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Posts posted by debbiedoo

  1. Do what you want. As others have said, its personal preference. a Marriage certificate proves the marriage for any questions.


    i go by my maiden name. i hate my ex (now deceased) with a passion. LEgally, I have to use my married name, but for anything short of legal stuff.... i use my maiden. im never questioned about it. when Paul and I marry, I'll take his name.

  2. my lunch consisted of leftovers - spinach linguini with chicken and asparagus.


    The UPS man came in while i was eating and asked where i got it. I told him my house and he goes ' can I come live with you?'



  3. On 1/19/2018 at 2:00 PM, cyberfx1024 said:

    There are a fair number pinoys both in and around the Triangle. There are a couple Filipino stores as well in and around Raleigh/Cary but the closest one to you is the Oriental Store. Also there is a big Asian Market in Raleigh called the Grand Asia Market which has a fair number of Filipino stuff in there as well. We just moved from Los Angeles to Sanford which is an hour from Durham, and my wife feels the same way as you. Where in the Philippines are you from? My best guess for you is to go to local Asian stores and start finding Filipinos, don't be afraid from talking to people.






    Grand Asia is in Cary.


    just an FYI. my ex was japanese and we went there all the time.


    good produce.


    that was about where my interest stopped.



  4. On 1/20/2018 at 8:00 PM, JFH said:

    I think the point he is making is why doesn't USCIS and DHS fast-track immigrants from so-called "low fraud" countries such as Canada, Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand, etc where the applicants have no economic advantage to move to the USA and are statistically more likely to be moving for love, not a green card. This would free up resources and employees to focus on others and thus speed up the process for all. I can see his line of thinking. But I can also see the problem in that they could face a discrimination suit when petitioner A sues because his wife from country X was processed a lot slower than the British/Canadian/Swedish etc wife of petitioner B.

    wouldnt it be nice? love is the ONLY reason my fiance is moving here. While we are aligned politically, neither of us are errr fans of the current administration, and he will make FAR less money here than he does there. and he has free health insurance (in a sense, anyways). Then you have him driving 750+ miles each way every 3 weeks (for the past 2 years) to come visit.


    i have a hunch, and thats all it is, that immigrants from.... 'friendly' countries are scrutinized less. randomly perhaps sure, but not to the extent of many.... places and situations. maybe its me being hopeful and naive. the thought of another year of this (we'll be filing the k1 next month, he has to gather a couple of documents still), is slightly depressing (but, nothing i can do about it....sigh ......)


  5. so im new to the forums, and about to file the K1 for my fiance to move from canada to the US, and I freely admit I don't know as much as so many of the members on here .... but dude.... I think you're screwed.


    What kind of marriage lasts 10 (or 8, i think you changed your answer?) and you dont communicate? You dont visit? Theres no proof or evidence of your relationship? And she hasnt filed taxes? Why? 58 is not old, why does she not work? SHE has to be able to support YOU. No proof of divorce? Did NEITHER of you think that this MIGHT become an issue? My fiance and I spend upwards of 20,000 (no, thats not a typo) minutes on the phone a month. Neither of us has ever changed our phone numbers. He comes down pretty much every 3 weeks to visit for a long weekend, pretty much like clockwork, there's dozens and dozens of photos (and not saved to just ONE device- theyre on our phones, computers, facebook, printed copies....), facebook and text messages (though most of our convos are on the phone, errr obviously), visits of me (and my son on one long trip) going up there. Give us 8 more years (we've been together 2) and all that would amplify even MORE.


    Not to be mean, but no wonder they didnt approve your Visa.


    Get your stuff together and reapply, but I really think this is a losing battle.

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