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Posts posted by bravagreen

  1. Hello great people. Can someone here update me on the 2021 DV selectees. My brother was selected but haven’t heard nothing till now and a friend told me they canceled all the 2021 winners. I don’t know how the is that. Can someone who have information about it update me here pls.

  2. Even you are making it hard for the readers here to suggest alternative opinions to you. If your wife was stuck in another state for high risk pregnancy due to Covid, then why did  you not go there to see her every month?  She could not travel but you in the other hand could travel to see her. Also about the child you could have a DNA by now to know whose the real bio is. You can’t build a case around the child when you don’t even ascertain if the child is yours. You also mentioned whether you should tell the interviewing officer the truth? If there is another truth to the story besides what you told them at the previous interviews then you can’t mention it again because is further going to damage the legitimacy of your relationship.  Good luck and wish you the best in your next interview.

  3. People may rush to use harsh words at you, I don't blame them because if any of them ever experience this your situation they would understand. The CO's are professional and we all know they are trained to do what they do but, we all know they are not there to give everyone visa despite the legitimacy of your relationship. they have a quota of how many they can issue every year and they will deny anyone and make up stories. I know how you feel because I have been through that before. The CO's are fond of lying about everyone they denied. We were denied for no reason and later in the memorandum they sent to the USCIS they stated a lot of lies in it and we overcome it so easily because they lied. We even told the USCIS to ask the embassy to furnish them the audio excepts of my interview to confirm all that they said in the NOIR. Just submit your communications, letters from your family and the man family attesting to the legitimacy of your relationship, write a rebuttal letter yourself and address all the points one after the other and state all the answers you gave at the embassy to the USCIS, add every iota of receipt concerning you both, whether is western union,road trip receipts, his boarding passes, cards and gifts you both send each other, if he have you on as beneficiary of any of his benefits including insurance and 401K plan, show them communication that dates back as early as the times you guys met. Give them many pictures. The USCIS is by far better than the embassies in dealing with cases base on facts and materials rather the perceptions and personal opinions. This is not the end of the road, if you allow them to win then is your choice, but I tell you what, if you peruse it by submitting more proofs and documents, you will receive reaffirmation letter. 

  4. Usually situations like this are so confusing . When the embassy sent you email telling you that you are still under administrative processing then i will rather take what they said. Because, the NVC case status is usually computerized and may create some confusion for you at times.. But to be on the safest side I would rather prefer you make the petitioner contact the congressman or the senator to ask the embassy the status of your case. if is returned they will tell them and if is still with them and under administrative processing they will tell them as well.

  5. 1 hour ago, ishmeal said:

    How can I contact the us embassy here in ghana

    It is extremely difficult to contact the US embassy in Ghana. They virtually don't want to talk to no one. But you have to keep sending them emails, or better still for a quick response allow your wife congressman or senator contact them on your behalf with what ever information you need from them.

  6. Is a sad situation to experience. some of us have seen the worse from the embassy before. Like someone said already, we have to apply common sense sometimes because this counselor officers are so picky. I would have never ever recommend a joint sponsor living in another state. The responsibility of a sponsor goes beyond financial aid to them, so how can someone who will not be seeing you on daily or weekly basis to make sure you have the necessary support till you get on your feet be your sponsor?  And secondly why is your wife not making effort to get a joint sponsor and you are the one doing that? If your wife needs you in the states she need to be serious than you, not the other way round.

  7. Everyone goes to the embassy with different reason as to why they need tourist visa. you looking for someone who have gone through it can't change the fact that your reasons for applying for tourist visa and ties to demonstrate a return after visit will not be same. we all wish you well in trying to get a tourist visa but, remember you could be setting yourselves up for more tougher and intensive interview questions for your CR1 if they refused your tourist visa. There is no harm in trying but if am in your shoes, I would just put in effort and gather more evidence for the CR1 interview ahead and ignore the tourist visa application. Is hard to wait but sometimes it pays to wait.

  8. You are supposed to returned it to the embassy in person and they will correct it ASAP. They accept cases like this as emergency. My friend K1 was also given a different nationality and he took it back and they apologized  and cancelled the old one and printed new one on another page.  Don't make a mistake and travel with it to the sates without the correction because it could be deemed as falsification of documents by you. Remember every details on it must match with what your passport says.

  9. The embassy sometimes put people on AP for as long as they want.  After my second interview with them on my reaffirmed IR1, I was still kept on AP for 4 months until my medicals was left with 6 weeks to expire that was wen they asked me to submit my passport. And even after that they still kept my passport till my medical was left with 2 weeks to expire before they issued my visa and by the time i received my passport in hand, I was left with a week to leave or go for new medical.Just prepare if they have your passport. They will issue you the visa.

  10. If the error was done by the Immigration and Foreign affairs that issued the passport then they will correct that passport to new one without a fee but if you made the mistake in the filling of the documents then, you will be charge new fee again. 

  11. all i suggest you do is say exactly what issues you have and what help and input of others do you need. if you say people should go and check your case history no one will have time to go back and read on your case history. That is why you did not get any suggestions. if you need a answers, always post straight what exactly you want. it does not matter how many times you have posted that but you still have to post it again.

  12. 7 minutes ago, bnation_86 said:

    thanks bro. i know Ghana embassy is a tough embassy. my point is just wanna know the how she can answer such question if they ask her. like i asked how long have you known each other... i believe the answer should be in numbers maybe 9 years but doesnt demand any explanation of plus or minus of the years we spoke and the years we didnt. im a little confused  because on the answer. met her in 2009 n we became friends till i traveled in 2010(friendship is 1 year) we lost contacts n found each other in 2014. so im wondering if we have to deduct the years we lost contact(2011,2012 N2013) from it or it should be included(making it 9 years?) 


    7 minutes ago, bnation_86 said:

    thanks bro. i know Ghana embassy is a tough embassy. my point is just wanna know the how she can answer such question if they ask her. like i asked how long have you known each other... i believe the answer should be in numbers maybe 9 years but doesnt demand any explanation of plus or minus of the years we spoke and the years we didnt. im a little confused  because on the answer. met her in 2009 n we became friends till i traveled in 2010(friendship is 1 year) we lost contacts n found each other in 2014. so im wondering if we have to deduct the years we lost contact(2011,2012 N2013) from it or it should be included(making it 9 years?) 

    just tell them as it is. tell them the total years you have known yourselves. From 2009.

  13. 4 hours ago, kubi_gyasi said:

    Thanks but in our case i met her in 2009 and we dated till i traveled in 2010. lost her contact and found her again in 2014 so i just want to know should we deduct 2011,2012,2013 from the number of years we've known each other since we weren't dating at that time?

    This don't add up to me. if you say you met in 2009 and became friends till you relocated to US and lost contact and later reconnected , I think is better than you telling us you met in 2009 and dated till you move to US and lost contact and reconnected in 2014, I think it will be weird to anyone. if you were dating and due to your relocation you lost contact then it don't add up. That statement alone will give rise to more follow up questions. Dating someone means you should know more info about them and how to even contact their relatives if you don't hear from them and you talking of 5 years without contact? The Ghanaian embassy is picky ad in as much as you will have to say the truth, be mindful of how you put it and don't end up contradicting yourselves at the interview.

  14. one person can not sign a married certificate in Ghana. He can only make an appointment for you 2 to get married, and that is the 21 days everyone is talking about. you will need to be there in person and your husband and whoever you guys deem necessary to be your witness. they all must sign before your marriage is registered under the  law. except you mean different thing but if it is signing of marriage, then is a must that you should be there.

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