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Posts posted by nad05zb

  1. i cant even scratch my a$$ without some chicks at my job asking me what i am doing.............................every so often i gotta chew them out to slack off, now i really dont share any info on my fiancee but now my co worker gave me her un asked for opinion of our relationship which wasnt pretty....................................i had to basically curse her out..............what to do??????????????

    you know iu have had nothing but hassles from family and friends about zaki. poor guy just bc he is a muslim gets a bad wrap. it breaks my heart that all the can to think of him as a sand N**** and that upsets me. i love him more than anything i dont care if they support me bc in the end i will be selfish about what i want and he is what i want and love. as far as coworkers tell you about something about him i would tell her i love him can you say that you love your man?


  2. You will get something from NVC shortly, Morocco has it thats whats important. Others have said no 134 as it has been being marked out on the letters for awhile. He will get the list of everything required of him about a week after Casa gets the case, with interview around one more month.

    just want to know why it has been marked out? thats silly bc it was there for a reason but maybe that is just me. but i am not complaining

    love natalie

  3. i have gotten nothing from the NVC nothing NOTHING!! is this something to freak out about bc Morocco has already gotten the packet, now in morocco i was told doesnt want the i134 anymore. they dont even ask for it at the interview at all. now what is HECK is going on????

  4. what do you think about getting married for someone not from ur country carry the same culture and the same thinking level.??????



    3-not good at all.

    4-it may work.

    5-it never work.

    the numbers will be showen for the voting after 3 days thanx if u did that.

    you know i never thought about that at all. we fell inlove before we thought of the visa and didnt think about it until we were together for a while. and we did it 1 year and 6 months later. being married or engaged to him being from another country is something i always wanted to tell you the truth. i never wanted an american guy why? they just never appealed to me. i love the rich culture that his country(morocco) has. i love everyhting about him, his family made me love him so much more bc the respect there is much more than it is here. they are sweet and loving and very respectful, as for me "dealing" with the fact that i love a immagrant or whatever you choose to call him i do it bc i love him with all of my heart, we got over the difference of culture and religion bc we had to we had to work things out bc thats what people do you work it out not just be hard headed and say no my way or the highway. as to also as long as he is legal coming into the country and wont be a burden to me(which i know he wont) i am glad. all i ask is he loves me wholeheartedly back as i do him. he is more than someone from another country to me my other half someone i plan to spend the rest of my life with. yes it may be hard to start off from differences but in the end the factor of love is there and thats what we have and we have to work with. and yes i still have my fmaily disrespecting him as if he was a terrorist but he is just as loving and caring as they are with a heart of gold and a mind that he knows how to use.


  5. Hello everybody i got an email today from Casa the Moroccan embassy said that they resived my file and they will send package 3 shirtly to Zaki so yeahhhhhhhhhh i'm so ecxited please wish a good luck for us. i have a question please. what is the papers i have to send to my fiance for his interview? and are we need a new intent to marry paper for both of us close to the interview date???thanks :huh:

  6. i called NVC today and they recieved my packet on the 1st and it was sent to morocco on the 3rd. approx how long does it take to get to morocco?

    When you called NVC, did you already have your new case number or just call to find out with the one USCIS gave you? I am about at the same stages you are at with the recent NOA2, so wanted to see if I should call or just wait the 4 weeks they say to. Thanks!

    i called for both reasons mainly bc i am anxious now to have him here. bc i have found my apartment and i am lonely without him in it

  7. I believe the rest will go very quick, from what i understand the interview should be approx a month after they receive the application in Casa.

    sweet sounds good to me. now i know ow long i have to work at my job lol. over time here i come.

  8. Your very lucky your approval took 20 days mine took 80+ seems a bit unreal doesnt it.

    it is unreal bc i was thinking it was going to take until march that were going to get the noa1 let alone get the noa2 before the end of february but i think the rest of it will go slow. i already started him to get stuff, like pictures more conversations for the interview, he said we dont need the affadivit of support bc his friends that have gone through didnt need it but i have it ready anyways. i told him to get a nice suit i will be sending him a folder full of stuff like conversations and more pics he doesnt have of us so i will be ready for anything inchallah.

    love natalie

  9. we got our noa2 today in my email. zaki was looking through it for me and he said wait there is something from the center he read it and i screamed and jumping up and down(pathetic i know), so better off for me bc i got to tell him i told you so. so inchallah he will be here by april depends on casa inchallah he will be here by then but i wont hold my breath. so YEAH :dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:

  10. ok i have a burning question from my fiance he has got ants in his pants from me sending he visa he has been nothing but a pain in the you know where and i dont know what to do to calm him down everyday i call the vermont center to see if anything is new but still nothing he thinks the more i call the faster it happens. right now he is on my case about when they are going to approve it i said there is no way telling and they said that as well pretty much is there any way bc we have been touched only 1 time on the 21st of this month and nothing else has showed up now we are both going insane but can i help him from making me more insane? :help::help::help::wacko::wacko::wacko:

    explain to him that most of us wait 90 days or more before receiveing the NOA2 so he will just need to be patient and let the system work. It's not like morocco where you can give a little money and get something done. The good news is once you have the NOA2 morocco is pretty quick with the interview. Usually 4 weeks from the time Casa recieves it (or 6 weeks from the NOA2)

    I know in Morocco there are lots of stories going around about how the visa process works (or how they think it works). Tell you fiance not to listen to these stories. It took us 5 1/2 months from mailing to visa being issued. This was going through California. Vermont works faster and barring any problems with security checks you will probably have everything in order in less time than we did! Good luck!

    see 2 of his friends just got their visas and he is getting nervous about some things that were done on the visa like the fact on my g325a i didput an a# and i dont have one for his i didnt put my name or anything no the g325a but he is also anxius about the fact of seeing his friends again in america its hard but he doesnt get the fact that its giong to take time for this he is worried about that fact as i am not as much bc he does enough worrying for the both of us plus if i worry thats another min out of every day i cant afford how sad is that?

  11. ok i have a burning question from my fiance he has got ants in his pants from me sending he visa he has been nothing but a pain in the you know where and i dont know what to do to calm him down everyday i call the vermont center to see if anything is new but still nothing he thinks the more i call the faster it happens. right now he is on my case about when they are going to approve it i said there is no way telling and they said that as well pretty much is there any way bc we have been touched only 1 time on the 21st of this month and nothing else has showed up now we are both going insane but can i help him from making me more insane? :help::help::help::wacko::wacko::wacko:

  12. we had to redo our visa do to the fact that there was a mistake so we had to redo the g325 well zakaria didnt put other he put perminent residency for the i-129f as the option. i on mine have the option other selected and i-129f as the option can they make him redo his or what?

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