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Posts posted by Little_Vixen

  1. My bf and I have been keeping a close watch on processing times as we want to file K1 in december. He is very pessimistic about it and thinks with all the new rules it will just take longer and longer. He is convinced that, now the president can't stop immigration, he will do whatever he can to discourage people to immigrate. He fears the proces will only be delayed more and more and become more expensive. 

  2. 7 hours ago, amul said:


    Great question! 😀


    Front loading is when you send in proof of relationship with your initial spousal petition (I-130) and side loading can be sending in further proof during a godforsaken RFE!


    I did both! I omitted the chat and call logs during the side loading -- just put in boarding passes and a few pictures. Side loading was done with a heavy yet balanced hand. 😅


    Hope this helps. 


    Thank you! I still have so much to learn. You people are wonderful. ^_^

  3. 11 hours ago, Fr8dog said:

    I'll write my second and third name in the middle name portion. But again only on official forms. Be advised that if you change your last name, you cannot make that change to your Dutch passport. Dutch government will not let you change your last name. You can ad have it added to the passport though.

    Actually, you can. I asked one of my co workers  at city hall (publiekszaken) and she told me I can petition the Dutch government to respect American law and change my name. It will change my name on all official papers, including birthcertificate! I'd like to change my name but I most certainly won't agree on changing my birthcertificate so I guess I'll have to settle for adding it to my passport.

  4. 41 minutes ago, corvusheart said:

    Has anyone heard about DHS beginning to monitor all social media and search results from immigrants including naturalized citizens? Says it will take effect on October 18th. Also says all visa applicants will need to list all their social handles to the government. Does this mean every green card holder and naturalized citizen is going to get something in the mail as well requesting social handles? My husband who is in the middle of ROC shut down his Facebook 3 years ago. He doesn't even remember the login information is he going to have to try to find out some way for these new rules?



    Well we've all joked around before on officers reading along on this site, so it's really not a big shock. And I know for a fact most employers here in the Netherlands do a google search on your name ad look at your Facebook, Twitter, ect. I wonder how far they take this. I am on soooo many websites (pagan forums, horse forums, fish forums, border collie forums, sheepherding forums, chicken forum, archives forums, library forums, immigration forums, writers forums... oh God... I have no life...)


    Anyway, I'm more worried about my google search history. I google just about everything and I'm pretty sure some of it's shady. I mean, I'm a historian and I write historical and fantasy novels a as hobby. So yeah, I have google searches on how to poison people, how to break through city walls, war strategy's and how to plant spies into enemy ranks. Things like that. 


    Besides, how are they all going to do that? You will need a team of people that speaks every possible language on the planet to be able to screen the facebookpages of all immigrants. They barely have enough time to process our applications as it is.

  5. 1 minute ago, Fr8dog said:

    Oh you are going to be in for a treat. I got 3 of those puppies (doop naam) and than there is the given name (roep naam). Get used to running out of space on forms, having to explain to your new friends what is what and why and of course having to pronounce them. 


    For the letter: I went with initials and last name. I only use my full name when a form specifically asks for first and middle name.

    Yeah I already went through that with the kids. Great conversation starter though as it's both my grandmothers name and my godfather and -mother. Which turned into a conversation on what godfathers and -mothers really are, since you don't have those in the Baptist church. lol.

    Luckily my first name is pretty universal (Kim) and my last name (which my boyfriend is finally able to pronounce reasonably after 6 months, lol) will be changed to his when I move anyway.


    How do you do that on official forms then? Same as the letter? I can see that working. I mean, we all know George W Bush. Guess that works.

  6. Ok, another stupid question as I'm  not familiar with your customs and use of names. 

    I'm writing out the applications cover letter, intent to marry, ect. so come december all we have to do is enter the date and sign before sending off. Do I use my complete full name in these letter? I mean, its all fun and games for you Americans who usually don't have more than one middle name. I'm Dutch, and I'm Catholic. I have four birth names, lol. The letter would look something like this*:



    To Whom It May Concern:

    Enclosed please find my Form I-129F, Petition for K-1 Fiancée Visa for Gertruda Maria Hubertina Johanna Killaars, and supporting documents.




    Dear Sir or Madam:

    I, John James Doe, do hereby state that I am legally able and willing to marry Gertruda Maria Hubertina Johanna Killaars, and intend to do so within 90 days of my arrival into the US using the K-1 visa.


    *names changed for privacy reasons


    It comes across as ridiculously pompous in my eyes, but like I said, I'm not sure what your customs are and what is expected. 

    Thanks for your help guys ^_^

  7. On 20-9-2017 at 0:01 PM, NovaSprings said:

    I worked for my local government before my cr1 approval, and there was no issue.  USCIS will look at your fiancé income and ability to support you, not yours.  Some training and careers cause concern ie sciences, but working for a government should not. 

    Thank you!


    On 20-9-2017 at 11:58 AM, KULtoATL said:

    Out of curiosity, why would that complicate things?

    I don't know. That's why I asked. They said it had something to do with having ties to other governments and possible spying or something. But I'm just a desk cleric. Lol. 

  8. I've read the whole topic with a lot of interest and I'd like to put my 2ct in.


    When you are new like me and start researching its all very confusing. Theres nowhere you see that states that you can't get married on an esta or visa and you start wondering why not more people go that route. After all, it will take you to your lover much faster and it's cheaper. So what's up with that?

    I am a researcher by trade, so I dig deep and want to know every detail. But even after months of almost daily reading and researching, it's still not clear to me why the 'wrong way round' is so wrong. All I can go by is you people telling me it's wrong. But just because you did it the long way around and had to wait a year to be with your love is not a valid reason. In fact. I think it's a very childish and immature thing to say and it really raises my hackles every time I seen that comment. 


    After several months I can now understand why the 'wrong way around' is not the best way to go, even though it's not as wrong as it's made out to be.

    It's not the route you're meant to take and it can make things more difficult if your motives are questioned. That being said, I sometimes still question why not...

    But I'm not. I'm going to do this the right way. But boy is it frustrating....


    All this comes from a well educated person who does research for a living and has a pretty firm grasp of the English language. 

    I can imagine that it's even more difficult, if not impossible, for people who are less fortunate.


  9. 20 minutes ago, X Factor said:

    I have never had turtle soup

    I had turtle for the first time in my life when I visited last July. It was better than I expected. :wacko:


    I have never been to a Baptist church, but I have a feeling that's going to change real soon...

  10. Doesn't coming in on an esta count for the same thing? I'm sure when applying for an esta I had to answer a question about only entering the country for business or holiday and any change in status would be seen as fraud. But I'd need to look that up. Its been a while since getting my esta.


    But, do I understand you correctly thabk can enter on my esta, get married, and apply for CR1 without any consequences?


    Anyway. We were being referred to the lawyer to give us advise on a no pay volunteer work basis. She won't do the paperwork. Just listen to us and answer questions. 

  11. My fiancée-to-be and I will be filing for a K1 visa in December. We heard that the beneficiary being a government official might complicate things. As it happens, I am one. I am a historian and archivist at the archives of the city I live in. The archives are a department of the 'gemeente', the local government administration (comparable to a municipality, town hall or city council). Before that I worked for 6 years at the same cities building code department.


    Can anyone tell me if this would complicate things and how I can best deal with the situation?

  12. 19 hours ago, Dutchster said:

    Are you looking into the K-1 visa? Just make sure you know entering the us with the intention of adjusting status on ESTA or tourist visa is a fraud.

    I'm looking into the K1 visa and have just about everything ready to apply in December when I go back to visit. I know it's considered fraud, and I'm very reluctant to go about it that way. But the stories his co worker told him kind of scared us. I have it all worked out what costs we would make for the K1, and it would end up just below 2300 dollar in total in fees (excl tickets and other travel expenses ect). His coworker told me there were several people that filed for the K1 that spend up to 7000 dollar on the whole process.

  13. Thank you! Happy to be here.

    As I posted on the Dutch thread. My bf has been talking to a co worker of his, who married a Columbian woman. He advised on getting married and apply for a greencard after. He said it only cost him 200 USD that way. Not sure what to think about that. :huh:

    He gave my bf the name and number of an immigration attorney who does volunteer work at one of the churches in town. He will go in and talk to her next week.

  14. Thank you! Happy to be here. I will be even more happy when I am over there, but that will take a bit.


    My bf has been talking to a co worker of his, who married a Columbian woman. He advised on getting married and apply for a greencard after. He said it only cost him 200 USD that way. :huh:

    He gave my bf the name and number of an immigration attorney who does volunteer work at one of the churches in town. He will go in and talk to her next week.

  15. Good morning all you lovely people. ^_^ 

    I have been reading this website for a while and it has been a huge help to understand what the immigration process all entails. I figured, since my love and I are planning to start our own big K1 adventure in a few months time, I'd drop in and introduce myself.


    I'm 33 and from the Netherlands. Work at the city archives as a historian, archivist and floormanager. I'm currently enrolled in the Media, Information and Communication course at the University of Amsterdam and spend my free time sheepherding with my border collies and riding my 17 hand high Belgian draft. If I'm not chattering away with my baby that is. :wub:


    My boyfriend and I met each other through an online friend a little over a year ago. We chatted for hours on end and became very good friends. We were both in a pretty rough space at the time (both going through divorce) and we had a lot of support from each other. When everything settled down a bit the chatting quickly evolved to calling and the calling to videochatting and at one point we realized we really wanted to be more than just friends.

    Last July I flew out to Indiana to go see him and it was everything I hoped for. No nerves, no awkwardness. As if I came home. I got along real well with his kids too and I met his parents and stepmother. I already booked my next flight (December/Januari) and he got his tickets for March 2018 booked as well.


    So, that's us in a nutshell. I'm looking forward to meeting all of you and hopefully weedle some more information out of ya. ;)




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