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Bill and Hayley

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Posts posted by Bill and Hayley

  1. Hi all, my uk passport has just ran out, problem is i dont know anyone who could counter-sign the photo and form, and only person who has know me for 2 years is our apartment manager, and i dont know if they would count her as a professional. Theres also my doctor but my husband dont think he would do it. Another thing is, as i need my name changed because of marriage do i need to send in the certified marriage certificate or would a copy do, anyone know what other proof i need to send, like greencard etc? :wacko: Then theres the passport photo's, do they need to be a different size than the standard US size. Sorry im asking so much info, but please if you have had to renew yours could you please help me with this, would be sooo grateful.


  2. OMG i cant believe this passport form, mine runs out the end of nov, so im now looking to renew, its in my maiden name so i have to send in full marriage certificate right? no copys. Also the only person who has known me for 2 years is the manager of our Appartment complex, i wonder if she would be able to sign for me ? Any help would be great peeps...Thanx.

  3. Im gonna have to look into this too, my passport runs out in november...my question is do i have to renew it before then or can i wait til after christmas, plus if you have to sent a copy of your greencard mine has run out and im waiting for my 10 year one at the mo.

  4. Slingbox is good.....

    I got sent a programme the other day, which you just install onto your pc and if you have vlc set up as your video player, you can pick any UK TV channel to watch live.

    I'll dig it out - seems to work with most of the channels almost all the time. I watched the England game the other day on ITV.

    EDIT: Here you go......the email I got in the first instance

    Thought you might like this, this bod has written a programme that allows you to watch 19 UK channels online, no problem


    You need to have VLC as your default player

    Then download the zip file from the myP2P link, extract the .exe file and copy it to your VLC programme file (I think it just needs to be on the same drive, but I stuck it there anyhow, then copied a direct link to desktop)

    Open, type in the Channel number from the menu, hit enter and voila.

    wow ...thank you so much for this, with little pc knowledge i didnt think i was going to be able to get it to work but got it going fine. It has my fav and most missed music channel scuzz on it too...Im so happy :)))) LOL...ive missed it so much over the past 2 years. You have made my day.

  5. oh i forgot to say last monday but the biometics went well down at Dover DE, but first off we went to the wrong place as they have moved since i last had my biometrics, so anyone going to Dover please dont go to the old mall, we wasnt the only ones that done this, there was a couple behind me that were an hour late because they went to the old place..

    I had an 11 oclock appt and was in and out within 10 mins...and the officers are very nice.

  6. Hi all, I remember as a kid my friends mum making coconut ice, Im sure it had condensed milk in it, ive looked online and see a few made with that and some with just milk, so tried a recipe out...total disaster, so do anyone know how to make it right, dont want to keep trying from the net and wasting ingredients. Thanks :)

  7. Hi Guys and Gals. ok so i never took my driving test in the uk, and since it seem to be easier to do over here i think im gonna go for it this summer. I live in delaware, and as far as i know, i have to get a 60 day permit , where my hubby can teach me to drive, then i have to go for a small test to see if im good enough. Seems too simple to me. Ive been told each state is different...but what are your experiences with taking your test over in the usa? Would love to know. And i dunno, im used to small back roads, no highways where i used to live so its abit scary. :unsure:

  8. Not a great sport fan myself but i must say i did get into watching baseball last year as i do get the rules of that game( unlike American football ) LOL.How ever much my hubby tells me, i just cant get it.

    And the philly's won, which was great!!!

  9. Hiya Lou LOu, i think you were around when i was going thru my K1.....your name rings a bell....Too true, time does fly, just coming back on here as i havent been on in a while...it dont feel like nearly 2 years ago i was getting ready to leave England.

    Just a few questions, how did you go about getting your UK passport renewed, mine runs out in nov, and is it that expensive.

    Also are you going to go for the American citizenship before moving bk to europe?

    Sometime in the future i would like to move back to the uk, have wondered how we would go about it...but thats years away yet.

    One step at a time, and thats removal of conditions next for me :( cant wait til i get the 10 year greencard.

    Take care!!

  10. Oh man i havent been on for a long while and this is the first thread ive read, i so hope you get your passport in time, you really have been thru alot of BS, i thought mine was bad. But to answer your question about them keeping his passport, yea they do, til they get the medical results thru, it then gets send back to you with a nice new visa stapled inside it. Just keep in mind that its all worth it in the end.

    I have to apply for removal of conditions ....so it all starts over again for me :)

    But best of luck and im keeping my fingers crossed for you. (F)

  11. thankyou for all the info...its much appreciated. we just ended our contract phones which i used to text back home, hubby got a net 10 prepaid and when i looked through the booklet it says you can call international but not text as its a violation of the terms of the agreement...same as pothergavel said. so im gonna go with a virgin or t-mobile one. cheers all!!! :thumbs:

  12. yea if you disclose it at the medical then you will need a letter from your doctor, i had my medical the day before my interview and when they asked if i had any history of depression i told them i had in the past. They then wouldnt approve me til that had all been cleared. so be prepared.:)

  13. Ok so i worded that abit wrong....maybe not most Americans, but i know a few cats that have been declawed, even the one i rescued is declawed. Living in england for 36 years i could have said i had never seen a clawed cat...i cant say that after living here. It was my husband who told me most americans have it done.

  14. yea i would say it defo depends where you live..and what sort of life you want to give your cats, ive had cats all my life and have let all of them outside as ive always thought thats what sort of life a cat would want. while i lived in the uk ( up until 18 months ago) i only lost one cat to a car but i left 2 cats in the uk with my daughters and since then they have both been knocked over right outside the house, which has really upset the girls. I have a cat and lucky i live in an appartment and cant choose to let it go outside otherwise i would, and then have the risk of it getting knocked over....its just a personal choice i think.

    oh and by the way has he told you most americans De-claw cats. personally i think thats awful.

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