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Moriah Ivy

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    Moriah Ivy reacted to Michael Lombardi in Should my girlfriend say the purpose is to visit her "boyfriend" or "friends"   
    Hi! Yes she did get the visa! She'll be here Friday! And she got a 10 year multiple visit visa too! Sorry for updating a bit late, I've been dealing with a family issue the last couple weeks that has been distracting me.
    So she did tell me that she opened up the interview with that she was going to visit friends despite what I told her (Which is true, she's visiting me and my mom and wants to meet my friends too). They then of course immediately asked who I was since they had documents that mentioned me, and she truthfully told them that I was her boyfriend. From what she said, it sounded like the roughest part was actually a misunderstanding she had to clear up involving the travel agency who filed on her behalf naming some submission file in a way that confused the immigration officer. She said at one point, the immigration officer just got up and walked away and she figured she had been rejected, but then they came back and told her she got the visa. She also told me that when she got there, she watched a whole family in front of her get rejected so she was spooked by that too. But in the end she got it!
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    Moriah Ivy reacted to Jojo92122 in Israeli Boyfriend Denied for Tourist Visa   
    No one can tell you if what he has is sufficient.  You do your best and hope for the best.  
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    Moriah Ivy reacted to millefleur in Israeli Boyfriend Denied for Tourist Visa   
    You don't know for sure that "telling the truth got him denied." If he has already mentioned you in previous interviews, it would look even more suspicious to apply and not mention you.
    If he also doesn't mention you this time, let's say he does get a tourist visa. Let's say later on, you want to petition him on a K-1 or a CR-1/IR-1. They will see that he mysteriously didn't mention you during his tourist visa interview. They keep records of these things. Honesty is the best policy.
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    Moriah Ivy reacted to Ben&Zian in Israeli Boyfriend Denied for Tourist Visa   
    First, always be honest. They also have it on record from previous denials that he has an American girlfriend, so do not try to play games with them about his true intent.
    As to the previous two denials, the second denial probably was more because it was so quickly after the first denial. No change in his circumstances at home and it can come off as 'desperate' to get a visa.
    It is good that it has been a year now since his last attempt... again though, always be honest.
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    Moriah Ivy reacted to Jojo92122 in Israeli Boyfriend Denied for Tourist Visa   
    Telling the truth was not the fatal error as you stated.  It was the correct and smart move.  You may want to search VJ for people who have problems with bringing a fiancee or spouse to the US because of lies on previous visitor visa applications.
    Tell the truth.  Always.
    The US Embassy/Consulate is well aware of the word games that people play when applying for visas.  If they suspect that he is playing with them, he will get a quick denial.
    Tell the truth and don't play word games.
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    Moriah Ivy reacted to LionessDeon in Israeli Boyfriend Denied for Tourist Visa   
    Always tell the truth.  Anything else will get you banned.
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