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Posts posted by melly

  1. we went to the gym together the other day and he freaked out when he saw men showering naked in the locker room.

    ok...i gotta ask. doesn't everyone shower naked? :unsure:

    Of course everyone showers naked. lol

    But he's probably used to showers having doors, instead of being open where one can see everyone and everything.

    *eta - or perhaps they walk around naked in the locker room before/after showering. I've not been into a mens gym locker room so I couldn't say for sure. :P

  2. I loved the book, like I loved the previous volumes, with the exception of the last chapter.

    The whole chapter seemed too "neat" and not well thought out and no real details. Why put it in at all? Why not let the readers think what they wanted?

    Now if she wanted to take it further and develop a series based on the kids, etc., that might be nice.

    I was surprised about Dudley's reaction to Harry when the family was being taken from the house to safety.

    And I was under the impression that Bellatrix had died as well.

    I'm trying to imagine how the movie will be for this one, with all the battle scenes. Can't wait.

  3. in response to rahma's post...i TOTALLY agree...BE NOSY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ask as many questions as you want...i mean sometimes the simplest question that you think you know the answer to...will give you a response that will shed a lot of light on the reality of your relationship..you name it I asked it...and i do not care if he gets offended...he picked me...loved me...proposed to me...and married me...so he better take any question from me seriously and i expect the proper response or else i would have said goodbye a while ago...and fyi...i am a psychology major...and it is proven that mentally in men...when asked questions regarding their loved life... those who respond easily to tough questions (Did you marry me to come to America or did you marry me for love)...are not really in love with you...they are in love with the GREEN (money and the green card)...for example:

    When my husband and I first got engaged...I got him to swear and do a lot more when I asked him if he had any other previous or current relationships...and I confronted his mother and father...at first they looked at me and were like no wallahy he has never been with any other girl or is with any other girl currently...he only loves you and has loved you for a long time... I said I need proof...my husband was like you are more than welcome to search my parents house where i have lived and anything i own... i was like let me see your cell phone...and el hamdulillah the only gal on his cell phone list is his mom...loooool...i mean you have to investigate these things...yeah he may get offended but there is this sense of green card craziness that is present in the world today...and we have to be careful regardless of our cultural background (i was born and raised to egyptian muslim parents in the USA who also immigrated here to america in search of a better life...and i speak arabic fluently and a good muslim el hamdulillah...)...

    i mean call them at random hours...i mean he is your husband...if he is doing his evil deed at 2 am when you call him or 2 pm he is going to get caught...(you cannot hide the sound of a disco or a stuttering voice nervewracked at the fact that his wife will yell at him)...i have done it and will continue to do it...and I COULD CARE less if he gets offended...and yes i have become like a mother...but you know bringing someone to a new country is like raising a child...teach him to stand on his feet and walk in a place that he has never set foot in before...he can either walk in the right direction from the beginning...or walk the wrong way because no offense...men are men and will always be men...its proven...yes there are great men out there...but let's face it...sometimes love is not everything...i mean these arab countries (along with many others) are third world countries...people DREAM of america in their sleep...lol...

    and also...my husband called me about a month ago and asked me to cancel the petition...i asked him why...he said he got offered a great job in dubai (he is only 25) and thinks it would be best if we moved there and lived there together...i was like what about america and school...he said "ana la 3ayez america wala ay haga men america gheerek enty we bas...we mesh mohem 3andy tekoony fee america aw antarctica...ana 3ayzaky tekoony ma3aya we bas"...translation: i do not want america or anything from america but you and that is it...and it is not important to me if you are in america or antarctica...i want you to be with me and that is it"...yeah sweet talk is great...but would someone give up the american dream for a job in dubai...things like this make me confident in my choice but i still have the green card nightmare in the back of my head...

    AND men are men...keep that in mind people...arab, portuguese, american, japanese, australian, south american, etc....men are men are men are men areeeeeeee men...NO DENYING IT...and lemme just leave it at that...

    my best piece of advice is analyze your relationships...and ask questions...do not rush into things to regret it later...its not worth it...and every woman out there deserves a man who will love and care for her...not for the green she can provide him...i mean the men should be the breadwinners anyway right? ;) and if he loves you he will accept you as you...and will not try to change you to his liking...i mean you cannot mold a human in a day...neither can you mold her by love...only God molds humans and our loved ones (parents) raise us to our present state...you cannot change what you have become unless it is for the better...and never change for anyone :) always be yourself :) take care everyone and my prayers are with everyone as always :)

    Honestly, I find this whole post pretty offensive.

    You make it sound like men are the enemy and not to be trusted with anything.

    Everyone deserves some privacy and space, and if you can't trust your husband, why did you marry him?

    Sounds like you have some issues.

  4. Yes Jenn, I meant your avatar yesterday. I get confused about who wants two n's in their name and who wants one.

    This week has been toooooo long. :wacko:

    I'm sure others, such as Doodle, can attest to this!

    We have bbq's at my work at least once a year. A group of us employees figure out what should be served and then we all pick something to buy (company reimburses us) or help with.

    This year we had salmon, steaks and chicken, and then all the stuff to go along with. I usually make the dessert, which I did this year as well. Caramel apple bars. Yum.

    Have fun today Jenn at the bbq!

  5. I took myself out to lunch today. Thai food. Does anyone know what they put on/in the sweet rice to make it sweet? I swear it's one of the best things I've ever had.

    It might be dangerous for me to find out how to make it, since I'm afraid I'd be eating it all the time, but I'm curious all the same.


  6. There's a small chain in my area (3 stores) called house of Falafel. I haven't tried anything other than the falafel yet but it's good.


    I guess they specialize in falafel and shawerma. Never had shawerma, and I'm guessing unless they can make it without meat I won't be trying it anytime soon.

    I don't see Koshari on the menu.

    I'm surprised there aren't any places by Moody!

  7. I don't have a ticket yet. My friend who is buying the ticket for me is out of town at the moment, so when she gets back in a few weeks she'll have me get in touch with her travel agent.

    Insha'allah I'll be there just before the end of Ramadan.

    I'm so excited :luv: , I've waited so long.

    I saw that Dee had a birthday. She's almost a decade younger than me though. lol

  8. Well, only 99 more posts til I get a heart here! It's taken me 9 months to even get this far, so I'm not going to hold my breath on getting that heart any time soon.


    And, tomorrow is my birthday, yay for me!


    I can't wait til I can be with my sweety for birthdays and other occasions so that we can celebrate together.

    Insha'allah it is less than three months now until I get to Egypt.

    I keep dreaming that I'll be able to stay there but I guess it's just a dream. :D

  9. How cute! I left mine alone for a bit and he just cleaned the heck out of my house, so it worked out. I asked him about learning the washer and dryer though and he said NO, not at this time. ?? Like what time would be better?

    Nice to see you here Julianna.

    Hope to see you posting more.


    Cute story Dee. :)

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