April in the US so I guess that is not the reason why my ESTA got denied. 

    I haven't had any problem entering the US until now. I really don't feel like I did something wrong. I wonder what happened. 


    I called a number to find out why my ESTA was approved then denied after my two trips and the guy said he could not tell me and that I have to apply for a visa.

    Can a FOIA be used to ask why it got denied? 

  12. 14 minutes ago, geowrian said:

    Yes, any VWP country is generally considered pretty low fraud. Specifically, France has ~7% refusal rate for tourist visas last fiscal year.

    I would suggest applying before the job change, if possible.

    "I hope so" (RE: "low fraud") was correct. :P

    Okay, thank you for your quick responses! I will try to submitt before the job ends :)

  13. 12 minutes ago, geowrian said:

    They may ask about family, but really that's usually not considered a particularly strong tie. The biggest item in your favor is your passport - low fraud countries generally have good credibility.

    Do you have a job? If so, a letter stating when you are due back can be produced.

    If you are the primary caretaker for a family member, that may be something.

    The CO may or may not look at any supporting evidence...generally the DS-160 contains what they need to make a decision, but it can help in borderline cases.

    Is France a low fraud country? I hope so..

    I now have a job but my contract ends in July but I plan to find a work after I come back from the US but I can't prove that with anything :( 

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