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Posts posted by CaliRose

  1. 19 hours ago, truelove29 said:

    Yes, at the embassy he received that paper. We plan on going to the social security office soon to see if he's been put in the system yet. Hopefully it won't take too long to get the social security number.

    Thanks now i am worry why they didn't give my husband any paper at the embassy :( shoulld i contact them? Can youu update me later for his SSN my husband wants to know when he will get his thanksssssss. 

  2. 13 hours ago, truelove29 said:

    At the interview they gave my husband a white sheet of paper with one small paragraph explaining that the case was part of the new system. The officer didn't really look at it. He didn't ask any other questions, it was very quick. I'm not sure why they say it can take up to a year, but the visa acts as the green card for one year, so maybe that's why they say that...cuz they really don't know how long it will take!

    At the interview?you mean in 🇹🇷 at the embassy? Cuz my husband does have something like this. Can you tell me later  how and when he will receive his SSN please thanks alot 

  3. On 9/2/2018 at 6:01 AM, truelove29 said:

    Meant to say his green card will come within one year, not passport!

    Congrats :) can I ask what kinda of paper did you show to officer when he asked for sealed envelop? cuz we dont have any paper just Xray CD and his stamp visa in his passport. so any other interview Q? whyI the green card take to 1 year? I thought is 4 weeks

  4. 20 minutes ago, IF-Mclean said:

    While my spouse and I are waiting for our case number , we have decided to prepare the NVC documents. I would like to bring our insights and get your feedbacks for the supporting document related to the I-864 EZ. 


    3. Signed affidavit of support


    - Proof of US status    (N/A)

    Information regarding the joint sponsor 


    - Proof of domicile (N/A in our case)

    When your mailing address or residence is not in the US


    - Petitioner's civil documents (N/A in our case)

    Only when you apply for a parent or brother sister/ or when your spouse was previously married


    - Proof of relationship  (N/A)

    For those using I-864 to prove their relationship with the sponsor


    - Evidence of income  (N/A)

    Only when your income is below the poverty guideline


    - Forms (W2)

    Optional if there is no IRS


    - IRS tax transcript

    Apply on everybody


    - Federal income Tax returns

    Optional if there is no IRS 


    - Social security statement  (N/A)

    For those using I-864W


    - Proof of asset (N/A)

    For those using I-864 or I-864A



    We used the informations provided on :



    we just approved our visa and basically for part 3 for you and ur spouse if u live together our side of the US same as us, for Domicile 

    u need some proof of shipping company to ship ur stuff, a letter from someone that you are going to live when u go in the US for temporary, DL and SSN copy, US bank account statement. For proof of Civil just marriage certificate. For proof of relationship just everything u r sharing now, utility, insurance, pictures, a copy of flight ticket. For joint sponsor AOS form from him and his passport maybe DL and his last year 2017 tax irs. no need proof of assets if u dont have income but u have joint sponsor I did same.


  5. 7 hours ago, aywang said:

    I am in a similar situation for Hong Kong.  My hubbie will be interviewing in the end of the month. The kids and I will have to move in July anyway, and hopefully hubbie’s visa will be issued at the same time.  We have:


    (1) us bank account

    (2) driver’s license

    (3) letter from brother

    (4) signed quote with moving company and deposit receipt

    (5) one way plane tickets for me and the kids

    (6) email communication with school registrar and realtor

    (7) resignation letter for my current job and clearance of tax with Hong Kong tax authority 

    (8) school withdrawal letter for the kids


    hopefully this is enough. Congrats on getting through this painful process!



    Oh woow thats too over needed ☺️ u r done. 

  6. 16 hours ago, Sweetamooni said:

    I contacted a lawyer before I started our process as well. I’m living abroad with my husband. The lawyer told me the same thing. He said I can’t do it and I should just wait until I “move back” to the USA. I’m so glad I continued to research and my I-130 was approved two weeks ago. 😀


    just curious, did you prove that you maintained your domicile or that you had intent to re-domicile? I’m not sure I have enough evidence to show I maintained domicile.  I might have to take the 2nd route.



    Thats good that you did ur research. Well in my documents that I submitted to NVC yes i have sent some documents such as My US bank account statement , my brother wrote a letter that we are going to stay in his house, i have contacted some shipping companies for quotation through email and just printed their replies,wrote a letter that I am going to move before or same time as applicant and copy of my SSN and DL thats all. The officer didn't ask any of those in his interview tho. Good 🤞 

  7. 51 minutes ago, webo31 said:

    Hi ,

    im from Algeria and my wife from usa california , we applied for CR1 we received notice of action : Approval and my Case Was Sent To The Department of State  , now we are waiting for NVC processe , my question is :

    my passport expiry date " 16 February 2019  "    9 months to expire and my process almost in the middle I'm looking at when approach the interview I will have passaport less than 6 months 
    I change it now? but I applauded in USCIS with this I have now, or I wait until the interview approaches? or what is the solution ?

    Thank you 

    USCIS take about 6 or 7 months for NOA2 and after that another 2 months for NVC  so you still have plenty of time. you can change ur passport by Nov or Dec. 

  8. 4 hours ago, yuna628 said:

    That is correct. If persons are over the age of 18 and are being told they need shots not on the list for that age group, then they are wasting a lot of money. I mean... sure they can go ahead and inject with things they don't really need if they want to though. ^_^


    Here is a CDC printout for immigrants. https://www.cdc.gov/immigrantrefugeehealth/pdf/revised-fact-sheet-fed-reg-notice-vaccination-immigration.pdf

    You'll note it states AGE APPROPRIATE. Then it moves on to discuss a list of vaccines, some of those vaccinations will not apply to all immigrants due to age. Thus this is why one should refer to the technical instructions for civil surgeons when determining which vaccinations they require for their age group. https://www.cdc.gov/immigrantrefugeehealth/exams/ti/panel/vaccination-panel-technical-instructions.html#tbl1


    For other reference, a BCG is not given to individuals in the USA. It can give false positives for some skin TB tests. But there are plenty of ways, and newer tests that shouldn't produce such false positives... the question will be if the civil surgeon can be bothered with that. It should be mentioned to the doctor. Titers are also generally not needed, unless you don't have proof of anything in your life... You will not need the chicken pox vaccine if you have had chicken pox in your life. If the OP has had measles and mumps illness previously, they will still require you to get the shot. It won't hurt you, and likely, will boost protection in the future. MMR is two doses though, and must be spaced out.



    OMG guys is really confusing everyone have a different experience and i am so confused what should I do for vaccination.

    I had my all the vaccine when I was a child and my Q is if I do blood test to my own family dr base of his note, will the Immigrant Dr accept my record?

  9. 22 hours ago, Nouchigang said:



    I just did my exam in Maryland and yes civil surgeons do rip you off. I had titers done thru our insurance and had all the proof with me, but they still didnt accept it and made me redo it and of course pay for it. They said immigration is very picky yada yada yada.

    Anyways First of you do not Hep A thats for sure.

    You do need Varicella, MMR, Hep B, Gonorrhea, Tdap (for tetanus) and syphilis. I would definitely search for another one because this is too expensive.

    I paid $278 for a MMR titer, Immigration Physical, Gonorrhea, Syphilis. I had proof for my Hep B and did have Varicella as a child so didnt need to get it verified.


    I am not sure if you have insurance or not but if you can have it at a low cost, get a titer to prove that you had some of the vaccines

    For the ones you are missing, contact your insurance and see if they would cover it if you get it done at a clinic.

    When searching for another civil surgeon make sure to ask them if they would accept titers from other places and get all proof for the vaccines

    Hi where did you get ur vaccine? Shall we do it our family Dr? Because when i told my primary dr he said I can't do immigration vaccine because they will reject it. So how can i get all those? I had done some of them before but no record on my hand. 

  10. 2 hours ago, truelove29 said:

    Yes, we got case complete yesterday! Now we wait for the interview date...I don't think we'll get one for May but I'm hoping June! You should give them a call & see what they say about it still processing. 

    Oh nice glad. hopefully, we can get the interview by May  or Jun at least.I called them they said usually about a week.:( when you get ur medical, when do you go for vaccination so you have all on hand when you see the Dr? I heard if we have everything with us then is easier.

  11. On 02/04/2018 at 12:28 PM, truelove29 said:

    Hmm not sure! But soon everything will open up & you can get it all done as quickly as you want :) 

    Thanks but I don't know why everything in this process took me the longest wait time since last Thu the status is under process I thought is gonna be 2 days.

    :((((((((( anyway did you hear anything from them? it's been 2 weeks for you with ur uploading I guess. please let me know when you get ur medical 

  12. On 31/03/2018 at 2:32 PM, truelove29 said:

    For electronic uploading there is no choice of agent form ds-261. You should be able to pay both AOS & IV fees at once. Then after those change from "processing" to "paid" it will open up the IV form ds-260 & the tabs to submit documents. You are uploading correct? Not emailing?

    Hi so i just checked the status of the fees, and both IV and AOS is in a process which is right is not 2 days yet, but how come I have an option (start now )to upload AOS document NOt IV.  

  13. 7 hours ago, truelove29 said:


    No, I didn't do that, and there's no cover letter to send. You'll see the way they list it for you when you submit the docs...for example they have a line for birth certificate, you click upload & submit it. So there's no way for them to lose it...I hope lol

    ooo really? I have Iv and AOS cover letter and explant what document i am sending :)))))))))))) Thanks anyways what is AOS or IV barcode ? do we need to have that one.

    I just paid my fee. But i couldn't find choose of agent. the 1 page I log in is Fee nothing else is it unusual? 

  14. 5 minutes ago, Dee elle said:

    Depends from which country, but we use OFX from Australia... they are worldwide.,  exchange rate can be up to 3 to 4 % better than banks, and their fees are small, if any... the fee depends on how much you are transferrng

    From Australia to the USA and the fee basically more than $80,000.

    can you tell me how do you transfer do you contact them or just online? and how long does it take to transfer to ur US bank? I think Bank just charge $10 for any amount but you should have US dollars but the exchange rate expensive this day :(

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