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Posts posted by SunflowerSweet

  1. What do you mean? Do you mean that their same sex marriage may be treated differently depending on who interviews them?

    It's not the same-sex relationship that is the red flag in this case, I would say it's the age difference.

    But like was mentioned early, as long as you explain everything and have documentation of a legitimate relationship it shouldn't be an issue.

    The user was just saying it depends on your interviewer because they are going to have to use their discretion when making the final decision.

  2. I always had problems asking for "Tomato" juice, i.e. saying "Toe-mah-toe" would just get confused looks. It still feels weird saying "toe-may-toe", but at least I get what I wanted!

    My fiance asked for toe-mah-toe on his burger one time when we were at a restaurant in the states and the waitress gave him such a hard time haha. I may or may not have been teasing him too. :devil:

    In regards to the restaurant scene (not necessarily accents/language) he is still blown away that you can take unfinished food with you when you leave! It's such a common thing here I never questioned it but when I was visiting and we stopped at a restaurant over there and I told him I was going to ask for a "doggy bag" and he gave me this strange look and I was like "what do you mean I can't take the food I paid for home with me? What else are they going to do with it?". It was interesting haha

  3. I understand what you are coming from.

    Realistically though, the time it will take to mail the photos and signed documents is nothing compared to the wait for your petition to be approved, the wait for your case to be sent to the foreign embassy, the wait for your interview, etc.

    It's a long and difficult process. You will need to come to terms with that.

  4. While quite a few applications from late September have been approved, you are not the only one who is still waiting.

    Have you filled out your timeline? Once you do you will see a date near the bottom when you view it that will give you a range of when to expect your NOA-2.

    If that date has passed, they suggest calling USCIS and inquiring about your petition. I have not had to do this myself, and do not know how helpful calling has been for others, but it's what this site suggests.

  5. They are going to want wet signatures for the intent to marry, and you would be safer to send in the actual photos (some guides are adamant that they are on high quality photo paper).

    Is this for the I-129f packet? Or later is the process?

    If it's for I-129f your fiance will also need to fill out and sign the G325 as well. Really the only way to do this is to have them mail the documents and pictures to you..

  6. You haven't read my post. I was specifically talking about people who have met the obligatory number of times and then are granted the K1. This is happening but everyone wants to talk about long established relationships/LGBT/ and people from different faiths...talk about apples and oranges! Do we have to go from one extreme to another?

    Yes you did your research and chose K1 so you get to be with your partner sooner. I did my research too and chose to have a wedding in my home country with all my relations because that meant something to me.

    I've acknowledged Tha I am feeling bitter about my wait so you can't throw that in my face. I don't like how long this process is. Its too long no matter what the end result is it does not have to be so long. The end.

    You know international travel is expensive, right? It's kind of unrealistic to expect people, especially young people, to visit their s/o regularly if they do not have unlimited funds to do so.

    Trust me if I could see my fiance more often than I do now, I would. But I have a job I need to be present for and college classes and rent to pay so it's just not realistic.

    It has NOTHING to do with just meeting a required number of visits and then not seeing him anymore because I don't need to. You again are making assumptions.

    It's a difficult process regardless of the route you go and belittling others who are going through it is just not necessary. Negativity will not help anyone get approved any faster.

  7. You're right. Point taken. The impression I got is a lot of k1 visa applicants meet on the internet and have one or two obligatory visits before applying for this visa then voila 6 months later in the US getting married - which to me screams marriage fraud. Whereas if you've met someone in person, lived with them, got to know them,married etc it kinda says genuine relationship. I think in the immigration process there is very little distinction being made and the people who met yesterday at being given the same rights those with established relationships. We are being treated like criminals for falling in love.

    Sorry for the bitterness.

    Wait what?

    Just because people are filing for a K-1 doesn't mean that they didn't meet in person or didn't spend time living together or anything like that. I'm sorry if that's how it seems to you but it's not always the case.

    A lot of times people go with the K-1 route simply because they did their research on wait times and different requirements and they made an informed choice to wait to get married.

    Kind of insulting to insinuate that just because we want to wait to get married that our marriages are more likely to be fraudulent.

    You complain about being treated like criminals but you are accusing others of being more criminally inclined? Makes no sense to me.

  8. My fiance's accent is extremely subtle. It's strange since his entire family have the strong Liverpudlian accent but with him you can only really here it on certain words.

    He was visiting here and we ran into a British family in Chicago and they actually thought he was just faking his accent because it was so slight.

    I do have to say I wouldn't mind if it was a stronger accent aha

  9. London right now asks for the I-134 and then if you have a letter from your employer (if applicable). Tim took my tax returns for the past 3 years, w2 and paystubs and they did not want any of it. They may look for other things if self employed or using assets but if your wages meets the requirements they like the letter.

    Hope this helps

    I am a little worried about the employment letter just because for my job it is technically a temporary position, so if I ask my employer to draw up a letter it will say so.

    I do not make enough to sponsor him along, but my father is also going to fill out an I-134 and I will have him get an employment letter for sure. He makes over $70,000 a year with a family of 5 including him so that is above the requirement level. It helps that his boss actually came here from Canada on a K1 (it was quite a while ago, he is a full US citizen now) so he knows exactly what to include in the letter.

  10. Taxes are not due until after January, self sponsorship in London makes more sense.

    To more clearly get an answer for my actual question, that means they will accept it, correct?

    Are you suggesting my fiance sponsor himself instead of me, the USC filling out an affidavit of support?

    That is not an option, as he does not have an income and has very little savings.

  11. **Asking this in the UK-specific forums since multiple members in the past have mentioned UK is generally pretty lenient on I-134 "proof"

    With the new tax year fast approaching (starting Jan 1st) and the date of my NOA-2, it's very likely that by the time my fiance has his interview, the next tax year will have started.

    Currently my most recent option for ordering tax transcripts is 2014. Will this be accepted af proof at his interview even if it is held in January of 2016?

    If not, do you suggest I don't bother bringing it at all and just supply other proof of income, or will it still be helpful to bring along?


  12. I think the eNotification doesn't have the receipt #. You need the receipt # so you can check the status on the uscis website.

    Both the text and email e-notifications do have the receipt number. At least they did for me... The difference is that notice date which is the correct date to use for estimating when your case will be decided, as well as information verification as was mentioned above.
  13. Hey Herosam and MorganandMichel did you find the approval only via the case tracker app or did you get an email notification?

    I'm starting to get stressed out!!!! :clock:

    Today is my mom's birthday I hope I can celebrate her and our approval! Fingers crossed :goofy:

    I did not receive and email. I checked the app this morning (I actually hadn't even downloaded it until today!) and this is what I saw:


  14. Hello everyone!

    Happy to announce that according to the USCIS Case Tracker app, our petition has been APPROVED!

    Here is my timeline:

    9/28/2015 - I-129f Packet Mailed to Texas Lockbox

    10/1/2015 - NOA 1 Email - I-129f sent to California Service Center

    10/8/2015 - NOA 1 Hard Copy

    10/27/2015 - Approved!

    My fiancé and I are very happy and hope everyone else receives their notice soon as well!

    Now to open some champaign and celebrate with a 3 hour skype date! :joy:

  15. Hello Everyone! My name is Brittany and my fiancé is Lee (UK) and I've been lurking a little, but decided to post and share our timeline. Here's what we have so far...

    I-129F sent - October 5th

    NOA text received - October 9th

    NOA hard copy received - October 13th

    On the hard copy it says date received October 6th

    I'm trying to not get too carried away with wedding planning, but it's hard. In a perfect world we would be all said and done with all of this visa craziness by mid April and my fiancé would move over here at the end of April and we would get married 7.7.16. That's my perfect world scenario. I've never been a patient woman to begin with, but this whole thing is totally driving me crazy. Has anybody in this group got their NOA2 yet?

    Hello Brittany! Welcome to the October filers!

    It's always nice to see a fellow UK petitioner!

    I get what you mean about not getting too carried away with wedding planning, I am the same way.

    Your date received is only 5 days later than ours, and since we are filing for the same country, I will make sure to let you know as soon as I get my NOA-2 as it should be helpful in estimating when you will get yours.

    Again, welcome! Let's both hope for a speedy visa process for our British boys! :wub:

  16. OMG there is people in the K1 Fiance Visa Timeline that got their NOA1 between the 21 and 24 of September and just got their NOA2 yesterday.

    We got ours on the 30....that means that we might get our NOA2 next WEEK!!!!

    And my Fiancé is coming to visit me!!!! :wub:

    Is going to be a wonderful beginning of November! :star: :star: :star:


    Hello Jannina,

    I know you posted it somewhere but did you get your electronic NOA-1 on the 30th or your hard copy on the 30th?

    I'm not really sure which date I should be using for the timeline. Obviously I would prefer the electronic one, since it's only a day later than yours, but I am worried it won't be as accurate.

  17. I am visiting my Fiance in England for Christmas and in addition to the usual proof of ties to America, I was thinking of bringing along a packet I received from the facility we are planning out wedding at.

    It has both my fiance and my name on it, and includes the date and cost of the wedding, as well as our down payment that we have already made.

    Would this be a good idea to bring along? I thought it might be as it shows we are committed to following through with the process and getting married together in the US and have put money down already.

    What do you guys think?

  18. Hi Guys. sent my application for K1 last September 16 and received the NOA1 September 24. I'm just wondering when their going to send the NOA2. I'm a little bit worried because I read some forum they received their NOA2 after 20 days the date they received their NOA1. It's been 1 month the last time I received my NOA1 tell now I didn't receive the NOA2

    Good luck to all of us guys!

    Sept 16,2015 - sent I-129F

    Sept 19, 2015 - USPS delivered

    Sept 24, 2015- received NOA1

    ???????????- NOA2

    I would suggest filling out your timeline.

    At the bottom they will give you an estimate of when you should expect to receive your NOA-2.

    If that time has passed they suggest actually contacting USCIS and asking for an update.

  19. I really wish I could edit my first post, I feel sort of dumb now for not noticing you said "Green Card" in the title.

    The RFE replies for the green card process seem even quicker than those for the I-129f process, so I wouldn't be worried at all.

    From what I understand, once you are sent an RFE that means your case has been opened and looked into. The waiting period before that can mean your case hasn't been really started at all, but once they look into it and notice something is missing, they are usually quick about getting it back on track.

  20. While I have not personally received and RFE (yet... let's keep it that way!) I find browsing the timelines for this sort of info can be helpful.

    From what I have seen, after sending in and RFE people usually get their RFE reply between 1-2 weeks.

    As for receiving that actual NOA-2 after sending in your RFE, there is more variance on this depending on how important the info in the RFE was and how far they got into your case before it/how much work they still need to do after you submit it.

    I have heard most people say it adds around another month or so. It's probably gunna depend on what service center you are at as well.

    PS I just want to say how cute you and your wife's usernames are haha. My fiance and I are huuuuuuuge GoT fans!

  21. I am kind of nervous/excited since my mother, sister (maid of honor), and I are meeting with the wedding planner at the place we are planning on holding the wedding this weekend! (Fiance may join us via skype! haha)

    Still haven't received an NOA-2 but so far the planner has been very understanding. Apparently his brother is also marrying someone from a foreign country so he understands the uncertainty of the process and has offered to hold a date for us without a cash deposit so far!

    Are any of you making wedding plans yet? Our tentative date is set for the 29th of July, and as long as the NOA-2 arrives before the end of November (which it should) we should be fine if everything after runs smoothly.

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