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Posts posted by Emo

  1. LAN is our 1st choice when flying to Lima..... There is no better airline to South America from the U.S.

    American was ok..... felt as though I was in a cattle car.... very cramped especially for a 6ft guy like myself and not much room to move around for 5 hours of flight time....... Did fly once to Lima in Business Class and of course no complaints.... Thank you Air Miles

    I've also flown on Copa through Panama to Lima and they are also good.

    Would I fly Spirit to save $100 or $200..... NO WAY !!! I would much rather pay the extra and fly LAN

    It’s for my mother in law and if she starves for a day it’s going to be good for her. She got her tourist visa yesterday in Lima without any problem.

  2. If you are in Peru and trying to decide which doctor to use for your medical exam, I advise you to NOT use doctor Oscar Situ. We did use doctor Oscar Situ because of our schedule and needing the medical exam on a certain day and 3 bad things happened:

    1. Even though my fiancee had her vaccine records that clearly showed she already had the MMR(Measles, Mumps, and Rubella) as well as Varicella, this doctor still gave her these vaccines again! Varicella is for the chickenpox. My fiancee already had the actual illness for the chickpox and has the scars to prove it, as well as the vaccine. Her vaccines are current, both April of this year (only 4 months old).

    2. We think that we were over-charged for the Human Papillomavirus vaccine, 500 soles. We went back to the office and complained about receiving 2 un-needed vaccines and were given 200 soles back. So the total amount paid for the 3 vaccines was 700 soles. After the refund for 2 un-needed vaccines, we ended up paying 500 soles for 1 dose of the Human Papillomavirus vaccine.

    3. The woman that draws blood doesn't know what she is doing. She put the band around my fiancee's arm to find the vein and was waiting for the tube to fill with blood without removing the band on the arm. She left a bruise about the size of 2 quarters on my fiancee's arm. I believe that kind of bruising is an indicator that the nurse does not know how to take blood.

    If you must see Oscar Situ I would recommend:

    1. Get a list of prices for the vaccines needed (if you can manage to get this at all)

    2. Make sure you understand what vaccines they are going to give before you let them be given. They obviously don't care about looking at the vaccine records before giving the vaccines.

    3. Make sure that your receipt list each vaccine given and the individual price. The receipt I was given only said "Vacunas" with 1 price, 700 soles. When the receipt is like this, it makes it easier for this clinic to lie about the cost of individual vaccines.

    The CDC website states that the cost of the Human Papillomavirus should be about $125 per dose. So, I do not understand why the price in Peru would be closer to $180 for 1 dose. Calling the other 2 doctors on the list, we found out the cost is close to 400 soles.

    This doctor also told my fiancee that all 3 of the vaccines she was given were together as 1 vaccine, like the MMR vaccine. Hmmm, that is strange, since she had 3 separate shots, 1 for each vaccine.

    In my opinion, Dr Oscar Situ should lose is ability to service for the United States Embassy.

    She doesn't need human papiloma virus vaccine


    I know a woman from Mexico coming here with K1 visa who was force to pay $200 for shot against pregnancy. I don’t know what they give her but two months after her arrival she was pregnant.

  3. The male brain:


    This is NC-17 (no one 17 and under admitted) :innocent::lol:

    do your parents know you're on the internet ? :P

    The feamle brain

    The male brain:


    This is NC-17 (no one 17 and under admitted) :innocent::lol:

    do your parents know you're on the internet ? :P

    The feamle brain


  4. I am really confused about the whole vaccination progress. Can anybody tell me, if the HPV vaccination is required for the K1 or AOS?

    I found out today that my insurance will pay for the vaccination. The problem is, that i probably wont get all the 3 shots done in time. Has anybody got the first two here and then the third one in the states? How much did you pay for the third?

    I searched the forum for this but all the entries kind of confused :wacko: me even more, so if anybody went through this lately and knows the facts i would appreciate answers so much. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! :thumbs:


  5. Hi all,

    My fiancee and I have prepared over 25lbs of evidence for her to bring to the interview, phone bills, text message staments, pictures, plane tickets, Yahoo chat conversation one page per day...etc. I bought her one full size and one half size portable file box from Staples to put it in. She has organized all the documents and evidence into those boxes but it's too heavy for her to carry. Now I regret thatI should have thought of getting the one with wheels...well it is too late to send her one...her interview is on the 3rd of June. My questions how much evidence did you bring to the interview and how? Thanks in advance.

    Reduce it to 5 lbs.

  6. OK, here's my huge problem:

    Right now I have a 10 year green card.

    I will meet the requirements to apply for citizenship on July (2008).

    Hubby was offered a job in Canada and he is really excited about it, he REALLY wants to take this job. And they want him there ASAP.

    We have no kids.

    We don't own a house (that's why we need this job in Canada, to actually be able to buy a house)

    Dad in law said we can use his house as a permanent residency while we are in Canada.

    If everything goes well with hubby's new job we will be out of the US for 2 or 3 years..

    How big is my problem and how can it be fixed? is it smart to wait until August , apply for citizenship, move to Canada and then come back for the interview or whatever? will they hold it against me that I am living in another country ?, should I get an immigration lawyer and will it make any difference whatsoever if I do?. please, whatever info you guys can give me I will really appreciate it. Thank you so much.

    I don't see a problem. You can move to Canada even now, just don't stay abroad more than 6 months per visit.

  7. My husband and I were married in Morocco in December 2006 and applied for a CR-1 Visa. He was approved and arrived in NY last week. When we went to the county office to register our marriage, we were told that NYS does not recognize marriages that took place outside the country. This does not make sense to us since his Visa was based on the fact that we ARE married. But, to appease the state, we were going to have a civil ceremony tonight, just for the paperwork but now I wonder if that will in any way affect his visa status in the future. I am thinking maybe we will just 'go through the motions' since my family was not with us in Morocco when we married, and simply not process the paperwork. Any suggestions on this situation???

    Why do you need to register your marriage???

  8. This is for the american men that have brought latin women here from another country (Dominican Republic, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, etc) and married them in the United States........Im curious as to how the latin women adjust to life? Are there couples still married after some years? How is life going? Do the women change when they get here to the USA? Are they still affectionate and loving?

    Take a look at this book:

    Translated Woman: Crossing the Border with Esperanza by Ruth Behar


  9. when i eventually (fingers crossed) get approved. i'm hoping not to be stuck at home all day doing nothing for three or four months waiting for aos and ssn and ead. i would also like to get back into the industry that i was trained in. in england the best way to find a job in fashion design, is unpaid work experience for a couple or more months normally.

    so my question is, even for unpaid workexperience do you need ead stamp and ssn number aswell?

    thanks in advance


    No you don't

  10. Here is the problem. I got here and I never did get my Green Card. The card got lost in the mail I guess. It was returned to the USCIS the first time that delivery failed and the second time it never got back to them so they charged me for a replacement. I didn`t have a spare $260 so I was unable to replace the card that the post office lost. I had a problem getting a job because of the expired I551 i my passport so I went to an infopass and they were good enough to stamp an extension to my temp stamp which expires in July when my removal window ends.

    So do I have to have my Green Card or will my I551 be good enough? You see I don`t have $260 right now.



    Sending copy of the I551 stamp instead of your green card shouldn’t be a problem.

    There are many people applying for naturalization who never received their 10 y. green card.

    Attach a letter explaining you didn’t receive your green card and save the part that you don’t have money for replacement.

  11. Hello Folks,

    We had our marriage interview in March, where our 130 part of the interview was 10 minutes and then the officer grilled me for about 100 minutes on the 485 part. Yesterday I got another interview notice, asking only to bring my passport. My lawyer got a little worried about the possibility of them trying to deport me; he was in touch with the officer before so he called and spoke to the officer. The officer strongly refuted the notion of there being any plans for removal proceedings and said that he had just forgotten to get me to sign the statement with my answers to his questions and that it shouldn't take more than 15 minutes. He also said that he asked for the passport just so I can get through security and I didn't have to bring it if I didn't want to...

    Any similar experiences that anyone has had, or has heard of, before? Should we be worried about possibility of removal proceedings, etc...?

    Have you done anything illegal?

  12. I had my transuchal ultrasound and my additional blood screen.The hospital called me and told me my blood came back bad and that I was at increased risk for downs...They have scheduled me for a rush amnio in 4 days and a genetic counseling session wednesday.Even if I do the amnio wed or tues it will be one week for preliminary and 2 weeks for complete which will put me at 20 weeks...finding out if the baby is downs..

    Its a several percent chance my baby is downs...and the amnio is a risk too..I ask myself if I would terminate if the baby was downs ....and my heart starts screaming inside my chest..Im waiting on my husband to make up his mind about what week he wants to leave algeria(hes applying for a transit visa to visit his mom in paris on the way here...)Ill have to drive myself to the amnio and suffer through the next 2 weeks alone...

    I have options

    Carry whatever I have been given to term

    Terminate if its a severe birth defect

    Not test with the amnio and play roulette

    My husband wants me to do the amnio and then keep whatever we have

    Im wanting to skip the amnio altogether but then Ill worry all pregnancy

    My body is really weak and im afraid the amnio would cause a miscarriage because I have no one to help me rest or take care of my small one(she jumps on my stomach and is heavy to lift

    I am besides myself because all my options suck

    Any advice?

    Do the amnio. Think later.

  13. Hello All

    I have a question about vaccination...this is my situation

    I arrive here in December, 25

    We marry last march,20

    We want to Adjust Status as soon as possible now.

    I am aware that I need to send this form I-693a in the package.

    I have in hands my DS-3025 that show my shots and that I still need more shots for to complete my vaccination.

    After I receive this DS-3025 from my doctor in Brazil, I took more a few shots in Brazil after that...(December) and here in USA I took more 2 shots in January .

    But I still need to wait until May for to receive my last Hepatite B dose.

    My question is...

    Can I send this I-693a without this last shot, with the package for AOS? What happen in this case?

    Or I will need to wait all this time before to send the package for AOS?

    Someone can help me please?

    Thanks in advance


    Hepatitis B ?

    take a look the reqiuremets



    I entered USA with K1 visa, but due to certain circumstances we didn't get married. So I live here in US since March 2007, which is 11 months. I was wondering can I file for a working visa here in US and how can I do it? Is it possible at all to stay here and not being deported? Or any other possibilities with the permission for me to legally work here (I really want to work). My fiance doesn't want me to leave, he still wants to marry me. But now he has serious problems with his business after he came from his deployment to Iraq, he is trying to solve them.

    I would really appreciate any information and advice!!! I couldn'd find anything on this case...

    Thank you very much!

    There is no way you can change K1 visa

  15. Hola a todos y muchas felicitaciones a los que ya han pasado por el proceso para finalmente recibir la tan anciada VISA.

    Tengo una pregunta para aquellos que han o estan en vias de ajustar su "status" con respecto a los requisitos de vacunaciones. La lista aparece en el siguiente link: http://travel.state.gov/visa/immigrants/ty...types_2994.html

    La pregunta es la siguiente: son aceptables dichas vacunaciones si se hacen en Colombia, o es recomendable que el beneficiaro las tome cuando ya se encuentre en US?



  16. Hi all,

    Please help!!!

    I have a relative currently living is USA. He came to USA when he was 12 years old. He finish his jur. school, high school, BS in Economics, BS in Computer Science and finally MS in Computer Science (this week). Unfortunately he is undocumented. So he now want to go back home to Bangladesh because it seems there is nothing going to happen soon ( I mean amnesty).

    Now the question is How can he legally get exit permit fro immigration dept. so he can buy a ticket to go back home.

    His Original passport was lost then he received another passport for the Bangladeshi consulate.

    Please help.


    there is no such thing as exit permit. valid paspport and ticket is all he needs, but looks to me his home is USA.

  17. I'm new to these forums, but have been reading through and they have been very helpful. I've just started the K1 process for my fiance who currently lives in Mexico. There is a situation though that I would love some advice on how to approach. I will give the facts as best I can.

    My fiance overstayed a visa around 7 years ago. She was in the US for a total of approximately 9 months, but is unsure if her orignal visa was 1 or 6 months (I know it matters). While here, she did hold a job, but her employer knew she was illegal and she was paid in cash. She did not rent, use credit cards, own a car, have a bank account, etc while she was here. She left voluntarily and without incident. When she left though, she did not return the visa or have anything stamped.

    Since that time, she has been back to the U.S., both for vacation and for work. Each time she has applied for and received a vaild visitors visa, and returned within the limits of the visa. She has vistited 2-3 times, the most recent being in 2006.

    I have several questions about how to approach this once we are further along in the K1 process. I know honesty is normally the best policy. But since she has applied for and recieved valid visitors visas, if she admitted now to overstaying, could they use that as a reason for a ban? Since the visa was never returned, could they know she overstayed? Or, on the other hand, since it was never returned, how could she prove she overstayed less than a year? Or perhaps even less than 180 days?

    From research here on this forum and on the net, it seems that if she overtayed less than 180 days, there would be no ban or waiver needed. If she overstayed 180-365 days, a 3 year ban would apply, but since this was almost 7 years ago, the ban would have already been served. Would a waiver still be needed? Can anyone here confirm my information is correct?

    I understand this is a delicate situation, and I want to get as much information about the best way to approach it and the potential consequences as possible.

    Thanks to all for any advice!

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