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Posts posted by melly

  1. I'm curious as to what people think is an "okay" age to leave your child with your ex to go live in another country?

    I have a son who will be in 8th grade next year. I can't imagine leaving him to go live in Egypt, and yet I can't imagine being away from my fiance for who knows how many years.

    I have some ideas about what I will do and when, but I know that it is ultimately up to Allah what will happen.


  2. Well I just saw Jean's thread. How sad for her. He must have done something bad to not be able to see eachother for 3 years. I hope she comes to her senses... although seeing as the first thing she said is "any advice to leave Mohammed will not be taken", it doesn't look good for her. I think it's so sad that she still wants to be with him. She needs to learn that she doesn't NEED a man in her life to be complete, especially since she has children.

    Oh well.

    Happy Thursday

    What did I miss??? Was a thread deleted?

  3. I would bring an air conditioner LOL and I am a Texan saying that!

    LOL Tell me about it! I found a fare from Texas to Cairo for $1100 for mid-June and I was tempted,but I thought about that heat and said, no way!!!! :lol: Hopefully, she'll be OK in the heat.

    Where on earth did you find a fare that low at for mid june??? Tell !!! :)

    To the original poster, I agree with whoever it was that said you should at least get your Hepatitis A and B shots. It doesn't take long and it could save you alot of trouble and sickness.

    And please please please do as Doodle and Moody have suggested (look back in this thread for their posts) and look into the fact that Egypt isn't allowing American citizens to legally marry in Egypt at this time.

    Best wishes for a safe and happy trip.

  4. Well, I might as well jump in here, though it's possible I'll regret it.


    Though I reverted almost a year ago, I only started wearing hijab full time yesterday.

    When I first reverted, there was a very well meaning sister revert who tried desperately to make me understand that it was absolutely necessary to put hijab on right away, there was no option about it. She was so adamant about it.

    It was a pretty big turn off.

    I knew that for me, it was better to wait til I understand and could accept it on my own, so that it would be something I was firm about and was doing for God, not for someone else.

    Now, that's just me.

    I'm happy about my decision to start wearing hijab and I think it came at the right time, with God's guidance.

    I have my opinions about how other people wear hijab, but most of it has already been stated here so there's nothing new to add on that front.

    I also know that no one here on earth is perfect, though I know a few people who seem to think they are. :D

  5. This thread is now longer than the ME/NA Welcome to America Thread, the Casablanca thread, the 221g thread and just about to take over the pinned thread, Sultan's Kitchen.

    And the point at this point? Anyone?

    Because it sure doesn't seem to be about anything useful re visa information.

    Why not save the board space for something that can help everyone instead of something that divides everyone?

  6. I've sent several packages through the U.S. postal system and never had a problem. I send them registered so it does cost a little bit more, but I don't mind paying it since all the packages have been recieved fine.

    They do open them to check what's inside, but we've never had anything go missing, and I've sent chocolate and other candies and all sorts of things.

    He only had to pay a small tax as well, so maybe it depends on the person in the post office who they get when they go to pick up the package.

    And I've always written his address in english.

  7. Since when is an Islamic marriage not a proper marriage?

    If someone is Muslim and has an Islamic ceremony, there are no rules being made up. As far as I know, all Muslims can have an Islamic ceremony and why should one Muslim be any different than another in that respect?

    If someone wants to make that marriage legitimate in another country, then they will follow some rules about having the contract registered or going through whatever process the other country requires, but before Allah, an Islamic ceremony is completely acceptable.

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