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Posts posted by Kerri1972

  1. On 5/12/2021 at 9:36 AM, classicme11 said:

    This is so amazing to hear congrats!!! may I ask what letters did your receipt number start with ?


    On 5/8/2021 at 4:30 PM, Riya said:

    I moved to the USA in September 2017 and got married in October 2017. My husband and I filed for permanent residency in December 2017 which got approved in April 2018. We filed I751 (AOS) in January 2021. We submitted Lease, Joint Auto Application (November 2019) , Joint Bank Statement (2017-2020), Income Tax Returns (2018-2019), my 401K showing my husband as beneficiary since August 2018, utility bills (2019-2020) among others. We have now got an RFE stating the documentation is insufficient and does not prove bonafide marriage precisely because most of the documents that we submitted except Income tax returns and bank statements are from 2019.  According to the USCIS letter pay stubs showing same addresses, 401K, photographs and flight tickets do not prove bonafide marriage.


    USCIS wants  financial documents and proof of shared residency from September 2017- December 2018 but the problem is that when I moved my husband did not add me on his lease or utility bills because he had already been living in the same house for 7 years. Only when we moved to another house in March 2019, we got a joint lease. During the same time period we have bills that show shared utilities, joint car loan, and renters insurance. My husband was in the military and gets his health insurance from VA while I have my insurance through my employer. My MIL added me to the family group and got me a phone when I first moved here. We pay her money every month for the phone bill so that too is not in my name. We don't have any documents other than what we have already submitted (Income tax and Bank Statement) from 2017-2018. In hindsight I should have asked my husband to add me on the lease and utility bills but I can't change that. We don't even have life insurance.


    Can someone please advise what should I do next? 

    Did u send in any affidavits? I am not on the mortgage or any really important bills and had no trouble. But I did send in 3 affidavits from friends 

  2. On 7/25/2018 at 4:37 PM, debbiedoo said:

    my fiance got his RCMP check (with fingerprints) in the mail recently. The only thing on it was one charge (which is fine). He has an EXPUNGED charge (related to a bar fight type thing) from like ... 20+ years ago that is NOT listed. Does he need to go to ... (where?) and get those records if they are even still available since its been so long or no?  he asked me if he needed to and I didnt have the answer? 

    Make sure you get all the certified copies from the court too. You'll need it for AOS. I just had my interview and received an RFE so much stress..  can I ask what your fiance charge was? 

  3. On 12/26/2018 at 5:21 PM, Cryssiekins said:



    On 12/18/2018 at 10:42 PM, FOSSLGRL said:

    Thanks guys. I guess I was just needing some support. I'm just tired and was hoping to have a decision today.


    Also we were supposed to travel to Canada to see my family, who I haven't seen in over a year, for Christmas.


    I am concerned that while I am in Canada, the application will be denied and it will prevent them from letting me back into the US with my AP. Since my parents happen to be US (dual) citizens and live in the US, I will have nowhere in Canada to go. I'd be stuck up there without my belongings, my cat, no home, job, or any means to start over.


    To add to the stress, somebody attempted to burglarize our house while we were out of town last night for the interview. Now my husband doesn't even want to go on our trip, he said I should go alone.


    I know that has nothing to do with my case, but it's creating a lot of negative energy on a day that I was anticipating a celebration.


    Anyways I may just cancel the trip to be safe. That's if I don't get a verdict before we are scheduled to leave.


    Hopefully I get good news though, and I can write off this post as being a "drama queen".



    I also had a terrible interview and received an RFE. I contacted a lawyer and she recommended to not leave the country until a decision is made.  So I cancelled my trip home as well. Good luck. I know how u feel 💓

  4. From what I've researched this charge is not an inadmissable one regarding visiting the USA but can't find any real laws regarding immigrating. I do have all the other information but don't know what charge it would be similar to in the states.

  5. Hi. I came to the USA on a K1 visa. At my interview in Montreal the officer asked me about a 2011 section 266 assault charge that was tried summarily. I received 9 months of probation for it and a conditional discharge. She confirmed I was eligible for the visa and it was granted.  

    I recently had my AOS Interview and the officer there wasn't so sure that it's no a CIMT. So I was given an RFE .I have to provide the exact criminal code and the punishment involved. My question here is have any other Canadians had this issue ? It's stressing me out so bad 




  6. On 16/02/2018 at 10:06 PM, JennandJames said:


    How long did your process take? Where did you have to go for your medical exam? He is from Alberta and so he has to go to Surrey. We really want to do the K1 and we have discussed that we will have enough saved so that he won't need to work for 3 or 4 months.  He is a mechanic and makes a good living. Thank you in advance!

    I'm from Canada and did the k1. We applied in April 2017 and had our interview on Valentine's day 2018. I did my medical in Montreal 

  7. On Thursday, November 17, 2016 at 6:39 AM, NikLR said:

    You need a "name check" police certificate from a police office that looks up your name in CPIC (Canadian Police Information Center) from either Toronto city police, Ontario Provincial Police, RCMP, or Commissionaires, if you have never been arrested or charged with a crime.

    You cannot get it online. You MUST go into an office and order the police certificate in person.


    If you HAVE been arrested or charged with a crime at any point in time in Canada, you need to have your fingerprints checked as well, not just your name.


    If u have been arrested and recieved a conditional discharge then what happens? It is off my record now but am worried it will affect my visa..

  8. 9 minutes ago, Cryssiekins said:

    Oh, much simpler than :-)


    You'll need an RCMP check at the Embassy stage and that should have the arrest on it, so then you can explain the circumstances and show there was no conviction. 


    No problems entering since that is reassuring, though, being honest, they will scrutinize you a little more when your intent is to live in the US, but summary assault with a conditional d/c shouldn't make you ineligible.  You also have 5+ years of no subsequent problems to show that you're of good character.  People make mistakes.


    Take a deep breath (or four of them) and just go step by step and cross each bridge as you get to it. 


    Anything to do with US immigration is painfully overwhelming, but you'll get through it. 

    Thank you. I did get a clean criminal record check done recently.  We are using a lawyer to file all this stuff for us as well but i have notbhing but time to worry i guess. Lol thanks for your help. I appreciate it :)

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