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Posts posted by Queeniam1963

  1. 11 hours ago, Sarac9 said:

    This feels like a never ending process.... i feel so impatient sometimes. But you know, I've accpted our reality and left it completely up to god to help us. 

    I am witness that this process is long and exhausting mentally , but be assured that it will end soon ,, one of the main signs I looked at was the constant back to back updates ,, look for that ,, and advice to all ,, the embassy will contact you before your medical expires, but keep record of your expiration date also, know when it expires yourself,,, be prepared!! Blessings to everyone, keep your mind busy thru the process ,, with positive thoughts,, you will receive positive results! Once again,, updates are a good sign , that your case is moving forward!!

    Blessings to everyone!! Your victory is coming🙏🏽

  2. 2 hours ago, 99balloons said:

    Congrats ibnfawzi!  I am happy that your fiancee will finally come home to you.


    I have a huge news to report too. On Oct 16 our case got touched on CEAC but I thought it was due to senator's inquiry. I had senators and congresspersons inquire over time with no avail. On 11/13, the case changed to expiring soon.  This morning, 11/14 it was back to AP.  I have an Indian co-worker whose husband's company relocated them to Canada due to uncertain immigration future and she was in the US this week. She asked if I heard anything about my hubby (she met him 5 years ago when he was in the US) and my answer was no.  5 minutes later I checked my email. There was an email from embassy...

    The embassy's email starts with "Your visa is ready for issuance...."  and asks for updated forms and tax returns and medical.


    We are IR-1 since submission Aug 6 2014!  I am US citizen for 35 years or so, being a legal child immigrant from Poland ages ago.  He received DS5535 in early Sept 2017 (his interview was late August). My husband is from Mali (native French speaker) and is a musician who traveled all over the world. The DS5535 went into volumes of additional pages.  It was tough trying to piece the travel history of concerts and tours and getting the correct English names for all countries to his native French.


    We are working on getting all the updated forms ready and figuring out logistics of his travel to the embassy (1400 km one way) between my booked travel to Mali last 2 weeks of this year. Hopefully our visa journey is reaching its end and we'll finally be together again in the same house for the rest of our lives. I am so happy! I'd love to be able to fly to Mali, visit with our family (it's been a year since we went to Dubai in the summer) and just collect my husband and fly back home together. Fingers crossed. I am so happy today. For those still waiting. Never give up. One day when you are almost ready to give up hope, good news will come. We are not finished yet, but after 4+ long years this is the best news ever!!!

    Congratulations!!! Love  each other always and remain happy! Such great news!! Victory is yours with commitment & faith!!!

  3. 13 hours ago, Bluecheck said:

    Hi everyone, 


    Today my case goes to Ready and nearly 2 hours come back to Administrative Processing. 

    Hopefully it will goes to Issued next time.



    • October 11th interview and AP.

    • October 13th Sent the document with passport 

    • October 16th AP after they received our marriage certificate version long.

    • October 30th AP. 

    • November 9th around 11:00AM: Ready. 

    • November 9th around 1:00PM: AP

    And the waiting time continue. 


    what think about my updates. Can I expect something soo.

    Thank you for you reply. 


    How did you send passport?? My email told me to make appointment & physicality bring passport in to embassy,,how did you get your passport to them??

  4. 16 hours ago, junior27 said:

    thank god bro

    I'm really happy for you

    keep me posted

    Posting Updates on CEAC -AP

    November 5th, 6th,8th

    Email received from Consolate Nov 6th to bring passport in:::Appt made @Dakar Embassy to return with passport——Nov14

    The embassy is closed Nov12 observing holiday,,so I scheduled next available appt

    hang in there in faith & confidence in your unification,,, IT WILL BE VICTORY!🌞


  5. On 10/19/2018 at 10:22 PM, Queeniam1963 said:


    Updates on CEAC



    got email  November 6th from Dakar Embassy to make appt and bring passport—also AP-is COMPLETE

    **ill keep updates on appt, Nov14,2018@12:30🌸🧐

    To answer the question — after interview , they only  made copy of passport, it was NOT KEPT BY EMBASSY!

    email  said only bring one document @appt which is “”PASSPORT “”🧐😌😄😊☺️Moving off “ FAITH & HOPE& STRONG PRAYERS☺️😊😃🙂

  6. On 10/15/2018 at 9:34 AM, Queeniam1963 said:

    Interview July17,2018–Dakar Embassy 


    1st -July25,2018-DS-5535 submitted

    2nd - September 14,2018

    3rd-September 24,2018

    4th-October 4,2018

    5th-October 9,3018

    6th-October 15,2018

    Last update October 18, 2018

    as of November 3,2018 ,no other updates as of yet!!🤦🏽‍♀️


  7. 9 hours ago, Caseinquiry said:

    Hello, Shazyyo and @Sarac9  I would suggest considering @aqz17 experience and send an email to the Chief of immigration visa dep at the embassy you had your interview, explain the hardship you are facing due to the delay of being apart for more than 5 years, etc.... I believe at least they will send to the US asking for an update and this may move along the process and you may get positive feedback, don't just wait and being frustrated DO something. You have nothing to lose.


    Thank you @SabrinaJerome you raised this question and Thank you @aqz17 for sharing your experience.  I have just recently tried the same approach, and it seems you are correct, monitoring any update during the forthcoming weeks if no update, then I will do it over again.  Good luck all.


    I agree ,,as the petitioner ,I do send a email every 2 weeks ,and my senator inquiries every 25 days, I believe everyone awaiting in AP should inquire to let them know we are waiting for our loved ones and its very hard not to see updates,and changes ,this is our life ,our future ,respectfully we are just inquiring! So everyone keep hope and I'm praying for everyone that's waiting ,,DAILY!

  8. On 10/23/2018 at 10:32 AM, Ahmed&Freda said:

    Those of you who received DS-5535 how many days after the interview did you receive it?  And was it called a Ds-5535 or was it just a simple email?  How did you submit back to the embassy?


    We were told at our interview today that our case needed more administrative processing and we would be receiving a questionnaire which I'm assuming is the ds-5535 but  have not yet received it.

    My husband's interview was 7/17/18 ,received email following next day with ds5535 attached (questtionaire)sent back next day ,7/18/2018 ,he submitted it back with email given by CO, the CO did send a confirmation email back saying received and everything thing was in order! Have several updates but still in AP

  9. 2 hours ago, Love To Teach said:

    That's so true. You would think that after all this time together, they should know we are a real couple. My only regret is that I didn't think to warn my husband to be prepared to be attacked by the CO's. He was not expecting to be treated like a terrorist being interrogated and harassed by the police and accused of being a lying fraud and a lousy Muslim. He still gets sick to his stomach when we talk about that "interview." They think they can scare people away from being together. The CO's try to put doubt into the couple's minds. I have heard about that over and over. They should have to follow their own rules of conduct. We are not going to back down on this. Thanks for the support!

    Welcome,,,,keep faith in each other.. it's hard enough the time away,time processing everything'   but hold on because victory is ours especially when love is immeasurable in our relationships-- true love won't fold or be broken!! Blessings to you

  10. 21 hours ago, Love To Teach said:

    My husband and I have known each other almost 8 years. We tried to get married in Serbia twice (he moved there so we would be closer distance-wise and he still could do his businesses). The first time they said we had to post a letter of our intent to get married for more weeks than I was going to be there. The second time, the "judge" refused to marry us when she saw that I was an American. She thought he was going to marry a Serbian woman until he whipped out my USA passport. Then she would not marry us. They don't like Americans because of US and NATO/war. My husband's visa was not renewed because we wouldn't/couldn't put $15000 in our bank account, so he had to move back to Pakistan. This was 3 years ago. We will have been married 3 years next week, and we are not sure he will ever get a visa after his writing a coerced false confession that was dictated to him. So we tried to get married for 3 years before we actually could do it (in Pakistan). Plus we are both older (me-60's, him-50's) so I feel time is physically running out for us. BUT we really love each other and refuse to give up. Now he works in Dubai and is not allowed to be on his phone while working his 12 hour days 6 days a week. And they restrict videoing, so we haven't yet been able to video-chat. So our contact consists of a few sentences a day now. The entire situation is just sad. Heck yeah, it's stressful. But we're in this til the end, no matter what. We just have to live one day at a time with no expectations. You can't make this stuff up!!

    I applaud you 4 your dedication to each other,I wish your happiness in this journey! When you’re in this process , it’s as though , those in authority has to accept and approve of a couples real love! If only there were technology that could look at the TRUE HEARTED PEOPLE!! Not by paperwork,,but the  ones who really have love and unification & lifelong goals and plans!! Blessings to you! 

  11. 37 minutes ago, Ayesha Kakar said:

    The main reason for posting this question was merely curiosity. Many things factor into relationships not making it. And it isn't a matter of not loving each other either. The stresses of this process, regardless of knowing what you sign up for in the beginning, can become more than one or both ever expected. Yes, you should know what you signed up for when you start this whole relationship, marriage, immigration process. And majority do, and believe they can make it through these stresses....but no one knows the extent until you go through it. 


    This was not a post in relation to my own marriage or our own stresses with this wait to be together.  It was just as I said, merely curiosity.....thank you everyone for their opinions. 

    Yes I do agree, it’s very very stressful emotionally and mentally on a “”not so good days! “” I believe that if the marriage continues to remain loyal ,, keep trust and husband and wife keep  each other’  strong ,, if you’re separated by distance ,, sing to each other,, play your fav song and listen together!! I didn’t know much about the process , but I’m committed and people need to realize : REAL LOVE TAKES STRUGGLE & tears sometimes!! Faith and trust speaks volumes! If you treasure your loved one , stand by them ,, until the end!! Yes it’s tremendously hard day by day! Grow together , listen, live, love 💕 and learn!

    what God has for you ,, NO MAN CAN TAKE AWAY! Blessings & peace to everyone on their Journey- no matter where you are!! VICTORY TO EVERYONE WITH A PURE ❤️ HEART OF REAL ❤️ ❤️LOVE❤️

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