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Posts posted by type2negative

  1. I suppose this thread http://www.visajourney.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=25046 is an example of samir shannon's civility?

    john if i remember correctly you were also rude with me and started a new thread about me. and furthermore i apologized for what i said. get over it already.

    If you had been even the slightest bit sincere, I probably would have accepted. Your actions speak louder than your words.

    You should also go back and read again. I never said anything rude.

    Can you compose a summary for us?!?

  2. My husband just applied for aos and did biometrics yesterday so far very smooth. My question: He wants to bring his brothers over here. How soon to apply and what are the waiting times. Could I apply for them to come or does he have to because legally they are now family to me. I am looking for the fastest way to do this. can anyone give me advice? thanks. Oh, also, I would be able to finacially support them when they get here.

    Time line .Approx 20 years I guess........


    Hey ... I am a senior member. I Know stuff...

  3. My husband just applied for aos and did biometrics yesterday so far very smooth. My question: He wants to bring his brothers over here. How soon to apply and what are the waiting times. Could I apply for them to come or does he have to because legally they are now family to me. I am looking for the fastest way to do this. can anyone give me advice? thanks. Oh, also, I would be able to finacially support them when they get here.

    Time line .Approx 20 years I guess........

  4. I am 23 years old.

    Before the K1 process, I had never found a gray hair.

    In the past 2 months, I have found 4!!!!

    Am I just getting old? Or is there something to the addage about going gray early from stress?

    Or, is it just that the wait is so long to get a visa, that you literally have the time to GO gray in the process?

    Yay for the early onset of salt and peper hair!

    :star: Cass (bebop the great)

    Wow. That causes grey hair.

    Well, You must be klucky that your fiancee is from Canada...

    Was it Pakistan, You would bedead by now.

  5. all accounts its not the teacher's who benefit from those schemes. After all many are still using their own money to buy classroom materials. All for teacher's being paid more, the real crime is how someone on a local board of education can earn a 6 figure salary for doing… what… exactly?

    Sounds like a commie. Always annoyed me that at UC people were comparing salary of UC president to some Janitor. Not Fair, 10 times difference. Well yeah, should be 100 times IMO.

    Low educated low life lazy commie. Worse then illegals. Ate least illegals work.

  6. More like specific insults would be interesting. And Ban is it forever, or for some time???..

    Do you lack the necessary reading skills to look for yourself?

    Obviously if she is back it was not forever :huh:

    Oh Royal Blood. ;)

    Well it was a personal interest. Cause my prospective ban is always looming from horizon))) :yes::yes:

  7. I suppose this thread http://www.visajourney.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=25046 is an example of samir shannon's civility?

    john if i remember correctly you were also rude with me and started a new thread about me. and furthermore i apologized for what i said. get over it already.

    Can we all have summary of what happened. ...??

    he said/she said/they both said/other people said/people ate popcorn/she got banned.

    More like specific insults would be interesting. And Ban is it forever, or for some time???..

  8. sooo are you our red headed step child now?

    I heard you have a new name Negative_Princess :lol:

    If you really want to become a Mean Girl you have to go in off topic and defend every muslim topic.

    I would prefer prince, not princess.. I am male... Well, at least I think I am. I mean I have Avatar.

    I do a lot of work in Off topic. Its usually afgainst liberals, for they are the real evil. No one would ever care about muslims/hebrews and so on, if liberals didnt defend their rights, without even clear understanding of what the problem is and what they [libs.] are doing.

  9. Wow Thats all your imagination??? Second day in a row stealing picturtes of animals from wikipedia...

    You are no zoophile, are you??? .. Hang in there, your wife will arrive soon.

    Anyway, About "Crowd effect". Thats mostly to liberals. Most (especially young) liberals are liberals because they wanna be a part of something. And this is a good "something". They are fighting for good agains bad, waste their parents money, but for the good cause.

    It'd be a lot more interesting discussing issues with you if you actually thought for yourself. But cheers my wooly friend! Baaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

    Wow Thats easy position. You are either fighting for idiocy or yu are sheep. What if I just dont give a #####?

    Relax StevenAndJinky, Take a candy, Here is donut.

    just some questions that come to mind:


    Please donyt question validity of cause. No curiousity here. Just Fight. Otherwise you will be a "Curious sheep".

  10. Actually it is a good idea..I usually get pretty fatigued while I'm fasting.

    Hmmmm martial arts..I suppose that would be ok but then if you did it during the day you'd get kinda sweaty and thirsty but wouldn't be able to drink anything. Do it after iftar.

    I'm trying hard to quit smoking right now before Ramadan.

    I stopped smoking in a day. I was smoking 2 packs a day (since I was 13). And Then at the age of 18. Boom. In one day - Stopped.

    Don do stuff like - today 5 cigs, next week 4 cigs. Stop abruptly. Couple months of ######, but then I havent had a single cig.

  11. To-do list

    The cons have almost succeeded in throttling American democracy by screwing over the middle class. To fight back we must battle on two fronts.

    First, we must recognize and reclaim the government programs that create a middle class:

    * Return to the American people our ownership of the military, the prison system, and the ballot box.

    * Fight for free and public education that encourages critical thinking, historical knowledge, and a love of learning in each child. Combat the No Child Left Behind Act and the belief that education is a commodity that can be tested.

    * Fight for a national single-payer health-care system based on Medicare.

    * Fight for Social Security -- do not let it be privatized or co-opted.

    * Fight for progressive taxation: reinstate a rate of 35 percent on corporations and a rate of 70 percent on the wealthiest 5 percent of Americans -- and use the money to pay back the Social Security system and to fund an economic investment program.

    * Fight for a living wage and for the right of labor to organize.

    * Fight for a national energy program that puts people and the planet -- not Big Oil -- first.

    When America has a strong middle class, democracy will follow. The opposite is also true. To fight back, we must also make use of the ballot box. We can achieve the economic programs that make the middle class possible by using the power of our democracy to vote for those politicians who support the middle class. We've been conned for long enough. It's time to take back America.

    Thom Hartmann is an author and nationally syndicated daily talk show host.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Did you approve your ToDo list on your sunday meeting of local lefties???..

    Hahaha.. Gosh, its always so funny to see liberal ToDo list. As though they ever did anything...


    Oops My bad, Taking my words back. To do list anly has "To fight" in it, So not a real thing. Then Yeah, Verbal fights (aka verbal masturbation) will suffice.

    Yep. Tear down those nasty corporations. Bring em Down man....

    I'll give you just one of a long list of things that "liberals" have done....

    fought for and given women the right to vote

    or is that just liberal propaganda again?

    Yep I read about it... What was the name? suffragists or something like that??... Haha ha.. 1890???..

    Well, DAAAA, And Now Dems are fighting for voting rights to felons. Heh ;) Trend???

    Wow. Lets also fight for the right of women to pay their half of a restaurant check. (usually actulallu 65%, but half is OK). Since they are allowed to vote.

    Sheep follow others blindly. This is why people are sometimes called sheep. It means that a person follows a group of people. This can be because they trust the group. Or it can be because they are not thinking for themself.


    Wow Thats all your imagination??? Second day in a row stealing picturtes of animals from wikipedia...

    You are no zoophile, are you??? .. Hang in there, your wife will arrive soon.

    Anyway, About "Crowd effect". Thats mostly to liberals. Most (especially young) liberals are liberals because they wanna be a part of something. And this is a good "something". They are fighting for good agains bad, waste their parents money, but for the good cause.

  12. I drank my protein shake this morning..I'm well on my way to becoming buff for Ramadan :)

    It might be a good idea. To strengthen your body before Ramadan, and your spirit during (well for the expense of the body)..

    Iss practicing MArtial Ars allowed during Ramadan?!>!

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