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Posts posted by ViktorS

  1. 1 hour ago, millefleur said:

    Oh weird, well, get that form translated and send it in. Very strange, not sure what form they would want, is that something from the US side or the Russia side?

    It is form #7 - "Заявление о заключении брака"(Marriage Application). There is a negligible chance it could stuck to one of the documents I sent with the initial package, but more likely USCIS acquired it somehow.

  2. Got this from the https://my.uscis.gov/account/applicant this morning: 



    If any document is not in English it must be submitted with a certified English translation. You submitted a foreign language document, which is attached. Submit a complete and accurate English translation and a photocopy of the corresponding foreign language document. Translations submitted without the relating foreign language documents are not acceptable. Extract or summary translations of the original document are not acceptable. The translator must certify that the translation is complete and accurate, and that he or she is competent to translate from the foreign language to English.

     I'm sure that I submitted English translation for our marriage certificate and my wife divorce decree. 

    There is no attachment, so I don't know what is "missing" and need to wait for the letter in my mailbox. I'm sure that I submitted translation for two documents I had in Russian: marriage certificate and my wife divorce decree. I also uploaded everything into the USCIS portal. The translation is made by Rev and USCIS never had issues with their translations in the past.  

    • Can this letter be issued for inadequate translation?
    • When I have the details should I request translation from two different translators and send both to be sure?     
    • Should I mail (as requested) AND upload the response? 
  3. I'm curious, what is involved in the I-130 processing at USCIS for IR category? Is there any security checks with other agencies? I believe that the security check was the explanation why other type of cases are processed out of order. But if there is none, I don't understand why these cases are processed so out of order: there are approvals with NOA-1 date from the end on June 2019 while there are open cases from beginning of the May at the same service center.  I understand that this information is unlikely to be actionable, but still interested in what's going on there.

  4. I couldn't fine any cover letter in the list of the required documents on the uscis.gov. I suppose, it is one of the things that people think is "nice to send". It should describe the content of your envelope, so an officer who will review your case will not miss a document or evidence lowering (in theory) a chance of getting RFE. I'm going to send one page describing the entire package.   

    Please correct me if I'm wrong.

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