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Posts posted by Lewis

  1. No one here who has a recalled interview with approved NOA2 has yet recieved an RFE, notice of an RFE, or a new interview.

    At least one person has reported being told by the NVC that their petition was recieved. Myself and others were told there is no record of it being recieved. Since some of them were mailed a month ago (mine included) so I'm not sure whether our applications were lost, never sent back, or that the NVC simply haven't logged them or informed their systems and operators that they've arrived. Which one is the case is anyone's guess.

    What is most troubling is that NONE of us in the recalled status is being given any direction or assurances our cases are being taken care of. That others without approved petitions are receiving RFEs and moving forward in the process when the recalled already approved petitions are stalled is very disturbing. I do not agree with those that say we should not panic and just wait to see. I think this process has gone terribly wrong and that we should begin taking collective action to raise the volume and have our concerns heard.

    Lewis, do you have any advice for us on contacting our representative's? Any template letters or proven ways to begin the conversation. I have this fear of walking into her offices and being looked at as an annoyance and a bother. Or of writing an email/letter and having it be ignored.

    Contacting Congress:


    Ok, here's a template of a letter I sent today to my senator. I also included a release form I signed from her website so they have permission to look into my case. I also sent a similar letter through email to my state representative. I would also call their offices. As for panicking, I'm not. Don't rely on the USCIS for giving any information at this point, they are too swamped with this situation. We can put pressure on them through our congresspeople and writing letters to the USCIS itself. As for being an annoyance or bother, it is their job to take care of problems like this for us. Also, the RFEs are coming, I'm only supplying this letter as a way to notify my representative of the horrible customer service of the USCIS.

    The letter itself is particular to my situation and should be modified to fit yours.

    Final thing, speculation and lack of patience at this time is the worst enemy. Being positive is paramount.



    Senators name

    Senators Address

    Dear Senator xxxx,

    My name is xxxx and my fiancée’s name is xxxxx. I am asking your assistance in dealing with our difficulties we have had in dealing with the USCIS in reference to our approved I-129F petition (receipt # xxxxxxx) that was recalled due to IMBRA. Because our petition was already approved, it is obvious that our case should be expedited in comparison to the unapproved cases. My main problem has been with the USCIS, I have found that the NVC and the consulate were very helpful. We actually found out about this situation through the consulate which notified my fiancée by phone. At no time did the USCIS make any effort to notify me or my fiancée about the recall of our petition. I have been diligently calling and I have received no clear answers about this situation. To be honest, as an American citizen, I am extremely shocked and disappointed at the lack of transparency and clarity in dealing with the USCIS. Some of the people I spoke with did not even understand what IMBRA was. Here are my main questions that the USCIS has not answered clearly or at all:

    Why did the USCIS not inform me of the recall of our I-129F?

    Will my petition be expedited due to the petitions approved status and USCIS error?

    Will the petition be processed in order of original receipt date?

    Will my petition have a new expiration date?

    When will I receive my RFE?

    Most of my family and I have lived in xxxx our entire lives and we have contributed positively to the betterment of society in the xxxx, xxxx, xxxxx and xxxxx sectors and we look forward to the marriage of myself and my fiancée. I also appreciate your positive contributions to our welfare and look forward to your assistance on the above issues.





  2. Here are some easy ways to put more pressure on the agencies responsible for this mess:

    Contact your congresspeople

    Contact and write to the media

    Submit an expedite request

    Contact your consulate, NVC and USCIS (this last one is the hard part) ;)

    On a personal level, I dealt with it by doing most of the above. The USCIS happens to be the least helpful of the bunch and it does not seem like that will change. Even if I do get through, I still don't put much trust in what they say.

    I understand that people are impatient with this process, everyone has a story and handles it differently. I'm also upset about it but I refuse to let that slow me down and get disouraged.

    I just hope that people that contribute to this thread understand that it's purpose was to share new info on NOA2s and come up with positive and constructive strategies to deal with this situation.


  3. and after all the info i have gotten from here and other sources, the recalled petitions are first in line. but i am not expecting this to resolve quickly due to the info as well. but i do believe pressure is key - on all parties concerned - NVC, CIS, DHS, congress, press - so keep it up.

    and a request. this thread was started for info on recalled petitions. can we keep it to info only? it is difficult to read all the other stuff going on in here and find real info. sorry to be a whatever but we really need to prevent speculation form screwing with us. look at the IMBRA thread that is at 90+ pages. how can anyone come out of that sane?

    thank you ll for being here and sharing necessary info.


    ;) You got it right!

  4. "Will IMBRA actually make the whole process fast?"

    No, not at this time. That's why sites like VJ are so helpful in the process of educating oneself. Hopefully, after this initial road block thrown in, the process will be smoother, but I highly doubt it. As for the volume of people applying for K1 applications with USCIS, IMBRA will most likely have no affect at all on this mainly due to the lack of PR and understanding about the law anyway. Not to mention the huge amounts of other types of cases USCIS deals with everyday.

  5. Question for you all....

    I sent a letter to both of my Senators regarding this whole situation May25th. On Friday I got a letter from Senator #1 who contacted USCIS. The OMB pulled my application and told the senator my application was submitted on the 19th of May(actually it was the 2nd of May). The letter then went on to state about the new form that is coming and the pending RFE's etc. Then on Friday I got a call from Senator #2 asking if there was anything they could do to help.

    Here is my question. In contacting them I did not ask for help with my application specifically. I just asked if they could get some answers for me. I did not include my case number but yet USCIS looked at my case and gave Senator #1 my (wrong) petition date. I'm hoping I haven't sh*t canned myself in contacting the senators. Is this possible? I'm concerned about "additional security checks or name hits" or whatever it is called.

    Next, I am to call Senator#2 back on Monday with any additional concerns. If I have screwed myself

    should I go for the full Monty and have Senator#2 contact USCIS/OMB. I'm inclined to have #2 not make any inquires on my behave at this time until I need them later.

    What do you guys think?


    Go for it! This is encouraging, I'm sending one of my senators a letter tommorow and contacting one of my representatives. I'm also sending an expeditie request tommorow. All I know is we are not getting any answers from the agencies that are supposed to serve us as American citizens.


  6. Ok so if I do send this in for expedite service, who do you send it to? You will send the RFE to the department who receives the them, and the Expedited Service papers to the Expedite Service. SO why should we wait to send them, if they are going to two separate people? I am thinking about sending in the Expedite Request now, and the RFE when I get it. Maybe that will even expedite the RFE.

    That's exactly what I was thinking. Anyway what is the point in sending in the request when you already have the RFE? According to the procedures on the above sites, the envelope has to be mailed to a particular address and be marked with "EXPEDITE REQUEST". If you attempt to expedite, the whole point is you want it done asap.

    I'm going to work on this today, it's too hot out anyway!

    That's cool you're going on a trip, I'm going to visit my love next week!


  7. I have been under this same impression, that USCIS made an error, and we deserve expedited service. The emotional rollercoaster that all of us have gone thru due to USCIS error cannot be replaced any other way. I am just wondering what we can include as evidence. How about this:


    Well, because of this huge delay I am in the process of making a suprise trip to see my love!!!!

    Mike, yeah, that memo would definitely be included along with a copy of your I-797C, notices from the NVC and consulate also. And a letter obviously explaining the situation and why you think you deserve the expedite. (USCIS error)

  8. I think no one is..

    not even USCIS itself.

    I wonder if they will respect the NOA1 dates.

    They are not considering it to send the RFEs, that´s for sure.

    Nope, I just found out they aren't. My friend who works at the lawfirm I am using as representation just came over for breakfast and told me that even though they were able to get them to start sending out RFE's sooner than 30 more days, the RFE's they are sending out are the ones they have on hand, and are most recent first which can take a month to get through. Then they will start sending us RFE's and will be processed in the order the RFE's arrive. So it's as if the NOA2 no longer matters. Once it goes back to the embasy, it will be put in the que in the order it was recieved in the very back of the line. So another 2-5 months wait once it arrives at the embasys before we get our interview dates.. So it's almost as if we haven't even applied yet. I expressed my outrage, and he explained that this is the kind of game they try to play. You ask them to do something and they do it half assed IF they even agree to it. So the next thing they are going to do is try to setup some meetings with some key folks (I have no idea who they are) at the DHS and work with them on implementing a true FIFO system to prevent this from happening again when they add other new hairbrained laws.

    Well zethris (and everyone else who got recalled) I urge you to take my advice and apply for an Expedite Request when you send in, or even before you send in your RFE. (see my post: Lost Link) If we get denied it will be more fuel for your class action lawsuit fire.

    However, there is so much conflicting information out there please don't take offense if I take your breakfast conversation with a large grain of salt. But by all means keep digging!

    Hey Cigarovich,

    I may possibly send in an expedite request this week. I'm still studying the actual process. Let's keep in touch with this. It does appear that that original memo that was released about the recall was worded in such a way as to not blame the USCIS for the error, although we all know it was. Keep digging yeah~!

    I also just sent an email to my rep and I will call them tommorow.


  9. Actually, they got an email saying they were getting an RFE, not the actual RFE itself. All communications with the USCIS seem to be saying RFEs will come in the next few weeks, most likely en masse. All people affected by IMBRA are in the same boat, we have to wait for our RFES to come in the mail. The online case status system email notification has been proven to be inefficient and unreliable because people get touched repetitively with no real information and people with NOA2s get no updates at all. Please chime in if I am incorrect.

    In any case, just speculating is getting us all nowhere.

    My main point is that the next best step for unsatisfied USCs is to contact our representatives.

  10. No news on any NOA2's at this point, although I'm optimistic that at least our petitions are already approved, hopefully that means something. The RFES will be rolling soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I don´t know. Something is telling me the situation looks worse for us.

    Why none of us got touched yet?

    People are getting RFEs with their receipt note from MAY!!!

    People are getting touched 4 days in a row.

    I think we all need to call USCIS on Monday and demand an explanation about the recalled cases.

    I really don't see how it looks worse for us. All of the RFEs are probably going out at the same time. And our cases are already approved which means they most likely will be ahead of the game. The only ones that can probably light fires at this point are our representatives and senators who I will be contacting next week before my trip. So just continue calling USCIS and contact your representatives, that will definitely help.

    It's the weekend, time to recharge, focus, and get prepared to contact our representatives next week.

  11. According to the consulate website, nothing has to be sent to the consulate, just show up with all of the stuff they ask for in the packet they send to you.


    I have also read somewhere that once you are there if they have your case and you have not gotten your packet yet, you can get a confirmation notice from them to do your medical and your interview but don't take this as policy as it can change at any time probably. The packet is available on their site. Be careful when you go on it that it is the fiancee visa packet you are looking at and not some different one.

    Hi Lewis

    I was referring to the information that needs to be sent from NVC to the consulate. Once they have the case, I was under the impression that you have to send back the checklist in the fiance packet before you can go to the interview but I think now that I am incorrect. Since you can download the letter that accompanies the fiance packet, shouldn't that be enough to get into the interview? On the Mexico forum several posts indicate the need for a "interview letter" hence the need to go to the information book.

    Does anyone know if this is necessary or if you can get into the interview by simply showing the downloaded cover letter from the fiance packet? This would definitely eliminate the need to wait for the packet.

    I can't say for sure but a friend of my, also a fellow VJer, went to Ciudad Juarez before she got packet three in the US and before her fiance got packet three in Mexico. I'll try to ask her about the mysterious letter. I know for a fact that they went (and got the visa) before either person had received a packet. Let's all check into this!

    I'm a NOA2er that received the actual packet and "letter" from the consulate, they arrived together in the mail. I actually got mine before she got hers in Mexico! :lol: I can tell you the packet is identical to the one on the consulate's website. Then our case was recalled like everyone else after March 6th. OUCH!

    You need the letter to get the medical and also the interview. I believe you can get the letter directly from the consulate window (don't know much about this) if your case is there already but have not gotten notification by mail. Otherwise, wait for the mail.

    As I look at the letter, it basically just identifies the fiancees case by case number, full name, and birthdate. So yes, you definitely have to have this letter but the packet can be downloaded.

    I'm actually going to Juarez for a short visit with her next week and we may do the medical to get it out of the way. This IMBRA thing messed us all up, I guess I'm lucky my love does not live on the other side of the world. Well, I will give more help if I can, just ask. :yes:

  12. According to the consulate website, nothing has to be sent to the consulate, just show up with all of the stuff they ask for in the packet they send to you.


    I have also read somewhere that once you are there if they have your case and you have not gotten your packet yet, you can get a confirmation notice from them to do your medical and your interview but don't take this as policy as it can change at any time probably. The packet is available on their site. Be careful when you go on it that it is the fiancee visa packet you are looking at and not some different one.

  13. today the 17 june will make four days in a row that i have been touched.. not to mention its a saturday too

    It seems they generally do work on Saturdays which is odd but great. While we have been touched 4 days in a row, it doesn't look like anyone from CSC has gotten the online case status message that says the RFE was sent . . .

    Someone did.

    Check the other threads because I can´t remember where I read it, but someone did.

    Same thing for a recalled case. Someone got a message saying RFE has been sent.

    I'm really starting to doubt the efficiency and reliability of the online service. I'm still believing the RFEs are being sent en masse and they will arrive within the next few weeks. Of course, I will still keep on the USCIS about it also.

    Any chance they are sending more RFEs than changing the status online and we will all get it pretty soon?

    Or they have to open each case to send the RFE?

    To be honest, I have no idea but I think this online case status thing is not reliable. There are duplicate notices sent, no notices sent and there is obviously a hole in the system that does not address this IMBRA situation. They really need to reengineer it from the top down.

    I did read a post by aussiewench #1297 on page 87 of "Lets collect some information about IMBRA effects" that eased my mind a little about the NOA2ers though, you should check it out. I'm not sure where the info came from but it seems logical.

    Staying positive and asking questions always!

  14. today the 17 june will make four days in a row that i have been touched.. not to mention its a saturday too

    It seems they generally do work on Saturdays which is odd but great. While we have been touched 4 days in a row, it doesn't look like anyone from CSC has gotten the online case status message that says the RFE was sent . . .

    Someone did.

    Check the other threads because I can´t remember where I read it, but someone did.

    Same thing for a recalled case. Someone got a message saying RFE has been sent.

    I'm really starting to doubt the efficiency and reliability of the online service. I'm still believing the RFEs are being sent en masse and they will arrive within the next few weeks. Of course, I will still keep on the USCIS about it also.

  15. Our NOA2 is dated April 12th. Yesterday I spoke with someone at the VSC and he said that there'd been action on our case at all - no RFE made on it, nothing - could only confirm that they had our application and that he didn't know what was going to happen to applications that had been approved.

    Then, last night I checked on the USCIS website and (for the first time since 4/12) it had been updated and it said that a RFE went out on June 12th. So...VSC says one thing and USCIS says another...you know who I'm hoping is the right one!

    can you update your timeline?

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