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Posts posted by Lewis

  1. Hey, whatsup, just got back from my trip. I just read some of the new threads. I sent in an expedite request last Monday and I will call tommorow and ask about it. The 72 hours probably begins once the package is opened. I have called once before with no results. No status changes at all on my online case status. Good luck everyone.

  2. Yep me too. Im an NOA2, with a noa1 receipt date of 3/14/06.

    Case has not been touched since 4/01/06....very depressing..

    Since we have some racalled cases being updated, I think no one should freak out about having their petition lost.

    I am freaking out and will be until my case is re APPROVED. But I think they´re working on our cases.

    They are.

    We should all get an update this week.

    Let´s see.

    You're right, let's all keep on staying positive, weekends can be tough sometimes.


  3. The USCIS is resposible for part of the process of issuing fiancee visas and at this point they are not doing an efficient job of it. If you look at the timeline section you can compare the wait times before and after IMBRA. I kindly disagree with you, it is the government's responsibility to be as efficient as possible and it is the american public's expectations that partly drive the government's general efficiency through feedback, elections and lawsuits. If the public does nothing, the government does not operate with the public interest in mind.

    As for the political situation in our country, I won't comment but I will say the abovementioned situations should have no effect whatsoever on the fiancee visa process. I really can't see any relevance at all. In fact, the only reason all of this is occuring is due to lack of preparation by the responsible agencies in dealing with the new IMBRA law. Personally, it is hard to be sympathetic to a huge governmental agency that has no clear publicized policy on handling IMBRA.

    Sorry, I can't just accept this situation as it is. My government has admittedly made a huge error and has offered nothing in return but total frustration and no clear plans to deal with it. It's very difficult for me to just sit back and accept it.

    This is not a typical situation, we are talking about a future marriage here, this is not a driver's license.

  4. I'm not sure that the IMBRA would be considerd as an error on the part of the uscis.

    Thats just the way life is guy's and there isnt much we can do about it.

    The fact of the matter is who is to blame ? can you place blame, even though they should have forseen the problems with the forms before hand?

    I dont see where any one agency is to blame here.

    Its clearly an govt. oversite that was really unavoidable.

    I think if alot of the people stop sending so many e-mails and calling for nonimportant reasons maybe they can get something done there .

    I dont like waiting as much as the next guy but i am not going to flood the service centers with a bunch of junk so i can slow down the process even more.

    After I read this, I was kind of amazed at the sit back and wait attitude of these statements. These attitudes are exactly how and why the USCIS has become the untransparent, inefficient behemoth it is today. To imply that people trying to communicate with their government is a negative thing which slows down governmental efficiency is nonsense and to say that this was unavoidable is also nonsense. I agree, there is a possibility there is not one agency to blame, but in my opinion it was clearly USCIS error which means I have a right to request an expedite as you do according to their policy. I'm sure a lot of the other members don't consider their correspondence with their representatives, senators and governmental agencies "junk" as you do. I hope the process goes quickly also, but I refuse to just sit and wait.

  5. Im an NOA2 also and I cant even get these people to tell me if they have my petition here back from the Philippines. I did get an email from the Consolete in the Philippines saying they cant process the interview until the Petition is re approved. Mine was mailed back from the Consolete on June 2nd.

    There is no update online besides the date of my NOA2 Approval on April 8th.

    I'm totally in the dark. :unsure:

    No update for mine either since NOA2 approval on April 6th. Let's hope this week there is some action.

    I have done all I can on my end to find out what's going on and I'm not too happy about the customer service of the USCIS right now. I know my petition was sent back at the end of May and beginning of June through the consulate and the NVC. Other NOA2s have gotten updates on their cases, there should be something soon hopefully. I'm just happy to go to Mexico tommorow and forget about this mess for a while.


  6. That's good thinking, I don't see any reason we would get an rfe, our cases were already approved. And i think you are right, they probably already know which companies are marriage brokers and hopefully they will reapprove our petitions soon. But hey, we are dealing with the USCIS, which means anything is possible.

  7. No updates yet, I'm sure it will be soon. You guys are probably right about our files, they have to be mated with our petitions in order for our cases to be checked. DOS? who knows at this point, it's just good you know they have your case now. They obviously had to do some fixing of their case update system.

  8. Hi.

    Sorry to start a new topic for the recalled petitions, but the other one is getting too long and confused as well.

    I check my status online all the time, and they just updated it.

    It no longer says "This case has been approved...'

    It now says:

    "On June 22, 2006, we received this case back from the Department of State for further review. We will mail you a notice when our review is complete or when we take other action."

    My case was recalled on May 17th due to IMBRA, and I didn´t get any update since then.

    I´m surprised they don´t mention anything about RFE.

    What should I think? Does it sound bad like a new security check thing or they will finally mail me the RFE?

    Also, on May 24th I got an email from NVC saying they sent my case back to Vermont, which I confirmed this week with their officers.

    Strange they got it back from DoS.

    Why do you think that is????

    I think it is the beginning of the good news for us all! Thanks for starting the new thread, that other one got out of control!

  9. Whatsup, I was wondering where this post went. I have no news, just here to add support. I'm focused now on getting my senators to check my case, but that will take time. Hopefully, by the time they are calling, the RFEs will come. It is good news that people are seeing them come in at this point. The only thing keeping me sane is my visit to Mexico coming up.

  10. Just need to stay positive and not fall into despair............Remember, it has only been a week since USCIS released their statement regarding the RFE. I plan to continue calling VSC about once or twice a week. If nothing else, to make sure they know I'm not going away. I also plan to continue harassing Ms. Clinton and Mr. Schumer until they respond.

    Fortunately for me, I was able to arrange a trip to see my lady at the end of July which gives me something to look forward to and makes the waiting a little easier.

    I'm with you, we already know how to handle the situation, just keep on it. We have everything at our disposal. To count on the USCIS to give a rational explanation at this time is kind of pointless. the RFES have just started rolling out, patience is the key. What helped me is not just relying on the USCIS but enquiring all involved agencies and contacting my representatives. Mere speculation will get you nowhere and creates a negative atmosphere. Just keep on it and share info!

    That's cool, you have a trip too! I'm also fortunate, I have a trip planned next week to see my love, it actually was supposed to be our interview trip. We are going to try to knock out the medical and the visa fee on this one if we can.

  11. Hi everyone,

    I'm pretty new to all of this so I'm still trying to figure out what all of the abbreviations mean! I sent in my application for an I-129F visa on May 2, 2006 and I recieved an email on Thursday, June 15 stating that a RFE was being mailed to me. I still haven't recieved it so I have no idea what it's about. After reading all these posts it seems like something is going on?

    Go to the Visa FAQ tab on top of the page and go to the appendix, you can find defined terms there. Your petition has been recalled due to IMBRA most likely, a new law that affects all I-129Fs for a K1 after a reciept date of March 6th 2006. It's actually a good thing you got notified that your RFE is on its way, many other people have not received this notice. I would suggest going to the thread "Vermont and RFE (involving IMBRA)" pages 4-5 and letting them know this info so they can add it to the list of the people that have received notification that the RFE is on the way.

    As for IMBRA, well, there are many posts on this topic all over. When I first got started here, I read all of the guides and the FAQs first. Then IMBRA happened and all of us had to learn about this particular subject together.

  12. Well well I finally got through to VSC on my 4th try! And yes my case is back with them, thank goodness. This is good news for the Russia people. She didn't have a timeline for when the RFE's would go out but she DID recommend filing an expedite request. And since we haven't heard anything I'm going to do that at the end of the week if I don't get an email from them and let you know how it goes.

    I sent one today; here is the template. Also include the State Dept. memo highlighted with the quotes from the letter. You may want to modify it according to your specific case:


    U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services

    Vermont Service Center

    ATTN: Expedite Request

    75 Lower Welden Street

    St. Albans, VT 05479

    To whom it may concern:

    My name is xxxxx and my fiancée’s name is xxxxx. The purpose of this letter is to request expedition of our approved I-129F petition (receipt #) due to USCIS error. My fiancée was notified by the xxxxx consulate by phone that our approved petition was being returned for review to the USCIS.

    I later discovered an unclassified memo released by the State Department (00077044) that states “Some petitions were approved in error under the old procedures and sent through the National Visa Center to posts for processing.” It logically follows that if the USCIS is responsible for approving I-129F petitions, then the USCIS is in error. The memo also states “The DHS Service Center Operations (SCOPS) Unit of USCIS, Status/Family Branch requested that posts return to NVC all K1 I-129F petitions with priority dates (date received at the DHS office) on or after March 6, 2006” which demonstrates USCIS error.

    Our petition was one of the petitions that was caught up in this error. I have included all relevant documents to this matter in this mailing which include a copy of the approved I-797C, a copy of the notice of approval from the NVC, and a copy of the letter from the Ciudad Juarez consulate informing us that our case was ready to process. At no time was I or my fiancée informed by the USCIS that this recall process had begun. We had to find out through press releases and a phone call from the consulate. Therefore, I request an expedition of my petition due to USCIS error.

    I would appreciate your consideration, thoroughness and fairness in this matter,





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