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Posts posted by David-and-Mae

  1. Yesterday I just got my pre interview letter from The US Embassy. I just wanted to know how long it takes for you ladies to recieve your packet 4 since the time you recieved your pre interview letter.I understand that we have all different lenght of time, at least an idea will help :) And one more inguiry, I have with me my NBI clearance already and I got the notations stated "NO RECORDS ON FILE" I'm totally confuse if I need to obtain an official letter of explaination from the NBI, it said only on thier requirements that you only need to provide them the official letter of explaination if you have any of this notation in your clearance "NO CRIMINAL RECORDS", NO CRIMINAL CONVICTION", " NO PENDING CASE", or DEROGATORY RECORDS.

    I hope to get some help here.

    Maraming Salamat


    Maybe it was your first time to get an NBI clearance that's why it said No Records on File. If you want, you can get a new one or renew it, but bring what you have right now and explained to them why you're renewing it. You will notice that it will then say No Criminal Records. Try this, it might work...


  2. In where you lived for the past five years, I wouldn't have to put any study abroad that lasted for only three weeks, would I?

    When we filled out our G325a, I only put my recent address for almost 11 years (1995-present) and didn't include my address since birth till 1994. I'm not sure if it's ok because they say as much as possible, never leave a gap. But since they only asked for address for the last five years... we thought we'll just give what they asked for. Hopefully we won't have a problem because of this.


  3. I somehow skimmed over that part about needed to date and sign additional sheets on the I-129F. Is this also true for the G-325A? My fiance sent me his forms with an additional sheet detailing the rest of his employment history, but didn't sign and date this. Is this crucial? I've had to have him resend things several times now. Does he have to resend this as well? :(

    And where on the sheets should you sign and date? Just right at the bottom?

    I can't wait for this all to be done so I can hurry up and wait!

    Also, everywhere the I-129F Texas Service Center address is posted on the USCIS site, it has an extra "1" in the zipcode. I did not notice this at first, so my fiance put that number in the address on his letter of intent. I don't think this is a problem because the typo occurs all over the USCIS site, but what do you think?

    Maybe you should check everything before you ask your fiancee to resend this and that so that it won't have to be a tedious, not to mention costly, job for both of you. He will need to sign and date all additional sheets at the bottom (or at least that's how we did ours). I've read somewhere that they received RFE because they missed to sign and date their supplemental pages, so if I were you, I will make sure I got everything in order to avoid delays. Just my two cents :whistle:

    As for the extra number of TSC zipcode on his letter of intent, don't worry about it... typos happen all the time and it's not crucial since it's just a letter, though make sure he signed and dated it as well.


  4. HaHa, I would always do that too. I'd stop checking at 5 or 6 thinking my chances for that day were done.

    Now I have 24-hours a day to be a crazy, compulsive checker :lol:

    Maybe we should start a club called "Compulsive Checkers Association" because I'm a full blown one too. :lol: Now that things are rolling again at CSC, I check my mail more than I usually do even though we're December filer. Can't help but :whistle: and :dance: to the tune of ~~I believe in miracles, where you're from, you sexy thing~~ :lol:


  5. I wonder if the toughest time is getting the NOA2? I mean is it like once it get accepted, the rest are easy to go? Does it mean it's half accepted? I wonder what is so bad that can cause a case to be totally denied?

    It's indeed the toughest part and for me, the most frustrating part. If you won't meet all their requirements, you'll get RFEs that can cause delays. Even though it will take longer time, you'll still get approved once you've complied to all the required documents and evidences. Lucky are those who filed at Vermont because it's known for speedy approvals. As for us who are at CSC, we need to wait for our turns and while it's really hard to keep on waiting, just pray that you'll get the approval anytime now. Good luck!


  6. I DO have my airline tickets when I left India in Aug 2005 – and no, I had NOT submitted them with the I-129F. Never thought of it! My father paid for the tickets online in USA and sent them to me via a friend going to India… I have the original emails from Expedia.com confirming the flight (phew! just dug them out!). Geeze I never thought sending those would mean anything. Guess I should send those, in case that’s what the RFE is?

    Well, if ever your hunch is right about the RFE (insufficient proof of meeting), you can now use the airline tickets that you have. I'm sure it will somehow and maybe you should also include an extra page of letter explaining why you're lacking of evidences. You said going out together in public is a taboo in India. Maybe (just maybe) they will accept it. Good luck!


  7. Am I missing something?!?! Photos of you and your fiancee in your apartment means that you have met (perhaps not in the past two years?).

    Yes, I labled the photos with dates but they might question that! I wonder if anyone else has only had photos as proof of meeting? I know many people show plane tickets and passport stamps - but my passport says I did not leave India at all from 1989-2005 August!

    The photos that we submitted in our packet has dates printed on it already (we used digital camera) but we still labeled each and wrote a little caption at the back of it. It would have been better if you have other evidences that will prove you've met within 2 years prior to your application. Good thing we were able to save proofs like boarding passes, tickets, itineraries, hotel reciepts/accomodations, passport page with immigration stamps, etc. But like what others have said, maybe you should try not to worry about the RFE until you got the letter. Who knows, it's about something else and not about the pictures. :) And who knows, after you've submitted what they're asking from you, you'll get the approval right away. I've seen cases like this looking from others' timelines. Anyway, good luck to you and I wish you a speedy approval!


  8. Or do I have to have him sign it and send it to me?

    He should sign his own G325a, you can make him send it to you if you two are far apart right now. My fiance and I did our paperwork when I made a second visit to her country and it wasn't a problem for us to sign everything that needs to be signed. If you haven't got his letter of intent, you can send it along with his G325a. Original signatures are very important...


  9. I, of course, realize patience is a virtue, and I normally do not post on here, particularly just to rant about something.

    However, I know I'm not alone in feeling like CSC slowed down greatly. I just thought it would be nice to vent.

    I'm glad some people were approved, and that they appear to be starting up again.

    7 at CSC since Xmas, possibly 8 if one has a typo. Not bad, really.

    13 at VSC.

    Patience is a virtue when dealing with the USCIS. CSC applications ALWAYS take longer, it's the way it is.

    Looking at your timeline, I'm sure it won't be long now and you'll get your NOA2. I know how hard it is to wait for something that will make you permanently happy, without the need to live a day far away from the one you dearly love but keep on hanging in there and your approval will surely come anytime now. Let's just keep out fingers crossed that after all these holidays, things will pick up again at CSC. Good luck on your journey, good luck on all our journeys to happiness!


  10. Got everything in order, no loopholes, no RFE-whatsoever, you'll probably get an interview date quicker than the rest of us here. VSC is known for fast approvals. If you thing you did a wonderful job in putting your packet together, you can get approved in a month or two, which is really faster than CSC. Just relax for now and see how things go. I hear knitting is really the best way to make yourself busy while waiting. :lol:


  11. Looks like you got everything in order and ready to file your I-129F anytime now. :thumbs: As for the letter of intent to marry, I'm sure it won't hurt if you will get a new one from your fiancee instead of correcting it yourself and get an RFE later. And oh, you might want to include a certified copy of your birth certificate as proof of citizenship. Just my .02 too :)


    I got a birth certificate recently from the vital records office, but I'm not sure if it's short form or long form or whether it matters. And does this mean it's certified?

    If you don't want to submit original copy of your birth certificate, you can ask for a certified copy from the vital records. Some say they were asked for long form of birth certificate but I think as long as the name of your parents are written on it, it doesn't matter if it's long or short.

  12. My fiance and I talked for 2 months before I became her girl. After almost a month, he decided to see me and we became officially engaged. We were ready to file our I-129F a month after but we thought it was too early for us to be doing it. So we set aside it for awhile and he made another trip and it was then when we realized that we shouldn't have put off filing the petition for me. If you really love each other, you don't have to wait very long in getting your fiancee. Anyway it will take at least 6 months to obtain the K1 and it's more than enough timeframe to get to know each other more. And as for using an attorney, you don't have to unless you really don't have more time to gather up and organize things. People here at VJ will help you and all the things you need to know about the whole processing is available here at VJ website. All you got to do is read and read. Good luck on your upcoming journey and welcome to the club! :thumbs:


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