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Posts posted by mybackpages

  1. Hi all!

    I have been lurking here for a little while and just wanted to pass along some good news to April applicants with the CSC. My Fiancee and I got our NOA1 on April 26 and got the NOA2 notification on September 6 & an email from the USCIS on September 8. Here's hoping the rest of the process goes much faster now that we are approved.

    Best wishes to all of you!

    Congratualtions! (F)

  2. Sometimes it takes a day or so, or in some cases a week or more for your case number to show up online. Sounds like you've received your NOA1. Be patient, try again in a few days. When my husband and I submitted our AOS stuff it took over three weeks for the case numbers to show up online. :)

    Thanks Karen, sounds like that is what is happening. I also tried calling to check the status and it told me it was not in the system either.

    I'll wait a day or so and try again.

    So you think this is the NOA1... YAY! Such a small step... but so exciting to have this finally in the process!

    Blessings to all!

    Definately sounds like the NOA1! Congratulations. :dance:

  3. Concerning the appropriateness of this discussion consider the words of Families of Sept 11- The organization released the following press statement-

    September 7, 2006

    Statement of Families of September 11:

    The Media's Portrayal of 9/11

    As we mark five years since 9/11, we are inundated with the media's portrayal of that tragic day. Television miniseries, Hollywood films, comic books and countless "documentaries" are dramatizing and sometimes distorting the events leading up to and happening on 9/11.

    Families of September 11 believes the best way to honor those who were lost is to make sure that what happened to them never happens again. As such, we must understand exactly what took place, and not allow "entertainers" to promote misleading or incorrect information as fact to the public.

    If we do not learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it. Any depiction of 9/11 that is not accurate and factual propagates myths, myths that may cause us future harm.

    In order to make our country safer and more secure, we owe it to those who were lost to acknowledge that which took place, so that we can ensure it never happens again.

    This only thing disrespectful on this board is the inane comments. Want to be helpful? Use your engery in a dialogue for truth not slander.

  4. this article was discussed on "democracy now" this morning........ not 3 months ago

    I think it is a very interesting "other" view of what "may" have happened on that terrible day........

    how is that callous?

    I heard this discussion on Democracy Now this morning. I miss they would have had more time to get into some of the particulars of the debate. I agree it's not callous, but rather respectful to those harmed on this date 5 years ago to have a open dialogue.

  5. How do I get an estimated approval time exactly.

    I have entered the datas so far I could but how do I find out when the estimated date of approval will be?

    Thanks in advance

    My estimated date is at the bottom of the timeline and was generated automatically when I filled in the dates. I noticed your timeline is filled in but there was not estimated date. Maybe you could PM Capt Ewok and ask why?

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