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About Dianalorena

  • Birthday 03/23/1985

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  • Interests
    tattoos, art, traveling, painting, volunteering, cooking, movies, eating, kittens. Notice the importance of Oxford commas, not in that particular order.

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    Removing Conditions (approved)
  • Local Office
    San Antonio TX
  • Country
  • Our Story
    I met my ex husband online, in May 2016. I was visiting Austin on vacation and hanging out with friends. I came back to Mexico when my time was up, and he visited me and met my parents in October, and he proposed. We got married in January 2017 in Cozumel, I thought I had met the man of my dreams.
    Then life happened. after almost two years of struggle and getting stuck in a long-distance marriage I was finally sharing a home with him.
    And in 2019, just six months in the same country, he cheated and abandoned the marriage, surprising me and his entire family. He got re-engaged and remarried insanely fast, and I finally saw his true colors.

    Fast Forward to 2022, I had my interview to remove conditions on my own. It's definitely not the life that I envisioned at all, but I've learned and grown so much from it.

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  1. This process is really rough, and it can make you go crazy. Sometimes I feel like I'm losing my mind, but I won't let it define me, who I am or how I relate to others. 


    I know the waiting is brutal, some days we all feel like we can't go on. But even then, we can't let it affect us so much that we end up hurting others. 

    It's a darn shame that you meet people that are going through the same and think you have found a support system, just to be completely wrong about them. 

    I didn't create a fake profile and trolled the forums and/or insulted others like them. (it remains unclear to me if this is what I did to deserve the polarizing reaction of being cast out) I was also called a liar.  I never lied, but I did omit the truth: I didn't say that I found their actions to be pointless, childish and downright mean, that not everyone is trying to scam and that we are not under attack from others as they seem to believe. That I don't think anything is gained from fighting or gossip, even when I tried my best to fit in. It's just not me.

    We all deal with stress in different ways. To each their own. 


    I don't have the time and energy to waste on being mean to others, I was bullied growing up and it devastated me. I've lost friends before because I was honest and tried to help them out or just spoke my mind. It pains me to realize I haven't fully learned how to choose friends yet, or that I don't always follow my instinct when I should. I'm not perfect by any means, but I always try to do the best I can and be the best person possible for those that I care about. 



    I will not succumb to peer pressure or the stress of immigration and become a horrible human just because I am under stress. Sorry. I know they're not necessarily bad people, and I wish them the best. I know they're just going through a very rough time, but so are the rest of us. It's not an excuse. 

    Good riddance, and another harsh lesson learned. 



    1. maryLu


      I couldn't agree more. I wish you all the best! 


    2. Dianalorena


      Wow so it's you? I'm sorry. You didn't use your real profile and I couldn't keep track with the fake ones and which one was yours.  Most things I said stand, though.


      I have to say I'm a little bit shocked, they say be careful of the quiet ones, huh. I never expected you to be this awful. At least the other girl has always been honest and says what's on her mind, she is explosive and a bit mean, so I thought it was definitely her, but she ended up being the better person.


      Your attack is really uncalled for. I made mistakes and I shouldn't have shared the conversations with you, I also gossiped, and I came clean and apologized because it was a very mean thing to do, but it's nothing compared to creating fake profiles to harass and to keep assuming everyone is out to get you or trying to affect your case, that is just plain weird. You have some clear issues to work on, but we all do.

      I know you're bored and depressed but this is not the way to handle it or to spend time. I truly hope you get the help needed.

      And no, I don't think I'm superior/better in any form. But I am capable of recognizing what I did wrong, and I was wrong. 





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